Shall we make a DKC 4?

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Shall we make a DKC 4?

Postby zaneebaslave » March 5th, 2010, 6:29 am

Well, ladies and gentlemen. I am a spriter out of work at the moment (The director of our gaming forum has decided to take a new approach to the game I was working on... meh.). So, I will be now making a DKC game. Not just a DKC game with all the same characters and same sprites. No, I think we should go all out. New Kongs, New Kremlins, new puzzles, new levels, new level design. Yadda Yadda yadda.

Yeah, it sounds like a lot of work... But then again, it's bloody Donkey Kong, and we need a new DKC since We'll probably never see another official one again. :cry:

What I need help in is ideas for everything in this new Donkey Kong game. I know you all have good ideas for a DKC game, and I'd like to hear them. If you provide the ideas, I'll provide the sprites.
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Re: Shall we make a DKC 4?

Postby gamester » March 5th, 2010, 9:46 am

You know, I would bloody LOVE to see some new Kong's and enemy sprites in my own game I'm working on. If you can honestly make the same quality sprites as DKC, I would probably love you forever.

New Kong ideas? I can't think of any, but If you could turn Trixie, Lanky, and Chunky Kong into DKC styled sprites, that would be AWESOME.
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Re: Shall we make a DKC 4?

Postby Simion32 » March 5th, 2010, 9:50 am

Well, how can you handle tiling and environment graphics? Obviously the graphics and music are the major issues in making a DKC fan-game. Without good graphics you can't match the quality of the original. Without the music you completely loose the game's atmosphere.

List of Research & Development to do:
  • What is the storyline?
  • What should the overworld environment look like?
  • What world maps will be present within the overworld?
  • What are all the different Archetypes of levels to be included?
  • Environment tile graphics for each Archetype
  • Music for each Archetype
  • Characters / Sprites / Objects / Etc.
  • Oh, and the entire game engine code. Obviously DKCLB is nowhere near close to handling custom levels, so...
  • What Programming tool/language will be used?
  • Portability?
  • Open-source?
  • Other
EDIT: We've already had one DKC4 ideas topic that failed, please don't run this one into the ground as well. :roll:
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Re: Shall we make a DKC 4?

Postby zaneebaslave » March 5th, 2010, 1:29 pm

Well, I wont run it into the ground unless no one will help me. Sadly, I am only a sprite artist, and have no skills in music or scripting. But as for the graphics and the tiling aspects, I shouldnt have a problem. I should be able to equal DKC in graphics. But, like I said, I cant proceed until I get an idea. I might write up a basic idea and post a few concepts in the next few days, but honestly, I want this game to be created for hard-core DKC fans. Thus, I need your support. I want to make a DKC game, but I dont want to nescessarily "Direct" the game development. :lol:
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Re: Shall we make a DKC 4?

Postby Tiptup Jr. » March 5th, 2010, 2:37 pm

I. Cannot. Count how many people come on here and try to start some "Donkey Kong Country 4" or what have you. I mean, I'm not saying it couldn't be done... But honestly.

It's just getting a bit tiring. Plus all that stuff Simion said. :|
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Re: Shall we make a DKC 4?

Postby zaneebaslave » March 5th, 2010, 2:55 pm

Well, it is a lot of work to make a good game: especially one that is as good as DKC. But it is possible. Honestly, I dont have a problem in making a DKC game, having worked on other games using almost the exact same process of spriting as Rare has used. Many of those games being more complex than Donkey Kong by ways of gameplay. I guess the hardest part will be, besides graphics (Which will be made by me), getting the rest of the game made: aka scripting, music, etc. That part I'm not sure about. i can do the rest.

Oh, I drew this up as a bit of quick concept. This is the first antagonist out of two (Unless we only want one). The dreaded, always vicious: Karni Kong!Image

Karni Kong- The karnivorous Karni Kong is the long-running rival of Donkey Kong. If two Donkey Kongs merged together to make one humongous ape, he would still not match the size and strength of the dreaded Karni Kong! After escaping the Carnivore Caverns, he seeks to destroy all the Kongs and be renamed as the Top Banana!
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Re: Shall we make a DKC 4?

Postby cfh » March 5th, 2010, 9:49 pm

Damn, this place is starting to sound like DK Universe. I think this project has some potential, zaneebaslave seems to be a good spriter.
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Re: Shall we make a DKC 4?

Postby Simion32 » March 6th, 2010, 4:31 am

Great concept zaneeba. I couldn't even get close to properly tracing that image, let alone drawing it. I think that proves your skills quite adequately.

Two antagonists? Maybe one is the 'main' bad guy you already know about, and then later the *really* bad boss appears? This has been used in a few games already, but it might make the storyline a bit more interesting.
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Re: Shall we make a DKC 4?

Postby gamester » March 6th, 2010, 5:16 am

I can see from your concept art that your skills are legit, but I'd rather see you focus your energy on pumping out a ton of awesome sprites for people to use instead of trying to formulate a DKC4 at the same time. There are a few projects out there that are in development already that could use the same support and dedication you already exhibit.

But on the topic of formulating Kong ideas, you could definitely find inspiration in the primates of the real world that have NOT already been conceptualized in the games.
- Baboons
- Gibbons
- Macaques, especially the ones that live in the snowy regions of Japan
- Marmosets, Tarsiers, Lorises, lemurs,

Yetti? I dunno, maybe you want to keep the species focus on the great apes, but eh, my 2 cents...
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Re: Shall we make a DKC 4?

Postby zaneebaslave » March 6th, 2010, 6:13 am

I dont see a problem in working on a developing DKC game, but I think it's more fun to start from scratch and work our way up ;) .

As for two MAIN antagonists, I felt as if I needed both an evil Kong and some form of K.Rool. I mean, honestly, what DKC game is without a good K.Rool? It would be kindof like the Zant/Ganondorf relationship (If you get my Zelda reference).

The "story" is simple enough. Karni Kong kidnaps all of the Kongs, and you must rescue them. For every Kong you need to save, they have their own world. For example, Say that you need to go save Cranky Kong, then there will be an entire world based upon his personality. You later find out that Karni has been shipping the Kongs to K.Rool off the coast of Donkey Kong Island, as to sail them away from their home-land. I dont know... Ideas, idead, ideas.
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Re: Shall we make a DKC 4?

Postby gamester » March 6th, 2010, 6:42 am

OK let me brainstorm for a little bit.......

Karni and DK, used to be friends, became rivals at some point, maybe through some kind of sport or competition, Karni's hatred for DK grows, becomes evil, was driven out into the wilderness by the "initial group of Kongs," karni's bitterness for the entire group swelled, he became allies with a group of kremlings, who kidnapped a few kongs from the group to get DK to prove his worth in the environment Karni was driven into, but ultimately he wants to challenge DK to one last match of the initial competition that drove them apart, where the loser of the match ultimately dies, or something (consequence of losing should be dramatic at least), but Karni rigged the competition to give him a perpetual advantage, but DK still wins. The End

So basically the focus of the story would be on the rivalry and tension between Karni and DK.
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Re: Shall we make a DKC 4?

Postby DKCplayer » March 6th, 2010, 8:15 am

Nice concept art (and the concept itself really) of Karni Kong. He looks vicious! :shock:
I really hope this doesn't end up like the other DKC4 topic we had...
Title idea: Donkey Kong Country 4 - The Kong in the Shadows
Well, that's just my idea, you guys can probably end up with something better. :roll:
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Re: Shall we make a DKC 4?

Postby zaneebaslave » March 6th, 2010, 9:45 am

I hope not as well. From the sound of things, DKC 4 has been tried and failed many times here. :o
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Re: Shall we make a DKC 4?

Postby gamer_boy997 » March 6th, 2010, 10:06 am

Simion32 wrote:EDIT: We've already had one DKC4 ideas topic that failed, please don't run this one into the ground as well. :roll:


...but, I think that the thread for the "failed" project is full of pretty good ideas. Some people on there did a pretty good job making custom sprites. If you want to check out the thread, here's the link: viewtopic.php?f=26&t=774

By the way, I'm not saying we should start where we left off, I'm just saying that we can probably dust off a few things in that thread and put them to use.

And remember, as Simion32 said, we don't want another failure :roll: .

EDIT: by the way, good job on Karni Kong! I wouldn't mind seeing him in the game!

But of course, we still need King K. Rool. He is DK's head enemy, so he MUST be there, right?
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Re: Shall we make a DKC 4?

Postby Simion32 » March 6th, 2010, 10:40 am

A storyline where King K. Rool is pulling the strings behind Karni Kong sounds like a very good idea.

But there's one thing... What's the 'theme' of the game? DKC was a tropical island, with DKC2 it was pirates/ghosts, DKC3 was like an 'outdoorsy' theme.

I do have a currently withheld idea for an overworld (directly from a DKC dream of mine), but there's likely no way we'd be able to make it due to the also rather dreamy proportions thereof. Without being able to get the idea drafted on paper (or digitally), there's no way I could use it. :roll:
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Re: Shall we make a DKC 4?

Postby VideoViking » March 6th, 2010, 1:48 pm

Have you had the chance to check out my Donkey Kong Country X thread? It's on hiatus for a bit as I'm working on other projects, but there's a lot of great ideas I've invested into both my game and to Simion's DKC Editor project.
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Re: Shall we make a DKC 4?

Postby Cosmicman » March 6th, 2010, 2:41 pm

I think this is an awesome idea, a very complex project too.

I think the main storyline could revolve around a whole new team of bad kongs taking over the DK island we saw on part one. So most enemies could be different monkey species from the smallest to the biggest. Of course everyone would like to see some of the old enemies again, but not all of them.
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Re: Shall we make a DKC 4?

Postby zaneebaslave » March 6th, 2010, 4:13 pm

I suppose we can also use some old sprites as well instead of making completely new ones: most notably the Donkey Kong sprites. I mean, yeah, I am going to make new sprites, but why create a completely new sprite sheet for Donkey Kong if there is already a fantastic one we can use?

As for a new group of evil Kongs, I'd love to see that! I'll cook up a concept for a new Kong in my free time somewhere within the week. I might also get to work on the actual sprites of the dreaded Karni Kong as well.

Oh, and keep up the ideas, guys! I love the support!

Oh, and Sapien, can you explain this overworld to the best of your ability? I'd love to hear the idea and maybe I can draw it to paper.
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Re: Shall we make a DKC 4?

Postby Tiptup Jr. » March 6th, 2010, 4:26 pm

zaneebaslave wrote:[/epic gorilla picture]

Haha, alright, that shut me up. But maybe we should name it Donkey Kong Country 5 just for shits and giggles?
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Re: Shall we make a DKC 4?

Postby Simion32 » March 7th, 2010, 3:16 am

zaneebaslave wrote:Sapien, can you explain this overworld to the best of your ability? I'd love to hear the idea and maybe I can draw it to paper.
First of all, it's Simion not Sapien. At least get my alias right - I almost thought you were referring to someone else for a second there.

Shortly after that post I decided I was going to try to draft a cruddy "wireframe" drawing in Paint.NET so that I could illustrate the region. Really, I can't describe the region as accurately without an image of some sort to refer to. And to boot, in the dream I only saw half of the region, so describing the western side of the map is completely out of the question.

I'll just insert the description that I almost left posted on the DKC Dreams thread but removed it at the last minute:
Simion32's Post in the DKC Dreams thread previously wrote:Legend of the Southern Kremisphere
The most epic dream I had in the morning of June 27th (which CFH knows of), was a very vivid dream in which I was viewing a region similar to DKC3's overworld in its design, but with a few surprising details: It was not the Northern Kremisphere from DKC3, rather an entirely different region. Instead of a woodsy theme, this area has light-blue water and does at the bottom of the map contain some beaches. On further up in the middle of the map is a cliff structure, with a Brother's Bear cabin which sits at the top of a waterfall. At the top of the map is a swamp area. Unfortunately I do not remember any details from the left side of the map, I was only able to glean visuals from its right side.

The overall hue of the region is a blueish-green, and it is of simply indescribable beauty compared to past DKC games, even greatly surpassing Jungle Beat's graphical quality (definitely not something the Wii could handle - maybe if it was pre-rendered ;) ). The view I had was 3D from a fixed perspective, not 2D - more like 2.5D. As for resolution, from what I saw, it can be speculated that the entire region was a suffocatingly large 1600x1600 pixels. Due to the beauty of this region, and its unique subtropic-esque coloration, I decided to name it the Southern Kremisphere.

The vividness of the dream was enough to shock me awake, but unfortunately I do not have good enough drawing skills to get the idea on paper. Hopefully I will be able to put this epic idea into motion in the future.

But yeah, I'll need to draw up some sort of simple draft image first so you can get an idea of what the terrain looks like.
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Re: Shall we make a DKC 4?

Postby zaneebaslave » March 7th, 2010, 3:56 am

Oh, sorry Simion :lol: They both end in -ion. Anyways, I like the idea, but since we are probably basing this game off of the Dk island, it'll be more of a tropical world than the Western-outdoors style of DKC3. Or we can have a more western-outdoors style overworld on the DK islands, because as I recall, they have one in DKC1.

I need to play the game again. :mrgreen:
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Re: Shall we make a DKC 4?

Postby old_buzzard » March 7th, 2010, 7:06 am

That's some interesting concept art, zanee. I was going to post some character art of my own, but yours would just completely overshadow mine. Exellent job!

Also, I highly doubt that any of us could come close to making such a high quality fan game.
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Re: Shall we make a DKC 4?

Postby Simion32 » March 7th, 2010, 10:47 am

Alrighty then, here's my less-than-epic rough drawing of the SK.

*image removed*
This is the eastern half of the world map.

This draft isn't even close to doing the real thing some justice, trust me. Not many details were added. This may not look exactly like what I saw on account of it being almost a year since the dream. And there's almost no way we can get exactly down to every last detail. But who knows, maybe technology (or our minds) will get that far one day... ;)
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Re: Shall we make a DKC 4?

Postby Cyclone » March 7th, 2010, 3:31 pm

Funny it's prob just my imagination but that drawing actually looks like it was from a dream, or at least someone trying to draw something they can't quite remember.

That bridge reminds me of the bridges in super mario world, the waterfall\lake layering of dkc3's 1st world map and there also was a shack in twilight princess with a stream flowing through it. ;)
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Re: Shall we make a DKC 4?

Postby zaneebaslave » March 7th, 2010, 5:53 pm

New evil Kong idea! Sorry if he isnt as good a drawing as the original Karni Kong concept, but I felt I needed to finish the concept before my bed-time. :lol: He's a cool Kong, though. I cant wait to make him in 3D!

Ladies and Gentlemen: Borang, the King-pin of the Orangutang gang!
Borang, King-pin of the Orangutang Gang- Borang is the ill-tempered leader of the infamous Orangutang gang! He's a nasty Kong, both in temper and over-all hygiene. Being an obese Kong, he relies mostly on his deadly machine to get around. He has kidnaped Cranky Kong in an attempt to lure Donkey Kong into his devastating trap.

... I suck at drawing barrels. F.Y.I, that is supposed to be Cranky Kong in that crappy barrel. Yay!
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Re: Shall we make a DKC 4?

Postby Simion32 » March 8th, 2010, 7:31 am

Excellent concept once again. I always wondered when I was a young child why the level had Gang in the name (to me it always seemed like just a lot of Manky Kongs; not necessarily having any gang-like attributes). Now we get to see the leader of the Orangutans!
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Re: Shall we make a DKC 4?

Postby Jomingo » March 8th, 2010, 8:14 am

Here are my suggestions:
-Having two antagonists only works one way, having "Karny Kong" be the antagonist for the majority of the game only to reveal that he was being manipulated or controlled by K. Rool in the end, a la DKC3.
-If Karny Kong is meant to be the generic evil doppelganger archetype (ie. Wario, Shadow, etc), then perhaps his initials should be DK to match Donkey, and also perhaps he could be given a tie reminiscent of DK's (only a different color, and rougher/more torn looking)
-I like Barang Kong except that his name doesn't follow the pattern that every Kong's name has followed, and that is that it ends in -y, ex. Donkey, Cranky, Funky, Diddy, etc. If he was given a name that fits the formula better than that would be better.
-Also, don't go crazy with the evil Kongs. Having a couple is good, having them be the majority of the games enemies would not work well. The Kremlings are the antagonists, no matter who happens to be giving them the orders. It might be going overboard to make more than two or three new Kongs in one game.

As far as the story goes, it seems logical that "Karny Kong" has some sort of grudge against DK; most likely he wants to be King of the Apes. So naturally, he steals the banana hoard. Now, having him kidnap a couple of Kongs (possibly the ones that were guarding the hoard?) seems necessary, but I've never been a fan of the rather popular idea of the antagonist kidnapping every Kong and then having you save them one world at a time. That doesn't work well because you need the basics to run the Kong Helper shops and what have you. I think it would work best to have just Dixie and Diddy kidnapped, and have DK and Kiddy be the playable protagonists.

Here's an example of a possible storyline: DK's relaxing when Funky, along with Kiddy Kong, approaches him wondering where Dixie Kong is. DK last left her (along with Diddy) guarding the banana hoard. Funky was wondering where she was because she was supposed to baby sit Kiddy. The three of them decide to visit the banana hoard to see if she's there, and when they arrive they find the hoard missing and a poorly written note from a so called Karny Kong stating that he and his new crocodile friends have taken the hoard and the two Kongs and that he is now the King of the Apes. DK now sets out to retrieve his hoard along with Kiddy, and to save his two friends, though along the way he realizes that the plot was fabricated by K. Rool the whole time to distract them as he makes some sort of large weapon or something that will destroy DK Island. The "final" boss will be Karny of course, whom after being defeated will reveal to you that he was tricked by K. Rool, who will then storm in to reveal his plan. Upon completion of the Lost world (which is possibly inside a large explosive facility built right in to the DK island head) you will reach K. Rool and have the real final boss fight and defeat him. Or something like that.

For the timeline of the game it would work best in my opinion to have the game take place one year after DKC3 (just like every DKC went), and to include Wrinkly in her living form. There's really no need to explain her death in this game, which is what a lot of DKC4 projects try to do. Also, there's no need to reference the DK64 Kongs. If it were me I'd make this game as DKC4 with no mention or reference to the events of DK64, rather than trying to patch the events between the two games.

Finally, about the overworld map. I think it would work best for the game to take place on DK Island like the first game, but you would visit different environments around the Island that weren't visited in the first game. I don't know if you should include the Brother's Bear or not, it doesn't really matter to me.
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Re: Shall we make a DKC 4?

Postby Soniccuz » March 8th, 2010, 9:52 am

and to include Wrinkly in her living form. There's really no need to explain her death in this game

That's if you find a reason to include her at all, DK being a protagonist in the game it's logical that Candy will save the game, sanes DK64 Cranky has always given sage advice/ramblings. Wrinkly doesn't really have a function.

If Karny Kong is meant to be the generic evil doppelganger archetype (ie. Wario, Shadow, etc), then perhaps his initials should be DK to match Donkey, and also perhaps he could be given a tie reminiscent of DK's (only a different color, and rougher/more torn looking)

Consider a bow tie, I think it's a better choice then a recolor of the iconic neck tie.

and though kidnapping all the kongs may not be practical. Consider the classic dialog that could ensue if DK walked in on the kremlings attempted abduction of Cranky.

"Oh what great timing sonny you get to see me mop the floor with these two-bit thugs."

"I tell you I would of had em' if it weren't for this dang backache!"

zaneebaslave your concept designs are awesome.
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Re: Shall we make a DKC 4?

Postby cfh » March 8th, 2010, 10:01 am

Seems a bit mundane so far. Follows just about every cliche you can think of. But I have to say, I like the idea of bringing the Orangutan Gang into the main plot.

Everyone seems to love the idea of having Karni be a distraction, but this has been done before.. it's even been done in the DKC series before. What if K. Rool turned out to be a distraction for an even bigger force.. a force barely comprehendable by a mere Kong.. the very life force that spawned the Kremlings! you thought you had destroyed, but now it's back! This opens up for a very different game. It can start like a completely run of the mill DKC fangame. But then.. it gets more and more surreal.. along the way, you learn more about the Kremian War, the Brothers Bear, the Orangutan Gang, the Kremlings, and K. Rool.

I like the idea of Cranky being captured. Capturing the Kongs' mentor is an unexpected yet familiar foundation for the plot to build on. It gives every Kong an incentive to join the journey. But this game should still have a sense of humor, of course. Cranky should escape and be playable in his own little side levels, proving his badassery that he so constantly brags about, and that he hasn't lost any of his skill from the good old days.

I think it should start for an entire world like a normal DKC game. DK and Diddy playable, Cranky in his cabin for advice. Jungles, caves, and coral. Maybe his hoard was stolen again for this first world? After the first boss, however, everything changes. I'm still debated whether its a better idea for all characters to tag team in every level, or have separate characters to manage for different worlds, giving them each a separate storyline? Either way seems a bit cluttered, which worries me.

All of this written out suddenly seems way too complex for a DKC fangame, but I think it would be epic. It's a lot to think about, so maybe we should lessen the scope from my ideas here, but I believe we should strive for a plot at least a little more original.

Edit: ALSO the name Karni reminds me of the circus. It would be badass beyond words to have a Krazy Kremland II.
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Re: Shall we make a DKC 4?

Postby Simion32 » March 8th, 2010, 10:14 am

I basically agree with your entire post, CFH. Definitely if we're gonna make a DKC4 at least we should try to use a unique storyline format which hasn't been overused.

And yes, Krazy Kremland II would rule! It would be better though as an entirely new area rather than an unvisited part of the Kremland from DKC2.
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Re: Shall we make a DKC 4?

Postby The Guy » March 8th, 2010, 11:11 am

Count me in as the planner of levels (I am not in the mood for terminology...). I already have a few ideas.
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Re: Shall we make a DKC 4?

Postby Soniccuz » March 8th, 2010, 11:21 am

If the plot unfolds from a basic one and gradually becomes more complex if it makes sense on it own, doesn't make too much reference to events that aren't explained in the game, it should result in a game that's epic and not too complex. On that note:

DK Kiddy, Jungle, Diddy and Dixie kidnapped, horde stolen. come the first boss Cranky is kidnapped. (bare with me I know that's one more over used kidnap plot then we would usually want.)

Diddy Dixie, area two Krem stronghold/Factory instead of the standard rescue me plot Diddy and Dixie actually make an attempt to escape.

We then discover that after the events of DKC2 the Krem force was lost buried under ruin. K Rool wants Diddy and Dixie to uncover the Lost World again.

Just two cents to consider for Karni's motivation, if he destroys the kongs he's essentially Top Banana by default. It's ultimately your decision but what if his goals where more similar to King Dedede, in that his evil deeds mask a more noble cause?

I'm trying to lay the ground work to be able to get the two parties to meet up on the Ruins of Crocodile Island.

If this basic plot line sucks please say something. :oops:
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Re: Shall we make a DKC 4?

Postby zaneebaslave » March 8th, 2010, 11:42 am

Wait... why the heck would I put a tie on the main antagonist? I dont want him to be a clone of Donkey Kong, that'd just be silly. And very uncreative.

i mean honestly, I hear a lot about it being very cliche, but thats mostly what DKC is. In the first game, K.Rool steals all of your bananas and you have to rescue them all. In DKC 2, K.Rool kidnaps Donkey Kong, and you must go save him. In DKC 3, K.Rool kidnaps Diddy and Donkey Kong and turns them evil, and you must save them. The story is either very small and easy to follow, or not even there at all. I think it would be very unwise to complicate the game beyond recognition. I just stuck with the kidnappings because... well, it worked for every game. I suppose we can just scrap the Karni-Kong idea and go back to the basics of just having K.Rool. I dont want a stereotypical evil Donkey Kong clone.

Then again, I wrote up this idea in about 7 seconds :| So, basically, if you can come up with a story thats simple and un-cliched, I'd love to hear it.
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Re: Shall we make a DKC 4?

Postby Jomingo » March 9th, 2010, 12:58 pm

Of course, this is DKC4, and the DKC series is very much built on formula and cliche. The plot Cfh describes sounds like it would work for a very epic 3D DK game, but too complicated for DKC4. Perhaps some deviation could be taken in the plot, but not so much to the point that it tries to tie in all the DKC's plotlines and characters to some impossible and clearly fan-written epic.

I've always had an idea for having Klubba leading a sort of split in the Kremlings into two factions; those still loyal to K. Rool, who wants nothing but conquest, and those lead by Klubba who wants an isolated existence of self-reliance. Of course, the Kremling Source Power would play a large role in this plot too, with it having formed (or possible re-formed) a new (or possible re-newed) Crocodile Isle. K. Rool would be able to tap into this power in more ways than he ever had before, creating many new and powerful Kremling monsters, as well as giving himself magnificent powers. Eventually, with the Kongs and the Klubba-lead Kremlings having united against K. Rool the Source Power would end up rejecting K. Rool and returning balance to it's existence by choosing Klubba as it's controller, leaving K. Rool to be banished from the island and thus creating an isolated coexistence between the Kongs and Kremlings. Of course, K. Rool would return someday....

But this type of story seems much too epic for DKC4. And it doesn't include Karny.
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Re: Shall we make a DKC 4?

Postby zaneebaslave » March 9th, 2010, 2:32 pm

Oh, I dont care if it doesnt have Karny Kong :lol: He was just an idea. We can go back to just having normal kremlins if that's what everyone wants.
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Re: Shall we make a DKC 4?

Postby Jomingo » March 10th, 2010, 5:01 am

I like the concept of an evil Kong though and I'm not opposed to it. The idea I posted about Klubba wouldn't really work as a DKC4 storyline because it's too epic. I like the simpler concept of Karny much better. Besides, the plot is not the important part, it's the gameplay. If the plot becomes so complicated that it becomes a hindrance to actually playing the game then it's too complicated. I say we keep it simple.
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Re: Shall we make a DKC 4?

Postby Cosmicman » March 10th, 2010, 2:49 pm

I say ignore the story for a second and show us a little 3d preview of that big monkey you showed us. ;)
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Re: Shall we make a DKC 4?

Postby Cyclone » March 10th, 2010, 3:09 pm

I agree with Jomingo about keeping the story simple. The game is about platforming and pure FUN. The stories are ment to be cheesy and cliche. K. Rool should always be the main villian IMOP. Why not keep Karni Kong in the game but make him under K.Rool's rule. Perhaps he was tainted by K. Rool's evil and has turned against DK. Maybe Karni Kong is a step brother to DK and is not related to the rest of the Kongs(meaning he feels like an outsider).
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Re: Shall we make a DKC 4?

Postby zaneebaslave » March 10th, 2010, 3:27 pm

I'll make Karni, then :)

I havent really worked on him since I wasnt sure whether to use him or not. But I guess we are, so I'll begin work on him as soon as possible!
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Re: Shall we make a DKC 4?

Postby Cosmicman » March 13th, 2010, 1:40 am

I was looking at your design and got inspired, I thought about taking a more DK art style approach, so I guess I came up with a super furious on steroids DK related species :lol: Did it in about 30 minutes.
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Re: Shall we make a DKC 4?

Postby aperson98 » March 14th, 2010, 6:05 am

I like it I took the liberty of making your concept art into a sprite to see how well it would look.
Needless to say I think the Kong you thought up would look great in DKC4 Cosmicman.
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Re: Shall we make a DKC 4?

Postby zaneebaslave » August 16th, 2010, 2:34 pm

Hey folks! Sorry, I havent been on for a long time. The Zelda project sped back up, and that took all my time. But now that it's slow again, I feel as if I should work on this project again! Yay!

And low and behold: I bring a Progress update! This is the evil Karni Kong WIP:

He is not nearly done yet. He needs a lot of work, but he should be finished eventually. He needs a face, teeth, more body-mass work, chains, toes, and above all, animation. But just to show what he will look like after the details:

Tell me what you think!
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Re: Shall we make a DKC 4?

Postby Simion32 » August 16th, 2010, 2:43 pm

Holy blazes... :shock:

I almost thought you dumped this thread... but you're back!

Seeing that image is proof that you actually could match the pre-rendered graphics quality of DKC... keep going! :D

Not sure about animation, since we have no idea what all move Karni Kong will actually have. In case we don't come up with anything immediately (which I doubt), you should keep the model (once finished) on standby.

Don't know how much I'll be able to help with this because not only do I start College again tomorrow, I also have a custom interface framework on my programming plate at the moment.
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Re: Shall we make a DKC 4?

Postby zaneebaslave » August 17th, 2010, 5:40 am

I am thinking of reworking the name of the dreaded Karni Kong. It sounds like a big ape at a circus. Maybe... Diaboli-Kong... or something. I dont know, I'm not good with names, so help in that department will be needed. Also, I am thinking of the overall atmosphere of the game. It'll probably be much like DKC1 where everything will mostly be based in the jungles of DK Island.

Story-wise, I think I'll stick to the general synopsis of Kremlins and evil Kongs have nabbed some of the Kongs (Wrinkly, Cranky, Candy, and Funky having been stolen by evil Kongs; Diddy, Dixy, and DK Jr. being stolen by Kremlins, plus a variation of K.Rool as the final boss). Kremlins will play the role of foot-soldiers (Aside from the Orangutang gang as the only Kong foot-soldiers). I know most of you arent happy with the idea of evil Kongs... But I dont care :lol: . Besides, once the game starts to progress further, you will all be happy with the outcome, I'm sure.
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Re: Shall we make a DKC 4?

Postby zaneebaslave » August 18th, 2010, 2:54 pm

Sorry about the double posting. I wouldnt do this unless I have an update... and I have an update. It's mostly just a picture, but here you go:


The Kegler will take the place of the orangutans after the Orangutang gang leader is defeated. He is equipped with coconuts, which he rolls down hills to try and stop the player. During ice levels, he will replace the coconut for a snowball, which will grow in size the longer it rolls. Like the Orangutans, you merely have to dodge his attacks and leap onto his head to kill him.

Tell me what you think, and give me ideas for other kinds of Kremlings!
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Re: Shall we make a DKC 4?

Postby Master clyde super » January 10th, 2011, 9:47 am

Sorry for bump...
But I'm cooking up a horrid screenshot...
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Re: Shall we make a DKC 4?

Postby Lightning » November 29th, 2011, 7:23 am

Hey Folks, I am a Videogame Designer, & I am coming up with how the next 3D Donkey Kong Game will be designed. I have already given it a title, called 'Donkey Kong Country: Bluebeard Baboon's Double Dabloom's Prophecy.' &
I am already writing the Story, & designing Bluebeard Baboon's appearance. Do you think that the next Donkey Kong should have more of a Story to it, with Cutscenets, as well as the Monkeys, & Kremlings having their
own voices?
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Re: Shall we make a DKC 4?

Postby hiperkalango » December 1st, 2011, 11:29 am

o que voce acha dessa ideia???
what do you think of this idea??
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Re: Shall we make a DKC 4?

Postby The Banana Bird » January 9th, 2012, 1:44 pm

Lightning wrote:I am already writing the Story, & designing Bluebeard Baboon's appearance. Do you think that the next Donkey Kong should have more of a Story to it, with Cutscenets, as well as the Monkeys, & Kremlings having their own voices?

That is all needed for a good game. What does Bluebeard Baboon look like? Can we have a picture.
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Re: Shall we make a DKC 4?

Postby Lightning » October 13th, 2012, 2:46 am

Quote of above post removed by admin

So sorry for the long delay. I have now not only drawn a concept art of Bluebeard Baboon, but also drawn other concept art for the other Bosses, Weapons, Environments, and Levels.

Here is a front, & back art design of Bluebeard Baboon:


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