The Mysterious Mr X — A mystery no more!

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Re: The Mysterious Mr X

Postby Katastrophe Kong » March 4th, 2009, 12:02 pm

Pardon me, newb here; what is scribes? :|
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Re: The Mysterious Mr X

Postby Rodent » March 4th, 2009, 7:36 pm

It's a thing where Rare answers questions on their site.
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Re: The Mysterious Mr X

Postby Katastrophe Kong » March 5th, 2009, 10:25 am

Okey doke :D Has anyone ever gotten a straight forward answer or any kind of answer?
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Re: The Mysterious Mr X

Postby old_buzzard » March 5th, 2009, 10:28 am

I'm gonna throw my own crazy Mr.X theory out there.

My guess is that Mr.X was an explorer. He and his crew discovered Crocodile Isle. Of course, this was long before K.Rool and the Kremling crew inhabitated it. After Mr.X passed away, his corpse was buried deep within in Crocodile Isle. The Lost World, to be exact. Several years later, K.Rool and his crew land on Crocodile Isle. They reconstructed the island, settled in, and claimed it as their own. Shortly after this, DKC2's plot unfolds. After his defeat, K.Rool enters the Lost World and discovers Mr.X's corpse. K.Rool learns about Mr.X's past and decides to resurrect him using the Kremling life force. You know, as a last ditch attempt to stop the Kongs. Before he was able to do so, Diddy and Dixie defeat K.Rool again. As result of Crocodile Isle sinking, Mr.X's remains now rest at the bottom of the sea.
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Re: The Mysterious Mr X

Postby Raccoon Sam » March 5th, 2009, 11:42 am

...yeah, you are.
It's a video game, don't forget. ;)
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Re: The Mysterious Mr X

Postby old_buzzard » March 5th, 2009, 12:03 pm

When the next scribes rolls around, someone should ask Loveday about Mr.X.
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Re: The Mysterious Mr X

Postby Rodent » March 5th, 2009, 8:17 pm

If someone can find the email address, we'll all try ask it.
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Re: The Mysterious Mr X

Postby Katastrophe Kong » April 3rd, 2009, 11:53 am

Sure old_buzzards story was a little...deep. I think that might explain the dock levels. And maybe the haunted mansions, do you think they could've buried him in Gloomy Gulch? Maybe that's why its haunted. Also the mansion could've been like HIS mansion.
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Re: The Mysterious Mr X

Postby The Guy » April 13th, 2009, 10:26 am

Nice explanation above...

I'm sure the Kackles were among some of his crew mates.
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Re: The Mysterious Mr X

Postby Cosmicman » April 13th, 2009, 1:10 pm

The Guy wrote:Nice explanation above...

I'm sure the Kackles were among some of his crew mates.

I agree with that, I have been thinking and it might be possible that Kackles could be an evolution of MR.X and X was just scratched off at the last minute, well, as extreme as it sounds is another possibility since it looks like he can fly and I see many resemblances.

Anyways here is some artwork i made and posted in another section, I thought it might be nice to have it here too.

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Re: The Mysterious Mr X

Postby diddykong » April 13th, 2009, 9:39 pm

Wow i have never heard of this Mr x guy.

That last sprite is real good and probably what he would of looked like.

The theory of the guy being removed and being made into just a sword his plausible except he has hooks for both his hands. But he does have a sword on his belt so hmm...

A bunch of letters to scribes is probably our best bet..
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Re: The Mysterious Mr X

Postby Tonberry2k » April 15th, 2009, 4:18 am

He was probably a boss who was replaced by Kreepy Krow.
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Re: The Mysterious Mr X

Postby The Guy » April 15th, 2009, 7:18 am

Well, I think Mr. X explains Kleever...
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Re: The Mysterious Mr X

Postby Swing King » April 15th, 2009, 10:47 am

No no no, Kerozene is obviously Kleever.
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Re: The Mysterious Mr X

Postby diddykong » April 19th, 2009, 11:28 am

Swing King wrote:No no no, Kerozene is obviously Kleever.

Do you mean that weird boss thats only on the dkc2 gba game? It makes perfect sence because on the snes version you just get a weird taunt kinda thing, instead of a boss.
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Re: The Mysterious Mr X

Postby Krow111 » April 20th, 2009, 4:05 am

Swing King wrote:No no no, Kerozene is obviously Kleever.

Kleever and Kerozene are two seperate characters. Kerozene only appears in the GBA version. He might have been in the SNES version originally, but i'm not sure. When Simion32 gets the DKCRE to view/extract DKC2 sprites, we will find out if Kerozene is in the game or not. We might even find sprites of Mr. X!
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Re: The Mysterious Mr X

Postby diddykong » April 20th, 2009, 11:22 am

Kleever and Kerozene are two seperate characters. Kerozene only appears in the GBA version. He might have been in the SNES version originally, but i'm not sure. When Simion32 gets the DKCRE to view/extract DKC2 sprites, we will find out if Kerozene is in the game or not. We might even find sprites of Mr. X![/quote]

That would be awesome! But why wouldn't they remove it to save space?Well i guess theres lots of beta things in dkc1.. :mrgreen: ...
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Re: The Mysterious Mr X

Postby BigDonkey101 » April 22nd, 2009, 9:55 am

Wow, and here I thought I knew everything about DKC2.
Mr X looks really cool, it's a shame that they did not put him in the game.
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Re: The Mysterious Mr X

Postby diddykong » April 22nd, 2009, 11:31 am

BigDonkey101 wrote: It's a shame that they did not put him in the game.

When the DKC level builder comes out it may be possible to put him in the game... But only if we can find his sprites.
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Re: The Mysterious Mr X

Postby Swing King » April 23rd, 2009, 7:12 am

@Krow: I doubt Kerozene was ever even considered for SNES DKC2. But if you play DKC2GBA, you'll notice that Kerozene has the ability to hold Kleevers and breath fire. Where else did we see this? Krockodile Kauldron. So I believe That Kerozene is the hand that holds Kleever the first time.(Continuity-wise of course)
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Re: The Mysterious Mr X

Postby Katastrophe Kong » May 1st, 2009, 12:28 pm

I was thinking, even if someone did find the Scribes email adress and sent them an email, do you really think they'd tell about Mr.X? Rare was sold to Microsoft, so their not allowed to use Donkey Kong, would they be allowed to talk about Donkey Kong either?
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Re: The Mysterious Mr X

Postby PotoGamer » May 2nd, 2009, 9:30 am

They can talk about Donkey Kong, they even mentioned there was a giraffe animal buddy planned for DKC! However, they usually don't post emails that talk about unused stuff (Mr. X, Stop n' Swop), and if they do, they post answers that don't have to do with the email. So I doubt they'll talk about Mr. X or anything mysterious. :(
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Re: The Mysterious Mr X

Postby FefeRawft » May 2nd, 2009, 10:27 am

"Stop n' Swop"?

Pun on Stop & Shop?

What is this?
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Re: The Mysterious Mr X

Postby DK4Ever » May 8th, 2009, 5:24 am

That seems somewhat cold, Jo.

As irrelevant as the question was...semi-ouch, I think you could have posted, say : "Look for Stop n' Swop explanation here" or something, but whatever, I suppose.
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Re: The Mysterious Mr X

Postby FefeRawft » May 8th, 2009, 10:25 am

old_buzzard wrote:I'm gonna throw my own crazy Mr.X theory out there.

My guess is that Mr.X was an explorer. He and his crew discovered Crocodile Isle. Of course, this was long before K.Rool and the Kremling crew inhabitated it. After Mr.X passed away, his corpse was buried deep within in Crocodile Isle. The Lost World, to be exact. Several years later, K.Rool and his crew land on Crocodile Isle. They reconstructed the island, settled in, and claimed it as their own. Shortly after this, DKC2's plot unfolds. After his defeat, K.Rool enters the Lost World and discovers Mr.X's corpse. K.Rool learns about Mr.X's past and decides to resurrect him using the Kremling life force. You know, as a last dith attempt to stop Kongs. Before he was able to do so, Diddy and Dixie defeat K.Rool again. As result of Crocodile Isle sinking, Mr.X's remains now rest at the bottom of the sea.

...........dang. I'm looking WAAAAY too deep into this.

Wow, that actually makes sense, there are some statues down there that look like Mr. X (kinda) and a bunch of bones.
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Re: The Mysterious Mr X

Postby Lanky Kong » May 14th, 2009, 4:48 am

i think in the beta version of DKC2 after the Red Kackle, Mr. X going to chase Diddy and Dixie, or also is a Boss in K. Rool´s Keep or Gloomy Gulch, he calls the Kackles to Attack the Kongs :roll:
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Re: The Mysterious Mr X

Postby Katastrophe Kong » May 21st, 2009, 1:05 pm

FefeRawft wrote:Wow, that actually makes sense, there are some statues down there that look like Mr. X (kinda) and a bunch of bones.

Me and Simon already pointed that out :|

You should read the whole thread, its very interesting :)
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Re: The Mysterious Mr X

Postby FefeRawft » May 22nd, 2009, 5:15 am

I did read the whole thread, though I must have missed that post.
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Re: The Mysterious Mr X

Postby KremKrawl » May 22nd, 2009, 1:23 pm

Well, I think Mr.X was the Lost World boss. Or the boss of K.Rool's Keep due to every level there having at least one Krook, exept for Arctic Abyss.
(As Mr.X has hooks on his hands too.)

EDIT: No Krooks appear in Clapper's Cavren either.
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Re: The Mysterious Mr X

Postby Katastrophe Kong » May 22nd, 2009, 2:13 pm

He would be good for Lost World, i got a little sick of them reusing bosses. :?
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Re: The Mysterious Mr X

Postby FefeRawft » May 23rd, 2009, 5:16 am

You sure about Arctic Abyss? I think there was a Krook. But the X man does kinda resemble a ghost Krook....
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Re: The Mysterious Mr X

Postby old_buzzard » May 25th, 2009, 4:08 am

No, there were no Krooks in Arctic Abyss. Kaboom was the only land-dwelling enemy in Arctic Abyss.
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Re: The Mysterious Mr X

Postby Rodent » June 2nd, 2009, 10:50 pm

I'm pretty certain he was gonna be used instead of Kreepy Krow. It makes sense - Krow is used twice, so why would they replace a boss that appears once with another new boss? I wish he was in there anyway, just because something new would be better than a re-used boss, and it'd help me not feel so much angst at there being only one Kremling boss.
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Re: The Mysterious Mr X

Postby FefeRawft » June 3rd, 2009, 5:10 am

Well they had Krow's ghost rise, and his (or her?) second world (Gloomy Gulch) is a ghost world. Then again, Mr. X seems to be a ghost too.... so....

I used to call Gloomy Gulch, Gloomy Glitch, because I thought it had to be glitched be cause I could never get past it. Just uhh.... putting that out there ;)

Edit: I think in all three DKCs only had one Kremling boss (other than K. Rool in his many forms), who was Kudgel. But, why? I feel like the Kremlings would have had more of a reason to fight the Kongs with their biggest than the baddies. DK64 is the same (Exception: Kardboard K. Rool)
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Re: The Mysterious Mr X

Postby Katastrophe Kong » June 18th, 2009, 7:35 pm

FefeRawft wrote: I think in all three DKCs only had one Kremling boss (other than K. Rool in his many forms), who was Kudgel. But, why? I feel like the Kremlings would have had more of a reason to fight the Kongs with their biggest than the baddies. DK64 is the same (Exception: Kardboard K. Rool)

I noticed that too, maybe Mr. X was to take place of Kudgel.
Anyhoo, I updated my Mr. X, notice his hat, his tattered leggings and his head.
mr x.PNG
mr x.PNG (2.89 KiB) Viewed 146937 times
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Re: The Mysterious Mr X

Postby Darth » June 19th, 2009, 6:16 am

Katastrophe Kong wrote:
FefeRawft wrote: I think in all three DKCs only had one Kremling boss (other than K. Rool in his many forms), who was Kudgel. But, why? I feel like the Kremlings would have had more of a reason to fight the Kongs with their biggest than the baddies. DK64 is the same (Exception: Kardboard K. Rool)

I noticed that too, maybe Mr. X was to take place of Kudgel.
Anyhoo, I updated my Mr. X, notice his hat, his tattered leggings and his head.

It looks good, but the "skirt" is too long. Are you using a Klomp/Kritter head without changing anything but color? It looks kinda... Off. His head seems too small for his body.
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Re: The Mysterious Mr X

Postby FefeRawft » June 22nd, 2009, 8:06 am

Ya, your right about that, his skirt/shirt or whatever it is does seem off.
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Re: The Mysterious Mr X

Postby Tiptup Jr. » June 22nd, 2009, 2:01 pm

Has anyone considered that he could have been the boss of Stronghold Showdown? The fact that he has a published render means Rare was pretty far along with the guy. Maybe there was some kind of glitch that forced Mr. X to be removed, and Rare just kept the empty "level" instead of programming a new boss.

But when you consider Kerozene's inclusion in the GBA port, that theory sounds questionable. Does anyone know if Kerozene was also canned from the original DKC2, or was he an entirely new boss? Seems weird to invent a new boss when Mr. X was practically finished.

. . . IF he was practically finished, excuse me. I get a bit carried away. =P
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Re: The Mysterious Mr X

Postby FefeRawft » June 23rd, 2009, 5:57 am

I heard somewhere that DKC2 GBA was like a DKL2, basically the same, but with a semi-different storyline. I think it was GameFAQs, but I'm too lazy to check. Wherever it was (hmmm.... it may have been the box), it had said that they lured DK back to Crocodile Isle with Kerozene. That doesn't make much sense, because if I was DK, I would run like hell from that giant-ass thing!

As much as that doesn't make sense, I remember hearing it on some official (GameFAQs, not so official, but they don't lie about the game descriptions, speaking of the stuff the admins and well respected members add, not the average members).

So that being said, he was lured back to Crocodile Isle. Meaning it was there 3rd visit. If DKL2 was basically a different game with similar features and similar graphics, then I see no problem having either Kerozene or Mr. X in he game, unless the same problems occurred, which is probably highly unlikely. If all of that is true, then Kerozene wasn't there (hadn't been born, wasn't mutated, wasn't with the Kremlings yet, etc.) until DKC2 GBA occurred.

Going back to the possibility of him being Gloomy Gulch's boss. There must have been many complaints of re-using bosses in DKC, so the didn't want to in any of the future DKC games (DKC2 had one, which I am going to talk about, DKC3 on the other hand, had none, and this is excluding K. Rool.). K. Rool, however, was the main boss, and if I remember correctly, main characters that become bosses, tend to repeat themselves (Phantom Ganon and Ganon, sort of. Super Mario 64, Bowser. Super Mario Galaxy, Baby Bowser). This means that K. Rool, is,the, ONLY, one who deserves to be repeated. That brings up another question: If Nintendo didn't want to keep repeating bosses, and K. Rool has an excuse, what about Krow?

So about Krow:

Was it because he was the easiest? Easy answer to that, no. I can think of a little trick to make King Zing easier.

She was just a big baddie, not a Kremling. She had even less of a right to be a repeat boss.

Two more questions:

Was Mr. X supposed to be Gloomy Gulch?
And, did you ever think that maybe Kerozene was supposed to be K. Rool's Keep?

So now you have something else to consider. Maybe it wasn't just Mr. X.


More on just Mr. X

Why do you think he was or wasn't in the game. German Players Guide? As in Strategy Guide? Why would someone have that unless the game was already released in Germany. This means the told about Mr. X was found out about after the game was released.

Reasons to think Mr. X is still in the game, just there is no data: "No one knows him or has it ever been seen anywhere." Hmmm.... maybe he was there the whole time, as part of the storyline, just not physically "in" the game. He could have been following you the whole time just he was never seen.
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Re: The Mysterious Mr X

Postby old_buzzard » June 25th, 2009, 11:55 am

I don't know, Mr.X could've be hidden within DKC2's coding for all we know.

Where did that magazine get the Mr.X image from anyway?
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Re: The Mysterious Mr X

Postby The Guy » June 26th, 2009, 5:25 am

It was a German Nintendo magazine.
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Re: The Mysterious Mr X

Postby FefeRawft » June 26th, 2009, 9:20 am

Magazine? I thought it was a strategy guide.
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Re: The Mysterious Mr X

Postby Jomingo » June 26th, 2009, 11:10 am

Strategy Guide? I thought it was a mailbox.

This is why crack is whack kids.
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Re: The Mysterious Mr X

Postby dkc2fan » July 25th, 2009, 7:43 am

Mr x have many references, as the background of the principal menu, (the treasure x on the castle draw, it is a coincidence,for the castle levels background(the skull kremling torch)(in the mr x image you seen red eyes).
In the Background of the principal menu also can see a few lines that they mark krazy kremland and the metioned castle, rollercoaster levels the skull karts have red eyes,(the GBA version of the game changed to green)(to hide reference with mr x)
but why nintendo and rare try hide this character
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Re: The Mysterious Mr X

Postby dkc2fan » January 15th, 2010, 10:18 am

in the right corner of the nintendo power issue appear a castle level and have fire,
mr x would attacks with fire ,and the mr x thorch have fire
castle level
CropFromNintendoPower-Issue76.png (121.5 KiB) Viewed 146635 times
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Re: The Mysterious Mr X

Postby dudery » October 14th, 2011, 9:45 am

maybe mr.x is the guy holding kleever in the lava stages and he fell in and the sword has 2 bones in the shape of an x and 2 faces of a crocodile that looks like mr.x and theres a crashed pirate ship in the lava i noticed that kleever didnt look like the sword he was holding in his hand so maybe it was his first mate or something that was burning in the lava maybe it wasmr.x other sword was kleever and hes a ghost because he died in the lava
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Re: The Mysterious Mr X

Postby Katastrophe Kong » July 29th, 2012, 2:27 pm

Here is Phase II of my Mr. X sprite. He still needs animations for idling, throwing his hooks, being hit, and being defeated.

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Re: The Mysterious Mr X

Postby Geno » July 30th, 2012, 5:49 am

EDIT: Never mind.
That's a cool sprite,
EDIT2: Never mind again. (I'd better start reading whole posts.)
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Re: The Mysterious Mr X

Postby Katastrophe Kong » July 31st, 2012, 11:28 am

geno wrote:EDIT: Never mind.
That's a cool sprite,
EDIT2: Never mind again. (I'd better start reading whole posts.)

If anyone has any suggestions on how I should animate him please feel free to give me a shout out. I believe I have a method but it's very unorthodox.
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