These are, for the most part, the facts. Although we'd have to change Cranky to the original Donkey Kong, and Candy and DK aren't married and they don't have a son.
It all boils down to one question: Can gorillas, monkeys, chimpanzees, mandrills, baboons, and orangutans successfully mate? I sure as heck don't know, but we might have some smart people here who do.
Jomingo wrote:I believe he's already stated in another thread that he doesn't want a family tree, and that instead he'll just state any know lineages in each character's bio.
Tiptup Jr. wrote:...but in DKC3 Blizzard Bear says that DK is Dixie and Kiddy's cousin...
Qyzbud wrote:Speaking of which... somehow I got the idea that Wrinkly's save cave was located somewhere central, but had lots of access tunnels (in the different worlds). I suppose that's a topic for another thread, though.
The young visitor looked around. Apart from the stone walls, the redecorated cave was almost identical to Wrinkly's hut back in the jungle, complete with the same cosy old furniture.
"It's a nice cave," she said uncertainly.
"Yes, isn't it lovely?" Wrinkly beamed as she poured the tea. "Very useful too - there are tunnels that come in from miles around, so wherever you're off to, you've got no excuse for not popping in every now and then. Where are you off to, anyway?"
Dixie suddenly remembered why she was there. "DK and Diddy," she said quickly. "Have you seen them?"
Yes, he can be clumsy and stubborn, but the only person he's ever really held a grudge against is old adversary K. Rool, as much his arch-enemy as Mario was Cranky's (so he keeps telling them).
Tiptup Jr. wrote:EDIT: Top of the Page Dance! Or do we do something different around here?
Here is a list of all the kongs:
City Kong
Now, here are my theories. It is just made up, so don't take it seriously:
There are 4 different family trees:
1) DK's Tree:
Cranky's brother is Karate Kong, and Dread, Sumo, and Ninja are his sons.
Funky is DK's younger brother. This explains why he is so lazy/rebellious, because DK is the first born and he inherits the island, so Funky is ignored, causing him to lash out.
Funky could be Diddy's father. This would make him DK's nephew. If you compare Diddy with sunglasses and a boombox to Funky in the original Funky Flights, you'll see the similarities.
Wrinkly also has an unnamed sister, who is dead. Her son's are Swanky and City kong.
2) Candy's Family Tree:
Candy has 3 siblings: Bumpkin, Kiddy/Chunky's parent, and Dixie/Tiny's parent.
3) Lanky's Tree:
Lanky and Manky are brother's. That's it.
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