donkey kong country 4

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donkey kong country 4

Postby doom1killer123 » July 10th, 2009, 8:13 am

hi im rod and i work for nintendo. right now nintendo is making another donkey kong game. donkey kong 4. its not going to be like donkey kong 64. its gonna be like yoshis story. the graphics i mean. the only reason were doing this is because we want you to re visit the old days. first the options. believe it or not, we have a graphics option. theres 3. 1 is next generation (or new graphical as on options) 2 is 16 bit (super nintendo) and 3 is wierd but 8 bit (were probably going to remove the 8 bit though) ok iv got done with that. next is gameplay. theres 4 modes. 1 is new wich is the donkey kong 4 game. 2 is donkey kong 1 3 is donkey kong 2 and 4 is donkey kong 3. we might add donkey kong 64 or maybe donkey kong arcade and donkey kong JR. we MIGHT ok? theres a save function as always. and theres a load option and yadda yadda yadda and theres also cheats. be surprised when this comes out. your only source will be the nintendo power magazenes. sign up at the only reason this is in this website here is because everybody is a fan so if your lucky to here this your lucky. so far we got the the graphics done. thats it. so far thats what we have so ill swing in for updates if theres cheats or not.
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Re: donkey kong country 4

Postby doom1killer123 » July 10th, 2009, 8:13 am

not in nintendo power though so thats an update.
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Re: donkey kong country 4

Postby The Guy » July 10th, 2009, 8:48 am

Just use better grammar and don't double post.

In a situation where you already posted and you have more to add just edit the post.
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Re: donkey kong country 4

Postby gamer_boy997 » July 10th, 2009, 11:33 am

This sounds awesome so far! (Even though not much has been done).

I don't mean to be mean, but you really need to fix your grammer.

And a couple of questions:
1. For the four gameplay modes, when you say donkey kong 1, donkey kong 2, and donkey kong 3, do you mean, "Donkey Kong Country 1, 2, and 3"?
2. Will this be on the Wii?
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Re: donkey kong country 4

Postby Simion32 » July 10th, 2009, 6:11 pm

gamer_boy997 wrote:grammer.
*facepalm* :roll:

In my heart, I hope this is not a rumor or a hoax. I will take note of this 'announcement' at face value and we will see what happens.

Indeed, it's about time Donkey Kong Country 4 was made... it has been 13 bloody years for god's sake!

As gamer_boy_997 has asked, is this game going to be for Wii?

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Re: donkey kong country 4

Postby Cosmicman » July 11th, 2009, 9:11 am

I won't believe it until I see some factual information as pictures, even though Nintendo seems to be losing momentum, now it would be a great time to release something like this, but i doubt it.
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Re: donkey kong country 4

Postby Simion32 » July 11th, 2009, 9:37 am

Upon further analysis of the situation, I will not believe this until I see some definitive proof.
EDIT: If you have the graphics done, why not post a screen shot of some of the new graphics?

And, I somehow doubt that doom1killer123 works for Nintendo. Sadly there is no real way to verify this.

Stating this DKC4 info in a text message with shoddy grammar is not the way to present this information, and even then it is missing one key element: Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.

I hereby declare this thread as having a speculation-only nature. Since this is in the wrong forum it will be moved to General DKC Discussion for the time being.
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Re: donkey kong country 4

Postby cfh » July 11th, 2009, 10:49 am

Obvious troll is obvious.

GTFO my DKC Atlas.
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Re: donkey kong country 4

Postby Jomingo » July 11th, 2009, 12:35 pm

Seriously? This is probably the stupidest topic I've ever read. Nintendo is not making DKC4. Period. If they were, we wouldn't be finding out about it on DKC Atlas from some guy whose shift key seems to be physically impaired. See, if DKC4 were in development, it would be big news. As much as Nintendo doesn't like to acknowledge DK's existence, the gaming world as a whole definitely loved Donkey Kong Country. A new sequel to one of the best selling series of all time being made after 13 years would definitely raise some eyebrows. DKC Atlas isn't exactly the medium in which these kinds of "revelations" are made. Besides, nearly every "detail" you posted was absolutely ridiculous. In fact, I am utterly surprised that the idea lead on a few of you as even having a small chance of being legitimate, especially Simion.

This topic is clearly fake; it was posted by a new member with almost no regard for the rules; and it seems to be for the sole purpose of advertising Nintendo Power for some insane reason. As we already have a topic for Donkey Kong Country 4 speculation, I am closing this even though it appears Simion would have been content with leaving it open.

As for you "doom1killer123"; you've already been told to improve your grammar, so I won't repeat it. But I will say this: Please do not spread lies. This was stupid and you know it, and it's really not a great first impression. Please shape up, or further action will be taken.

....Is this all we get for Youtube advertisement?
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Re: donkey kong country 4

Postby Simion32 » July 11th, 2009, 1:30 pm

I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.

That is, until I found this guy on YouTube (which was shortly after my previous post) and I found he's just some kid. I actually discussed this with CFH, which was how he got here and posted.

I was going to wait a few hours and then lock this, but it's already locked now. An excerpt from my AIM discussion with CFH:
cfhworld (19:20:52): obvious troll
cfhworld (19:21:04): im kinda disappointed at the general response tho
simion32 (19:21:15): i can't believe the first two responses
simion32 (19:21:24): they fell for it
simion32 (19:21:48): given an hour or two that topic is gonna be LOCKD
simion32 (19:23:45): acting like Nintendo personell on a fan-forum (and trolling) is not a good idea.

Yeah, as Jomingo stated, you need to shape up, or you won't be here long.
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