Super Mario 3DS

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Super Mario 3DS

Postby Tiptup Jr. » March 3rd, 2011, 11:33 am

*continued from the Random Thoughts Topic*

HavocReaper48 wrote:NO WAY! A Mario game?! for 3DS?! NEVER would of thou--

You know I can't tell if you're being an a**hole or not but... I'm just pleasantly surprised. I didn't expect a game announcement out of GDC, really, just a rehash of the same old same old. I LOVE the look of it though:


Thank God it's not in space. Not only does it look like a spiritual successor to SM64, but having little Mario almost makes it like a direct, 3D sequel to the Super Mario Bros. games. Loving it.
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Re: Super Mario 3DS

Postby CaptainEddie » March 4th, 2011, 9:49 am

It looks more like the classic SMB games to me. Bob-Omb Battlefiels-esque, sure, but I'm leaning more towards Super Mario Bros. 3.
And also. Racoon tail. Heck yeah. The block bits are very remicient of Super Mario 64, though.
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Re: Super Mario 3DS

Postby Simion32 » March 4th, 2011, 9:56 am

*Needs Wii Version*

I usually stay away from handhelds.
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Re: Super Mario 3DS

Postby Jomingo » March 4th, 2011, 10:13 am

Yeah, I like SMG but I was ready to move on. And then they made SMG2 and I was really ready to move on. SM64 was disappointing only because of how completely awful it is on so many levels when compared to the improvements made by other companies (which is to be expected seeing as they kinda invented that type of game with it), and then Nintendo never followed it up with a "normal" 3D platformer. Sunshine and Galaxy were good, but I want just a normal Mario game to make it to 3D. The only one ever was SM64 and they obviously left a lot of room for improvement. This will be good.

Also, Tanooki Suit=awesome. SMB3 is my favorite Mario game.
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Re: Super Mario 3DS

Postby Tiptup Jr. » March 4th, 2011, 11:34 am

Simion32 wrote:*Needs Wii Version*

I usually stay away from handhelds.

No! First of all this game won't have as much dodgy motion control, and handhelds provide a really intimate, personal gaming experience in my opinion... anyway. Going off what Jomingo was saying. Super Mario 64 was a great game, but obviously it was the first of its kind and experimented in a lot of ways. It used to be cool to actually like SM64, but I like how that's changed now and everyone's saying "oh, it was so bland and boring". It wasn't really that bad. But the thing I like about this new 3DS game is that it doesn't look like Super Mario 64 2. It just looks like a 3D sequel to the original Super Mario Bros. series, and that's pretty cool.

I sure use the word "like" a lot.
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Re: Super Mario 3DS

Postby CaptainEddie » March 6th, 2011, 4:13 am

I loved SM64. It was great and while it definately wasn't perfect, it was a wonderful entry into the series and a smooth transition into 3D.

I'm seeing a lot of SMB3 elemenets in here, besides the tail. There's the donuts, the arrow blocks, etc.
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Re: Super Mario 3DS

Postby Jomingo » March 6th, 2011, 5:12 am

The only reason I didn't like SM64 is because I didn't play it until much later when I had played much smoother built platformers. My family got a Playstation rather than an N64, so I played the Crash and Spyro platformers as my first 3D ones. They are much different than the open-world type platformers like Mario and Banjo. When I did end up getting an N64 I played Banjo before I played SM64, so it just seems bad by comparison. I'm sure if I had that nostalgic feeling of it being "the first" of it's kinds then I'd like it, but I played much better built ones before I played it.

Regardless, it's still nice to see a "normal" 3D platformer along the lines of SM64 in style. Even if I didn't like SM64 as much, I liked it's look much better than Sunshine or Galaxies, and I've been disappointed up until now that they haven't returned to a normal style with all the technological improvements that have happened since the original.
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Re: Super Mario 3DS

Postby Tiptup Jr. » March 6th, 2011, 7:13 am

Yeah. For me Donkey Kong 64 was the first 3D game I had ever even seen, so of course that was amazing. But I didn't actually own Super Mario 64 until a few years ago... I always rented it when I was a kid so it was like this mysterious entity to me. And then, obviously, the Banjo games were vastly better- although some worlds in the first BK are eerily similar to those in SM64- and even I hate admitting that.

Regardless, the DS version of SM64 was still cool (and is about to get cooler!)
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Re: Super Mario 3DS

Postby Ninni973 » December 13th, 2011, 7:38 am

Sorry for the HUGE bump but Super Mario 3DS is renamed Super Mario 3D Land and released now!
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