Inconsistencies in DKC3

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Inconsistencies in DKC3

Postby Kiddy14 » September 4th, 2008, 3:46 pm

Here are some "inconsistencies" in DKC3 I've been wondering since I got it.

*Heavier Kongs*

Ok, I came up with this "issue" since I got DKC3, anc couldn't notice it until I was in Swoopy Salvo.

Basically, the kongs in DKC3 seem to be a lot heavier than the ones in DKC&2. For example: In DKC&2, when you press the Y button once to do a roll; when the stopping sequence stops, the kong stays in place; however, in DKC3 either Dixie or Kiddy do the stop, then walk a little.
Another example: in DKC&2 rope jumping (jumping in a vertical rope to either one of their sides and then returning to it for a faster climb) is easy, the kongs respond fast; in DKC3, for example in Barrel Shield Bust-Up, this seems a lot much harder, as the kongs take more time to "de-accelerate, turn back and start moving again".

Ropes and rolling doesn't seem affected by this though. I kind of blame this of why people hate Kiddy in this game; when jumping somewhere, like over the first Buzz in Fire Ball Frenzy, it's a lot more difficult with Kiddy if you jump next to it, you need to take impulse by running from the right and jump to make a succesfull jump; is easy with Dixie since you can use her hair.

*Slower carrying Dixie*
Normally, if you were carrying an object, the speed aplied would be the same as running; but Dixie proves wrong, her speed when carrying something is the same as her walking. It can be annoying in levels like Demolition Drain-pipe, since you have to bring the steel keg to the other side of the pipe to get the DK Coin, and it's hard since Dixie doesn't seem to make it to the other side. Kiddy doesn't do this though.

*Jumping when carrying*
In DKC2, if you grab something and press B, you would jump inmediatily with the object you took. In DKC3, only Dixie seems to be able of doing it, and in the middle of her grab. Also, Kiddy is slow at jumping, it takes him half a second to leap off ground, normal jumping takes not more than quarter a second to do.

*Rolling DK Barrels*
DK Barrels are weird in this game. Instead of breaking in contact to the floor, they roll. You can have a DK Barrel roll on forever until it touches a wall or it gets off-screen.

*The Never Idle Companion Kong Bug (a.k.a the NICK bug)*
This is one of the must annoying things in DKC3 (at least for me). Since the companion Kong (shaded one) never starts his/her idle. If you were running and stop, he/she stays running, you move and follows; if you fly with Dixie and fall, Kiddy would stay static. This same thing applies for barrels, as you need to wait for the companion kong to catch up before you get blasted out. Seems to me a cheap way to get rid of game bugs and glitches.

*Bouncing from Baddies*
In DKC1&2, pressing jump when you hit something, either a barrel or a baddie, would make the kong bounce higher. In DKC3 this doesn't happen as pressing the jump button or not pressing it will make you bounce the same height.

*Blast Barrels Lag*
In DKC&2 the blasting barrels had an immediate answer when you pushed the button to eject the kongs. But in DKC3 there is a very annoying "lag" between the moment you push the button and the moment when the kongs are actually ejected. (Contributed by Vincent =])

I don't consider these "glitches" because Rareware knew of them, and let them be part of "normal" DKC3 gameplay; or at least only that, Dixie shouldn't be slow, Kiddy shouldn't be slow when jumping, DK Barrels should break in contact, and the kongs should stop moving when umm... not moving xD Inconsistencies I say.
Mods: if this thread can have a better descriptive name, feel free to change it =) Altough they already are free to change it xD
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Re: Inconsistencies in DKC3

Postby Qyzbud » September 4th, 2008, 4:13 pm

This is a good topic, and you chose a good title for it. If I think of a better title, I may change it, but it's fine for now. 8-)
I would only change it in an effort to indicate that it's about DKC3's inconsistencies in regards to the DKC trilogy as a series. I could change it to something like 'DKC3 is inconsistent with the DKC trilogy because...', but it all gets a little long-winded then, so let's keep it simple. ;)

You've made some good observations.

I think this 'weighty' physics engine is part of the reason I didn't enjoy DKC3 as much as the previous games. I like things to be quick and responsive, but it seems Rare opted for a heavier and slower system of control. Who knows why...

The rolling DK barrel thing is a bit odd, but it makes them more useful to throw at baddies, which can be handy.

By the way, you should call it the Never Idle Companion Kong Bug (a.k.a the 'NICK' bug). Easier to remember/spell/pronounce, and more precise. :P
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Re: Inconsistencies in DKC3

Postby Kiddy14 » September 5th, 2008, 4:30 am

I think they wanted to give Kiddy a "heavy" feeling; both Dixie and Kiddy are as fast and jump as high, but making them slower to response creates that feeling without making them have different physics.
Qyzbud wrote:Never Idle Companion Kong Bug (a.k.a the 'NICK' bug).

Cool! I'll do =)
And I'll add another thing to the list that I forgot yesterday :oops:
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Re: Inconsistencies in DKC3

Postby Qyzbud » September 5th, 2008, 3:34 pm

Well I agree that making Kiddy 'feel' heavy was probably their aim - and a logical one at that. Still, couldn't they have let Dixie retain her relatively nimble jumping? It seems to defeat the purpose if they make Dixie move heavily, too. I guess they didn't want to make Dixie far better to play as than Kiddy, or the poor baby-ape would have even fewer admirers than he has at present.

Seems a bit stupid to intentionally make a game control heavily all-around, though.

Another thought; with your titles in your first post, maybe 'Jumping over things' should be retitled 'Bouncing from baddies' or something of that nature. I think that is more fitting, as "jumping over" pretty much implies that you don't touch the thing, and it's practically always baddies that you jump on. I wouldn't worry about mentioning the other 'bounce-from' objects like Kannon/Bazuka barrels, animal crates, etc...
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Re: Inconsistencies in DKC3

Postby Kiddy14 » September 6th, 2008, 6:20 am

Qyzbud wrote:I guess they didn't want to make Dixie far better to play as than Kiddy, or the poor baby-ape would have even fewer admirers than he has at present.

The thing (in my opinion) is this:
Dixie is the slow character in DKC2. In DKC3, there's a small character and a big character. The problem was that with Dixie, the thing was messed up; they couldn't make the small character slow and the big character fast, it'd be nonsense. So they decided to give both the same speed and a heavy feeling =S

Qyzbud wrote:'Jumping over things' should be retitled 'Bouncing from baddies'

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Re: Inconsistencies in DKC3

Postby swoopysalvo » September 7th, 2008, 4:32 pm

I always noticed that Dixie and Kiddy move at the same speeds but nobody seemed to believe me. I guess it's because people think that if they're smaller they're automatically faster then the bigger characters.
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Re: Inconsistencies in DKC3

Postby Vincent » October 22nd, 2008, 5:34 am

I love those talkings... It's so surrealistic... And I thought I was the only one getting interested in such details in the DKC trilogy... I'm in love with this forum... :D
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Re: Inconsistencies in DKC3

Postby DKCplayer » October 22nd, 2008, 3:24 pm

"NICK" is a pretty smart name for that bug.
Also, I've noticed that when throwing a normal barrel at an enemy, it breaks. It should kill the enemy and keep going until it smashes into a wall...
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Re: Inconsistencies in DKC3

Postby Gnawzooka » October 22nd, 2008, 7:03 pm

swoopysalvo wrote:I always noticed that Dixie and Kiddy move at the same speeds but nobody seemed to believe me. I guess it's because people think that if they're smaller they're automatically faster then the bigger characters.

Well, That's simply because something that's smaller appaears to move faster. If an ant moves at the same speed as a human we'd think it's really fast, but really it's only going as fast as we are. Do you see my point?
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Re: Inconsistencies in DKC3

Postby gamer_boy997 » October 23rd, 2008, 2:32 pm

Kiddy14 wrote:In DKC2&3... In DKC3 this doesn't happen

Don't you mean DKC1&2... In DKC3 this doesn't happen?
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Re: Inconsistencies in DKC3

Postby Kiddy14 » October 25th, 2008, 1:14 pm

Vincent wrote:And I thought I was the only one getting interested in such details in the DKC trilogy...

Finally somebody who also notices these kind of things =D
I'll use this thread to tell you hi =)

gamer_boy997 wrote:Don't you mean DKC1&2... In DKC3 this doesn't happen?

Oops, my mistake, I'll fix it =]
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Re: Inconsistencies in DKC3

Postby Vincent » October 25th, 2008, 11:35 pm

Hello Kiddy, nice to meet you. Did you see my post about the DKC 3 cheats ?
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Re: Inconsistencies in DKC3

Postby Kiddy14 » October 27th, 2008, 12:33 pm

That's sooo off-topic xD

Anyway, is it ok if I add this to the topic? With your mention of course ;)
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Re: Inconsistencies in DKC3

Postby gamer_boy997 » October 27th, 2008, 12:35 pm

The kong in the back is always darker, I don't remember that in DKC or DKC2.
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Re: Inconsistencies in DKC3

Postby Kiddy14 » October 27th, 2008, 12:39 pm

Refresh your memory! It is in the three games ;)
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Re: Inconsistencies in DKC3

Postby gamer_boy997 » October 27th, 2008, 12:41 pm

Hmm... that's odd, I only noticed that in DKC3 :| . I'll try to watch for that when I play the first two games again.

EDIT: Wow, I looked at images from the games, and it appears your right :oops: .
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Re: Inconsistencies in DKC3

Postby Vincent » October 27th, 2008, 10:39 pm

Yes i'ts ok, add it to the topic. Sorry for the off-topic.
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Re: Inconsistencies in DKC3

Postby Yure16 » August 16th, 2009, 7:29 am

I never feel free when I play DKC3. Without a playable Diddy, I feel bored. The musics are good, but I prefer DKC2. You made curious observations, but I will check it out only when I finish DKC2. Excuse my english...
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Re: Inconsistencies in DKC3

Postby Vincent » August 17th, 2009, 6:43 pm

DK2 is definitely better than DKC3. The level design is awesome ; in DKC3 the programmers started lacking imagination and the levels can get a bit boring at times. DKC2 soundtrack is incredible.
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Re: Inconsistencies in DKC3

Postby The Guy » August 18th, 2009, 5:46 am

Eh, the levels in DKC3 feel empty compared to the previous games.

Also in the music Rockface Rumble seems to only be liked for the guitar part. It's a good song overall, but kind of empty.
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Re: Inconsistencies in DKC3

Postby Vincent » August 18th, 2009, 8:31 am

Well, Rockface Rumble happens to be my favourite DKC3 song. It is somehow "DKC2ish" ;)
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