The Random Thoughts Topic

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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Super Luigi! » January 14th, 2012, 1:30 pm

(still in accent) Hehe, that's why I'm so drunk all the time! Speaking of which, it's amazing that I can still type and not get a TUI!
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Ninni973 » January 15th, 2012, 10:59 am

I found this video of an upbeat version of Minuet in G Major on Ocarina. It's pretty awesome.

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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby The Banana Bird » January 17th, 2012, 1:22 pm

I am typing this while eating a bowl of grapes. You should try it, I am realllll hyper.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Super Luigi! » January 17th, 2012, 3:27 pm

"The Banana Bird got all the Super Grapes. Now he can turn into Hyper Banana Bird. Meanwhile, Super Luigi got all the Chaos Raisins. Nothing happened..."
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Ninni973 » January 18th, 2012, 3:07 am

I'm sick again, this time with a migraine!
I'll play Amazing Island again. I got a new GameCube memory card for Christmas last year, so I'll be able to make more Monsters and even do a Let's Play!
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby HavocReaper48 » January 18th, 2012, 11:41 am

Not sure if you guys have this too, but I'm about to get a week off of school for Regents Week.

:D My schedule is as follows:

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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby The Banana Bird » January 18th, 2012, 11:42 am

Gamecube is a nice old system, ok compared to the SNES but a nice system.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Super Luigi! » January 18th, 2012, 3:08 pm

Somehow, I think Simion 32 will overpower even Qyzbud and be a DKC Rockefeller with his DKCLB and RE. I also misspelled his name as: Siminion32.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Cody » January 18th, 2012, 8:18 pm

The Banana Bird wrote:Gamecube is a nice old system, ok compared to the SNES but a nice system.

Yeah, I really love the SNES. The Donkey Kong Country trilogy, EarthBound, Super Mario RPG / All-Stars / World, Yoshi's Island... some of my all-time favorite games!
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby The Banana Bird » January 20th, 2012, 10:32 am

Alright guys, I had wrestling today right? There is this kid who get a move practiced on him and he makes this retarded noise when he hits the ground. It was hard not to laugh and everyone started laughing. I had to feel really bad though, cause I am guessing it hurt him. Jeez, guilt sucks but I guess everyone there must of felt it after. Well just felt like putting that out there.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby HavocReaper48 » January 20th, 2012, 1:06 pm

I was at the dentist and "Beat It" by MJ was playing in the background. Needless to say, my visit (and day) was awesome.

Also, I took my chem final today. Rest assured, I aimed for a solid 65.

On an unrelated note....


Just throwin' that out there.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Phyreburnz » January 20th, 2012, 1:30 pm

MJ, at the dentist! Awesome :D

So, I'm a bit pissed off... I'm in drawing two (which is figure drawing), and we're doing stupid stuff like contour drawings... we got a live model last class and we could real-people draw... then we're back to basic crap... WHAT THE HELL?!
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Cody » January 21st, 2012, 9:17 am

Hah, speaking of MJ, I wanted to share something that happened 3 years ago.

Ok, the day was Halloween 2008 and I was a senior in high school...the place: Government class, which happened to be the final class of the day. The atmosphere at school on Halloween is always reckless and in good fun, but our teacher was pretty strict and we had a test that day, so everyone was quiet.

Well, during the test, this girl's phone went off in her purse and her ringtone was none other than MJ's Billie Jean. Naturally, the girl tried to shut off the ringtone right away (especially considering the teacher looked ultra pissed) but she had a hard time getting to her phone in time. The ringtone's going "Billie Jean.. is not my lover... she's just a girl, who claims..." ← this is when she managed to stop it from ringing. Well, right when it cut off, I spontaneously started singing, out loud: "IIII am the one. But the kiiid is not my son, WHOOO!" and pumped my arm in the air.

Needless to say, everyone in the class thought it was hilarious, including the teacher, and the atmosphere of the class turned from 'strict & unpleasant' to 'relaxed & enjoyable', which actually ended up staying true for the remainder of the year.

I'm proud of myself :lol:
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Super Luigi! » January 21st, 2012, 4:48 pm

I would have probably done the same thing. For my thought, THE BRICK WILL COME DOWN!
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Phyreburnz » January 22nd, 2012, 6:49 am

I didn't have to work today because there was an ice storm last night... I pretty much just sat around this morning... not that work would have been much different. I'm pretty bored, though.... I have stuff to do (I have homework from my drawing class which will be a pain in the ass)... but I don't wanna! I wish I didn't feel so damn lazy today.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Ninni973 » January 22nd, 2012, 8:17 am

After feeling better from sickness, I am now working on Wind Waker Z Episode 3. It'll air this Friday, so prepare yourselves for some awesomeness!
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Super Luigi! » January 22nd, 2012, 2:43 pm

Do you ever get friend requests from random people on forums or a social network and scream, "WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE!?!"
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Phyreburnz » January 22nd, 2012, 4:03 pm

^ That happens all the time... I usually end up accepting it because we have like eighty-bagillion friends in common... then when they leave a comment or something, I'm like, "who the hell is that?!"
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Cody » January 22nd, 2012, 5:42 pm

I generally accept every friend request I get, even if it's an obvious bot. Leads to some interesting 'for fun' conversations like the one below, which happened on Skype:

Link here.

I'm more cautious on Facebook though. I accept most requests, though I sometimes get requests from people whose profiles dictate that they simply aren't real... and I'll usually deny those. I'll occasionally keep a few on my list for the hell of it, but eventually the accounts will disappear... further confirms my suspicion that they were fake accounts heh.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Phyreburnz » January 24th, 2012, 9:11 am

Meh... it's upsetting that we have so many members... but so few active ones... When we get someone new, I always get my hopes up... and usually for no reason... I should stop being so optimistic. Pessimism really is my thing, and for good reason.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby The Banana Bird » January 24th, 2012, 12:20 pm

I didn't feel like making a topic for this, but I plan on buying Donkey Kong from Rare or Nintendo so I can make THE OFFICIAL Donkey Kong Country 4, on the Xbox XD. I think that is what it should be on belive it or not since I want it to be like the SNES version, and thats the closest we got. It would have slightly improved SNES graphics, good sound for the music and a controller like what SNES had. If only SNES was still around :(
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Super Luigi! » January 24th, 2012, 2:53 pm

^Well good luck with that. As for the member situation, I can name the most active people here: Simion32, Cody, The Banana Bird, Phyreburnz, Markster, Ninni973, Super Luigi!, and the occasional Qyzbud. We should all be in a special group, called "The Activists!"
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Cody » January 24th, 2012, 3:29 pm

Me? Active? Naw :P

I've been a member here since 11:42pm on Feb 12, 2008 (in my time zone at least) which was right around the time of the Atlas' debut, and I've known about the Atlas since Qyz first mentioned it to me as a distant idea... in fact, I might've been the first person he ever told about the Atlas, months before the site blossomed into fruition. I posted here quite often at first, but in the summer of '08 I ended up drifting away from the internet in general ... and though I've been back on for a long while now, it's only been about a week since I've been a regular poster here. Before that, I'd show up maybe once or twice every few months... in fact, looking at my posts, I only posted 12 times in 2011 :?

...but that doesn't mean I don't like DKC-Atlas! I love it, in fact. Nothing makes me more giddier than showing up here after a 6 month hiatus and seeing all the wonderful DKC-related goodies on here. It's like a mini-Christmas. For example, Simion's DKCRE. I nearly cried when I first tried out the editor, it was so beautiful.

However, I do plan on staying entirely active now. I love the Atlas' goals and ambitions, the forums have a very euphoric, peaceful sense, and the members here are friendly and compassionate DKC fans.

Thanks for being who you are everyone, I love you all :D
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Markster » January 25th, 2012, 12:52 am

I am definitely active, I get on here 4 to 8 times a day, probably more.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby The Banana Bird » January 25th, 2012, 2:50 am

Yeah, I guess I am pretty active. I come on everyday about 5 times. Another cold today, dang.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Phyreburnz » January 25th, 2012, 12:59 pm

Okay... I'm legit pissed off right now... some a**hole was following my car so close, I couldn't see their headlights. I slowed down just to see IF a car was following me. Then he illegally passed me. I should have tapped my brakes; I know he would have hit me if I did. I was really hoping to see him pulled over by a cop... I did not, unfortunately.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby The Banana Bird » January 25th, 2012, 1:08 pm

Heh heh, your post saying the word cop was the post that bumped you up from 911 to 912. Do you guys remember that Billy Mays guy who dyed back in 2009 :cry:
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Cody » January 25th, 2012, 2:39 pm

How can I not remember? :D

Someone in my senior year Child Development introduced me to the 'Billy Mays dubs' on YouTube (Orange Glow, Kaboom!, Mighty Putty, What Odor?, etc.) and I got really into them. A few months later (the morning of June 28, 2009) I went to Mays' Wikipedia just for kicks, and then I saw that he died on that day. Thought it was a prank at first but a quick Google search confirmed its authenticity.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Super Luigi! » January 25th, 2012, 2:52 pm

You know Modern Warfare 3? I have an ally on there and his name is, you guessed it, Billy Mays! So whenever we play together, I always exclaim into the mic, "Billy Mays here with the Spaz-12! Have a tough time with those Spetsnaz stains in your mall? This tough people killer will kill even the heaviest of campers! Try the Spaz-12, it gets the tough Akimbos OUT!"
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby The Banana Bird » January 26th, 2012, 9:20 am

Dammmm, I love the dubs. Jaboodys are the best. I think he is the best salesman who in my opinion is still alive, and will never die. RIP BILLY MAYS (jk he never dies :P )
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Ninni973 » January 26th, 2012, 10:03 am

OK, guys, here's something funny. I slept with my husky Duke on the floor last night.
I had a dream that I was playing Wind Waker, and Wind Waker Link was in a room with a checkered floor and stained glass. I thought that was Wuhu Island from Wii Sports Resort, but that's not what Wuhu Island looks like. Now I feel like playing Wind Waker.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Chibisai Kong » January 26th, 2012, 10:10 am

Ok yeah. Know I haven't been on in a while but I've been busy. Anyways I was looking at DKC tv show pics earlier after I finished my assignment in BIM class and a pic from an episode of Saturday Supercade popped up. I don't know exactly what he's doing but to me it looks like Junior's dad is trying to give him a bottle. ... pyQDw#i=23

Any ideas?
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby HavocReaper48 » January 26th, 2012, 10:59 am

Billy Mays is my hero. His ads have the strength, and the muscle, to convince all whom need to buy.

And he's NOT DONE YET!
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Cody » January 26th, 2012, 11:46 am

For the last 4 nights in a row I've been having these very vivid, almost surrealistic recurring dreams that I'm in an abandoned cabin out in the middle of a post-apocalyptic desert. No door, only a window. I look out the window and see nothing but a dried-up wasteland, a distant dead tree (looks like something out of a horror film) and dark maroon sky filled with flaming fireballs. I then turn around and see the devil -- horns, hooves, forked tongue -- the devil. He has piercing red eyes and pale, white skin. He doesn't seem very friendly, but at the same time not much of a threat. Then I wake up. I had this dream once back in August, but I've been having it for 4 nights now, & every single time I have this dream, the scenery doesn't change. It's incredibly surrealistic, and by that I mean it feels like I'm really there, that it's really happening. I'm also able to logically think & control what I do; I said to myself that I thought it might be a dream, but it all felt so real that I had to brush it off. It's extremely complicated to coherently formulate exactly what I'm trying to say.

Last night's variation of this dream in particular has been haunting me all day. Now, I don't mean to offend any religious people here in any way, shape or form, but my main specialty is anthropology / genetic evolution, and I feel the existence of a higher power is mathematically and scientifically improbable. That's not to say I don't believe in God. In fact, that's probably the only thing that can explain this dream:

When I looked the devil into the eyes, I said "Let's be friends. I don't mean no harm." Instead he screamed a bunch of gibberish and started forcing his way into my physical heart, which opened like a black hole. I kept trying to pry him out but had limited success. Then, I just gave up; the more he got in, the more physically weak I felt, so I let him enter me. The black hole closed up and my hearing and vision became distorted, I kid you not.

My vision came back to normal, almost like a hallucinogen, and the devil was gone. I was suddenly greeted by what felt like an extreme sense of euphoria, inner peace. The pain went away, and I looked around and saw a clock. The clock read 4:13.

Woke up right after that, looked at the time. 4:13. Yeah.

This has been literally haunting me all day, I couldn't concentrate in school, and I could barely write this without bursting into tears. I really have no explanation for this. :(
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Phyreburnz » January 26th, 2012, 12:07 pm

I was actually thinking of creating a dream topic... but I figured mine were just too... well... bad for it... Mine really really scare me sometimes... I've gotten shot in the head four or five times in my dreams. I've never had a recurring dream... but I've had a recurring theme....

I have one that I've never been able to tell without crying at the end... I don't know if I want other people to know what goes on in my head at night. I actually had two people ask if I was drugged when I told them about that specific dream.

If I do end up creating a dream topic, I will write that they are not for the "faint of heart." I just think that if I create a dream topic... I'll bum everybody out for the rest of the day.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Simion32 » January 26th, 2012, 2:43 pm

my main specialty is anthropology / genetic evolution, and I feel the existence of a higher power is mathematically and scientifically improbable. That's not to say I don't believe in God. In fact, that's probably the only thing that can explain this dream
As for the meaning of your dream I'd estimate that it has something to do with integrating that part of yourself that is your shadow, and opening up to the light. Or some rendition of that theme.

In the coming years we are going to see more and more of a breakup of all the dogma that says we are in a purposeless void. Why else would we be here? We MUST have been created by some intelligence, since it has also been proven that the chances of the universe we know of (even just the physical one) arising out of randomness is absurdly slim.

The property of the entire universe is that all is constructed from loving consciousness. The world is just an illusion imposed on us by thoughts of "what is". There is a very real need to be loved, and without it you will go insane.

This has been literally haunting me all day, I couldn't concentrate in school, and I could barely write this without bursting into tears. I really have no explanation for this.
Don't let it haunt you. The angels are watching us each and every step of the way. Oh, and higher beings are boundless with regards to time, higher dimensions aren't limited to time flow, especially if you consider psychic access to information. This stuff has actually been scientifically proven with a reasonable basis for the entire "reality" (that also properly explains free energy devices) but very few choose to accept that this information is true, due to modern scientific dogma.

Psychic phenomena/skills are also completely and utterly normal, they are a skill we have been trained to ignore since we were infants (most commonly called the imagination, and this is evidently lost to some heavy degree in childhood). Look up the pineal gland.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Phyreburnz » January 26th, 2012, 3:01 pm

Simion32 wrote:Psychic phenomena/skills are also completely and utterly normal...

I think psychic stuff has been thoroughly disproven. Most of the time when you see "psychics" on t.v. they are just reading expressions from the audience. There's actually some guy that's offering one million dollars to somebody that can prove they are psychic.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Simion32 » January 26th, 2012, 3:06 pm

Yes, but doing actual lab-provable psychic feats on this plane of existence is nearly impossible.

You see, the pineal gland is the organ which is built specifically for doing this kind of stuff.

HOWEVER. We loose 99% of the capability when being brought into this world due to a myriad of reasons, like diet (high amounts of calcium clog the pineal - the is why they use it in those bone scans that detect brain tumors. it's that white dot in the middle) and societal norms imposed on the unknowing children.

You want some proof eh? The Source Field Investigations (B&N)

...but I digress. There is symbolism all over the Vatican and in multiple cultures everywhere about the pineal gland. Just find a pine cone (pope's staff!).

EDIT: If you don't believe that such things are possible, since your psychic functionality is also a function of your thoughts, you therefore will not be able to have even the most mundane psychic experiences.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Phyreburnz » January 26th, 2012, 3:13 pm

I'll have to look for that book at the library. I'm all about proof :)

Here is one of my favorite people, Mr. Richard Dawkins, explaining about psychic ability. I really like this video.
I know some people get easily offended by Dawkins, but I really think he's funny and he explains things well.

ON A SIDE NOTE: Damn these stink bugs!!! >.< I swear, I've thrown about ten of them in the toilet today... Stupid invasive species...
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Cody » January 26th, 2012, 3:32 pm

Simion32 wrote:The property of the entire universe is that all is constructed from loving consciousness. The world is just an illusion imposed on us by thoughts of "what is". There is a very real need to be loved, and without it you will go insane.

It's actually amusing that you say that.

Phyreburnz wrote:I was actually thinking of creating a dream topic... but I figured mine were just too... well... bad for it... Mine really really scare me sometimes... I've gotten shot in the head four or five times in my dreams. I've never had a recurring dream... but I've had a recurring theme....

I have one that I've never been able to tell without crying at the end... I don't know if I want other people to know what goes on in my head at night. I actually had two people ask if I was drugged when I told them about that specific dream.

If I do end up creating a dream topic, I will write that they are not for the "faint of heart." I just think that if I create a dream topic... I'll bum everybody out for the rest of the day.

My dreams are almost always ridiculous.

Example A: I had a dream that I had several coelacanth eggs, so I put them in my cat's litterbox. Then they hatched and started swimming around in mid-air.

Then in real life, the next night, I found out by absolute chance that coelacanths give birth to live young, rendering my subconscious (in this instance) useless heh.

Example B: I dreamed my friend came over wearing a banana suit, and I was like "would you wear that for 50 dollars an hour in the hot sun?" He was like "honestly... hell no. I almost died today."

...or plain bizarre:

Yoshi's Island was the main feature of my dream. I was playing a new skiing level and woke up during the middle of it. I distinctively recall how the screen looked before I woke up. Here's an in-game graphic replica of the scene:


...and here's what I quickly constructed in MS Paint, seconds after waking up, so I wouldn't forget what the level looked like :D
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Phyreburnz » January 26th, 2012, 3:47 pm

Cody, I'm wondering if dream interpretation is of any interest to you. I have a dreamer's dictionary... but, honestly, the book is just stupid. Like, when you see black, you're feeling bad... you know? Crap like that. (Maybe that's a wee bit of an exaggeration...)

I was seriously wondering about psychics and dream interpreters when I had my first real nightmare. I looked for one, kind of, but I never did go. I am a skeptic of those kinds of things, but they interest me very much.

It's been about nine months since my first true nightmare... and when I think about it, it still makes me feel sort of sick to my stomach.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Markster » January 27th, 2012, 12:27 am

...and here's what I quickly constructed in MS Paint, seconds after waking up, so I wouldn't forget what the level looked like :D (Quote By Cody)

Now I will start doing that now when I have dreams about video games.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Super Luigi! » January 27th, 2012, 3:13 am

"Sees Cody's and Simion32's posts and is amazed"

Well, uh, errr, pudding? You know, I'm with Markster. I think I'll recreate my video game dreams just like that. Unless they're 3-D. Then, I'll have to try to draw them. Phyreburnz, do you ever have dreams where you and everyone you know are falling into a dark, black void, and the void is bottomless, and everyone is screaming but nobody can hear them because the dark void traps all sound, so for an eternity, everyone keeps falling over and over?
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Phyreburnz » January 27th, 2012, 7:04 am

Super Luigi! wrote:Phyreburnz, do you ever have dreams where you and everyone you know are falling into a dark, black void, and the void is bottomless, and everyone is screaming but nobody can hear them because the dark void traps all sound, so for an eternity, everyone keeps falling over and over?

I have not had a dream like that, but I can honestly say that I'd rather have that dream than my typical nightmares.
if you want to see what mine are like, check out the post I created called, "Dreams and Nightmares."
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Ninni973 » January 27th, 2012, 7:20 am

I had basketball today. It was really fun. I also like basketball, because I played Mario Hoops 3-on-3.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Phyreburnz » January 27th, 2012, 1:51 pm

I'm going through a pretty rough time right now... my younger brother just got in some serious trouble. I'm talking, in jail trouble... My mum, dad, sister, and older brother are all pretty disappointed and upset. I feel beside myself, right now.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Master clyde super » January 27th, 2012, 2:18 pm

OK, um, well, I had a dream one time...
I was 10 again, and I was on a playground. Then some worms came around and threw up goop. Anyone that touched it would get SUPAHPOWERS!!! But I didn't have enough time before I had to go bac- :geek:
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Super Luigi! » January 27th, 2012, 3:09 pm

Phyreburnz, don't tell me, your brother was trying to save his uncle with his girlfriend when he ran out of chances! Or maybe he was a murder suspect and the police saw him? I'm not making fun of you, I just love referencing things.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Phyreburnz » January 27th, 2012, 3:20 pm

Well, thanks for a bit of a laugh! :)

It is pretty serious, though... he's going to face several felony charges...
My parents are amazing people. They have always been there for us. After my parents got divorced, my dad would save change for a year just to he able to take us to the beach for a vacation. Both of my parents did the best they could for us... I can't imagine hurting them the way my brother has done... and he doesn't show any remorse, either.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Cody » January 27th, 2012, 3:32 pm

Phyreburnz, I just wanted to say that it's always disappointing to hear troubles regarding your intermediate family, especially siblings. I could write an entire novel on how my brother Brandon has terrorized the whole entire family in the last 4-5 years (let's just say LOTS of stealing, drugs, habitual lying, overall unpleasant and creepy behavior were involved and have unanimously changed the foundation of who he is forever).

I wish you and your family the best of luck.
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