Seems pretty likely to me that this environment inspired DKC's tree-tops archetype.
Colour-modified Tree Top Town scene:
Katastrophy Kong hinted at the likeness once or twice in previous conversations, but the sheer number of similarities weren't apparent to me until I saw that picture up top. Seriously, look at it; the strut-supported platforms... the wooden rope bridges and rickety stairways... the towering conifers... the thatch-roofed huts with glowing entrances... everything about that Ewok village scene gives me a Tree Top Town vibe. Although I suppose it's really more of a Rope Bridge Rumble vibe, due to the background colour.
What do you guys think? Are they a close match or what?! Seeing that pic really makes me want to watch Return of the Jedi!

Does anyone know any other possible inspirations for levels in the DKC trilogy?
More Ewok village pics...