favourite game of the trilogy

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favourite game of the trilogy

Donkey Kong Country
Donkey Kong Country 2
Donkey Kong Country 3
Total votes : 43

favourite game of the trilogy

Postby Goe » August 12th, 2008, 6:56 am

I am sure DKC2 will be the winner, but i think it was interesting to see if most people prefer DKC to DKC3 or viceversa

My favourite game is DKC. Reasons:

Playing as DK
the best special and sound effects of the trilogy
Great enemy designs(but not as good as DKC2)
Great stages and music(but not as good as DKC2)

I love DKC2, it has many improvements to DKC, but i prefer DSKC anyway.

Hope see your votes
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Re: favourite game of the trilogy

Postby DK4Ever » August 12th, 2008, 9:00 am

Wow, 3 votes for DKC 3? really?

I personally thought DKC was the best. It started it all, DK was playable, it was the most upbeat, it had the snow levels, and some of the best music (Northern Hemispheres, Gangplank Galleon, and Fear Factory, as well as Jungle Hijinx, were AMAZING.

More votes for DKC 1!
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Re: favourite game of the trilogy

Postby Diddy_Gal » August 12th, 2008, 9:07 am

Donkey Kong Country 2, EPIC WIN!
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Re: favourite game of the trilogy

Postby Cody » August 12th, 2008, 10:55 am

DKC2 is great, of course, but I think it actually might be my least favorite in the trilogy. All of the environments for the most part seemed rather bland to me; don't get me wrong, I like the ideas, but the levels and how they were constructed didn't leave enough creativity for thd evelopers to work with.
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Re: favourite game of the trilogy

Postby Jomingo » August 12th, 2008, 11:24 am

I liked DKC2 the best. I was almost tempted to say DKC, but I just love all the additions to DKC2, like Dixie, team-throw, the end level target, etc. All of the bosses were cool, and it definately left a huge sense of satisfaction upon completion. DKC (as great as it was) had a lot of problems, being the first of the series. DKC3 was probably the most innovative of the trio, and the most unique, and yet somehow at the same time it was much less memorable for me.
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Re: favourite game of the trilogy

Postby Kiddy14 » August 12th, 2008, 12:26 pm

Cody wrote:DKC2[...]I think it actually might be my least favorite in the trilogy. All of the environments for the most part seemed rather bland to me[...]

I agree with you, while DKC and DKC3's environments all give something "unique", DKC2's setting were kind of washed out. For example, Lava and Swamp levels in DKC2 are most likely the same, the only difference is the "skin".
The truth is that DKC2's levels kind of bore me. They are repetitive (Rambi Rumble, Web Woods, Rattle Battle, Bramble Blast, Schreech Sprint, Slime Climb, Clapper's Cavern, and many others), and most don't let you "play around" as the constant enemies and danger are always present. You are forced to follow the game step by step.
In DKC and 3 this "constant" danger is only presented in the last world (and in 3's case, the lost world too), not since the 3rd world!
And DKC2's music is repetitive and less catchy than DKC&3's. The same with the bosses.
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Re: favourite game of the trilogy

Postby DK4Ever » August 12th, 2008, 1:41 pm

Still only two votes for DKC?

I see a lack of appreciation for the games' namesake and his buddy. :evil:
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Re: favourite game of the trilogy

Postby Gnawzooka » August 12th, 2008, 2:30 pm

Well, I personally preffered DKC2. I haven't played 3, but what I've seen it looks...wierd.
Kiddy14 wrote:And DKC2's music is repetitive and less catchy than DKC&3's.

Really? I haven't even owned a SNES for 6 or 7 years, but I've remembered alot of the music for that entire time. I prefer alot of the DKC2 music to most, if not all other video game music, and most proper music.
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Re: favourite game of the trilogy

Postby Kiddy14 » August 12th, 2008, 2:51 pm

The thing is that *flashbacks*:
DKC's are ear catching, DKC3's are ear catching and have a dark mood in them, but DKC2's; you actually have to pay attention to it to notice it. I sometimes finish a level and suddenly notice the music change and think:"Oh yeah, there's music in the game".

While in DKC or DKC3, since the music is not THAT repetitive, I pay attention to it and usually finish chanting it. For example, even though Stickerbush Symphony's pretty awesome, the first tune is used in the WHOLE song! with no pause in it.
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Re: favourite game of the trilogy

Postby CaptainEddie » August 13th, 2008, 1:49 am

I don't care what you guys say, DKC2 was the best. I disliked DKC3 the most because to me, the music wasn't very memorable. DKC and DKC2's were, but not 3. Kiddy got on my nerves, the game was the most cartoony, and I thought the bears were stupid.
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Re: favourite game of the trilogy

Postby Stone » August 13th, 2008, 2:21 am

Hard to say which is my favourite one, I like both DKC and DKC2 the most.
The music is totally different in DKC2, both soundtracks are very nice.
I tried to like 3's music as much as the the other two, but I cannot.
DKC2 gets my vote for adding so much new features that enhance gameplay.
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Re: favourite game of the trilogy

Postby Cody » August 18th, 2008, 6:40 pm

When it comes to music, I feel DKC2 beats them all, too. DKC comes second, and then DKC3 (but that's my opinion).

Though, I like the DKC3 GBA soundtrack much more than the three above (as beautiful as DKC2 is, I just do! ;) ). If, in the future, someone made a program to convert GBA music to SNES format, I'd definitely convert the DKC3 GBA soundtrack...and cherish it.

Don't get me wrong, DKC2 is a TERRIFIC game. I just think it's a tad overrated. It appears brilliant for the first hundred times you play it; it shortly gets old. Sadly, I can't say I get tired of DKC3 too much when I actually get into it.
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Re: favourite game of the trilogy

Postby Goe » August 18th, 2008, 8:06 pm

so you have voted for DKC3 i guess
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Re: favourite game of the trilogy

Postby Gnawzooka » August 19th, 2008, 2:16 pm

It's close between 2 and 3. :shock: The original isn't faring too well though.... But I guess that just means they made lots of improvements.
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Re: favourite game of the trilogy

Postby Rodent » September 1st, 2008, 9:13 am

I voted for 2. All the games are excellent in terms of gameplay, and the soundtracks were all good, but I liked the levels and music in DKC2 best. And Diddy. :D
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Re: favourite game of the trilogy

Postby laceygriffen » April 21st, 2010, 9:31 pm

The Games Trilogy is comprised of three unique offerings covering IP Communications, Security and Storage Networking.Donkey Kong Country2 is my favorite game graphically it looks very good on the GBA.These include many hidden bonus stages with collectible tokens, called Kremcoins, which are rewarded for completing the level. The player can access these hidden levels by finding barrels with the letter "B" on the front. Kremcoins, once collected at the end of each hidden stage, can be used to unlock the "Lost World" and eventually the final ending.
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Re: favourite game of the trilogy

Postby nickduffy27 » April 22nd, 2010, 8:29 am

While they are all great games, I have to go with the third one. See, alot of people haven't played it because it came out when the N64 did, but for us fans who played the game, most of us complain about the most PICKY things possible.

Kiddy isn't that bad first off. He brought back the balance of big kong, little kong. Having both Donkey and Diddy captured was a good idea because what would you do with Donkey and Diddy again? Re-do the first game with different levels? The originality wouldn't have been there.

Also, the music is great in the third one. The dark creepy tone of the water music, to the loud rocking canyon theme, it all fit in place without being too obnoxious. The first game was great, the second game was great but a tad overrated, and the last one was just right.
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Re: favourite game of the trilogy

Postby Scraps69 » May 5th, 2010, 10:21 am

I'm shocked by the poll result to be honest. DKC2 is expected because everyone raves about it. But DKC1 seems to have been shafted.
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Re: favourite game of the trilogy

Postby jenny » May 10th, 2010, 9:44 pm

I voted for DKC2 because for me it is just the best. Also concerning the music I just love number 2. But I have to tell you that I have lots of friends who are really into DKC ... they say it has a kind of retro and oldschool style. Sometimes I also play DKC but most of the time it is DKC 2 .... DKC 3 is just not my game.
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Re: favourite game of the trilogy

Postby neekerisanni123 » May 28th, 2010, 3:18 am

Voted for the original DKC, because I have wonderful memories of this masterpiece. Honestly, in my opinion, DKC is the best game ever. In fact, it was one of the first games I've ever played. :mrgreen:
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Re: favourite game of the trilogy

Postby Tiptup Jr. » May 30th, 2010, 3:42 pm

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Re: favourite game of the trilogy

Postby Markster » August 11th, 2010, 7:14 am

The best out of the series is DKC2

1. DKC2
2. DKC3
3. DKC
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Re: favourite game of the trilogy

Postby HavocReaper48 » August 19th, 2010, 1:46 pm

DKC3? Seriously? That game was just bad. They tried to make everything different and cool, but failed. Music was bad too. I say DKC2 for it's excellent music, gameplay, depth, originality, music, animal buddies, worlds, bosses, and music.
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Re: favourite game of the trilogy

Postby Markster » August 20th, 2010, 3:36 am

HavocReaper48 wrote:DKC3? Seriously? That game was just bad. They tried to make everything different and cool, but failed. Music was bad too. I say DKC2 for it's excellent music, gameplay, depth, originality, music, animal buddies, worlds, bosses, and music.

Bad game? DKC3 is great!
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Re: favourite game of the trilogy

Postby Phyreburnz » August 20th, 2010, 10:00 am

I love the first one, I know the second is more popular, though. My favourite character is Donkey. But I like Dixie, too. It is difficult to decide, though. I do like the first because of the cave and snow levels. I love Slipslide Ride. I think it'd be neat if they would have made one cartridge with both games.

I do hate the third.If they would have had the Kremlings look like the old ones and had better music, maybe I'd like it better. And, well, I don't know if I can say I HATE the third, it's probably in my top ten-to-twenty snes games. It just sucked as a DKC sequel.
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Re: favourite game of the trilogy

Postby Saladin » September 16th, 2010, 4:24 am

I'm also surprised by the popularity of the third.

All three games had some beautiful levels. My complaint with DKC3's is the theme. DKC's were mostly the great untamed wilderness. DKC2 alternated between wilderness and civilization, doing both wonderfully. DKC3 had to combine the two too much.

As an example, in the snow levels of the first game, you could look out over vast forested mountaintops. In the snow levels of the third game, you look out over houses built in valleys and up the sides of mountains. Even the immediate background is filled with houses, snowmen, and fences. All DKC had was an igloo or two per level to serve as an entrance or exit.

DKC's forests were nothing but trees and fallen leaves. Even Tree Top Town had the feeling of being tucked away high up in the branches of a misty, forgotten forest, where it's completely unknown to any but the inhabitants. DKC3's forests, on the other hand, are filled with saws, logging mills, and stumps.

Overall, DKC3 gives me the feeling of being the sort of place people go on vacation. Between the ski-lifts, and the bear cabins everywhere, and even the big Walt-Disney castle in the middle, it looks like a giant tourist trap, where everything dangerous has been paved over, and there's always a always a McDonald's in walking distance--but you never have to walk because a tour bus will be by every fifteen minutes.

I don't like the level designs either. In DKC3, almost every level has a gimmick. This happened in DKC and DKC2 as well, but on a far lesser scale. In DKC, the only gimmick levels in the first four worlds are Stop and Go Station, Slipslide Ride, and Torchlight Trouble. DKC2 upped the frequency to maybe two a world. DKC3 upped the frequency a lot. There is no "normal" level. Entire worlds, like Kaos Kore, and Kremwood Forest consist only of gimmicks.

There are a couple of gimmicks that I like, but not as much as I liked the ones in DKC2. For example, DKC3 has a time trial race in Riverside Race, but I don't find it anywhere near as fun as DKC2's Screech's Sprint, or Rickety Race.

DKC3 is filled with mini-games and side quests, which I feel detract from the main game. I don't like Swanky's new game, or the boss based on it. I don't like losing Cranky's advice to it either. I don't like the banana birds, or the vehicular upgrades. I also don't like the item trading with the bears. If I wanted a game with an inventory and item trading, I would play Zelda. I think it usually detracts from platformers when they try to stick this stuff in.

I'll give DKC3 credit for two things: sometimes the graphics are the best in the series. In particular, I love the background of Lakeside Limbo, and all the graphics of Kong-fused Cliffs. In addition, I like Ellie. I know she's a gimmick, and possibly one of the most gimmicky gimmicks in the game, but I think she's one of the most fun of them.

Now the other games certainly had flaws as well. Donkey Kong Country had some really lame bonus levels, like the ones where all you had to do was pick up some bananas that were hovering next to ropes, or the ones where you had a bunch of prizes in between rocket barrels. The absolute worst were the animal buddy token levels. Maybe they'd be ok if you could visit them after you finished your level, but I find myself doing everything I can not to pick up those tokens because the levels are so damned annoying.

DKC also didn't have the two-player team up, Cranky's hints were limited, there was no Swanky, and Candy sucked compared to Wrinkly. There was no reward other than extra lives, pieces of extra lives, and things that when collected allowed you to get extra lives.

On the other hand, I loved King K. Rool; all the enemies of the first game; the bonus levels where you had to spell something, figure out which barrel something was in, or match the things in barrels; and the levels.

As for DKC2, I think Wrinkly, Cranky, and Swanky were perfect, I liked having three kinds of coins to collect in addition to bananas and lives, the enemies were good, the team-up added a new dimension to levels, and Krazy Kremland was awesome. It was also neat how levels were designed--they struck a good balance between gimmicks and regular levels, and the levels were quite attractive. My only real complaint is that they didn't put the entire lost world on one screen, like DKC3 did with Krematoa.

So I'd rate them DKC2, DKC, DKC3. Here's hoping we can someday combine the best elements of all three into one game.
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Re: favourite game of the trilogy

Postby Markster » November 12th, 2010, 3:50 pm

It was hard choosing between 2 and 3, so i decided to compare different things.

1. My favorite animal friends are Rambi and Squitter.

DKC2 : Rambi and Squitter
DKC3 : Ellie and Squitter

2. My favorite DKC characters are Diddy and Dixie.

DKC2 : Diddy and Dixie
DKC3 : Dixie and Kiddy

2 is better in my opinion, but still, 3 is still awesome.
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