Dreams and Nightmares

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Dreams and Nightmares

Postby Phyreburnz » January 26th, 2012, 12:28 pm

I've convinced myself to create this topic... finally. If you have a dream or nightmare you want to share, please post it here. I also kind of want this to be a place where you can try to interpret other people's dreams if you want.

Okay, so my dreams are pretty intense sometimes, and I will put a warning before some of the more nightmare-ish dreams. I used to have some that were pretty awesome, like flying on the back of a dragon and cool stuff like that. But I hit a point where I started to get chronic nightmares. I haven't had one for a while, which might just be wishful thinking. Most to all of my dreams are realistic and they feel like they are happening.

Here's a kind of cool one I had two nights ago, it was rather short but still pretty neat.
My boyfriend had a rubber Mario costume that was inflatable. When it was deflated, it looked like old-school NES Mario. When it was inflated, it looked like modern Mario.

I'm going to post one of my more "mild" nightmares. It's still pretty bad, though. If anybody wants me to post the worst nightmare I've ever had (which was actually my first "true" nightmare), they can ask... I don't want to put it up unless somebody wants to read it...
My boyfriend (his name is Eugene) and I were living with three roomates in what looked like my mum's house. One of the roommates, just at the beginning, looked like Cartman from Southpark. I don't remember if he had a name but I'll call him Eric, just because he looked like Cartman. His looks eventually changed into a real-looking man. Eric was an abusive roommate who pushed and shoved people, and I even think he pushed one of the people down the stairs. Everybody teamed up to get him out of the house. We locked the doors, hoping that he wouldn't get in. Shortly after this happened, he started shooting at us from outside the house. The other two roommates were the first to go. Eugene and I closed the blinds and were crawling around the house so he couldn't hit us. He could still see our shadows if we stood upright. Eugene was walking up the steps and ended up getting shot. I ran over to help him and Eric was there. He had the gun pointed at my face and was about to shoot me. The really scary part is that I turned my head around so I wouldn't see the bullet coming...
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Re: Dreams and Nightmares

Postby The Banana Bird » January 26th, 2012, 12:39 pm

Wow, that second one is really intense. THIS DREAM WAS BEFORE DKC2 WAS EVER PLAYED BY ME GUYS. Me and my friend Dan were in some sort of forest. There was this huge mushroom shaped hive and we went in it. There were these bees everywhere, but we found hazmat suits conveinently under the tree. When we got really far into the hive, a HUGE bee about the size of a whale flew out of no where and chased us through this sort of passage made of honeycombs. The other bees were chasing us too at one point. These people fell out of some pit above us and got attacked by the bees. Dan and I kept running from it until we found a dark pit. We jumped down and found a big Larami watergun that shot fireballs and killed all the bees. Strange huh? I was a messed up kid I guess :lol:
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Re: Dreams and Nightmares

Postby Phyreburnz » January 26th, 2012, 12:40 pm

This is going to be a stupid question... and I bet the answer was no.... but did you post this somewhere else on the forum? If you didn't, I totally just got some serious deja vu.
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Re: Dreams and Nightmares

Postby The Banana Bird » January 26th, 2012, 12:46 pm

Nope, first time I posted about this specific dream. The bee was a deep blue color anyway, kinda intimidating.
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Re: Dreams and Nightmares

Postby Phyreburnz » January 26th, 2012, 12:48 pm

Man... I coulda swore I read that before... O.o

Interesting dream, anyway. I always enjoyed semi-intense dreams. I thought things like being chased was kinda fun... I like adrenaline rushes.
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Re: Dreams and Nightmares

Postby The Banana Bird » January 26th, 2012, 12:55 pm

In a way, that was one of the funnest things in my life, even though it wans't actually in my normal life. Now I really want to get chased by bees. *pokes hive with stick*
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Re: Dreams and Nightmares

Postby Markster » January 27th, 2012, 12:44 am

Well I have had many many dreams and nightmares, but one I remembered since I was just 4 years old was...
I dreamed that a bunch of weird home invaders invaded my home and turned my sister Brittany into one of them home invaders, they had greenish skin, and they where scary, at the end of my dream, she went with them, and I never got to see my sister again, then I woke up. (Nightmare)

And when I was 4, I just woke up from sleeping, and a head popped out of the TV, and tried to eat me, it was just my imagination, but I didn't think so, so I had many nightmares about it, where is one of them...
I dreamed of the head tried to get me, and it almost did, It chased me around the house, till I reached a dead end, but then I grabbed a big wooden kitchen chair and hit it with a kitchen chair, it was defeated, and everyone in my family called me a hero. (???)
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Re: Dreams and Nightmares

Postby Ninni973 » January 27th, 2012, 7:15 am

I recall back in 2010, I had a Wario dream, and Wario was saying "Chi Chi Chi, come out, please, please, please!" with stupid emotions. I woke up and had a bad day. I swear if I ever see Wario in my dreams again, I'll call Mario and we'll beat Wario up.
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Re: Dreams and Nightmares

Postby Cody » January 27th, 2012, 5:42 pm

Phyreburnz wrote:Cody, I'm wondering if dream interpretation is of any interest to you.

Naw, not really :P

Before my cat Dubs disappeared, my backyard used to get raccoons occasionally. They'd try to get into the shed where we stored the cat food. I had a dream during the summer of 2008 that I went out back, but there were orangutans around instead of raccoons. According to a site (I don't remember the name; it was a dream mood site), dreaming about orangutans indicates that you have problems / trust issues with a lover. Thought it accompanied my epiphany very well, considering it was around the same time :D
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Re: Dreams and Nightmares

Postby Phyreburnz » January 31st, 2012, 1:42 am

I had a dream last night that my dad was going to lose the house... this is even worse than just anybody about to lose their house because my dad built his house...
That's the first dream I've had in a little while... I somehow feel it is connected to what my stupid brother did... I don't know why.
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Re: Dreams and Nightmares

Postby Chibisai Kong » February 2nd, 2012, 4:40 pm

Speaking of stupid brothers, I had a dream YEARS ago that was so strange tryst to this day I don't know if I should classify it as nightmare or crazy dream.

There was a cursed convience store that my brother went into even though we were told not to. He drank an ICEE from there and turned into Taz from Looney Tunes. Come to find out the reason for it was that the person who created the LT series apparently died in there and that's why we didn't realize Bugs Bunny was the cashier. Anyway, for some reason me, my mom, and my sis all turned into Transformers and squashes him. I then woke up and started crying, probably because I was scared that it didn't (I'm a horrible little sister, I know ;)) but mind you this was somewhere in the period of between the time my dad left and my great-grandmother died(ages 5 to 9).
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Re: Dreams and Nightmares

Postby Cody » February 3rd, 2012, 2:49 am

Had an odd one last night.

I dreamed I was in my backyard & the weather somewhat gloomy (chilly, a bunch of darkish clouds surrounding the area, etc.). Then it started pouring down raining out of nowhere. If that wasn't bad enough, a giant charcoal-colored thunder cloud crashed right into my neighbor's house and took out a large portion of the interior! Then the same cloud crashed into my house.... I can distinctively recall exactly how much damage it did (not very much oddly, but still a lot).

Anyways, when it crashed into my neighbor's house, apparently it caused their front door to get permanently locked, so we had to go my other neighbor to get their spare house key which apparently worked on the locked door. Not sure what happened after this, haha.
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Re: Dreams and Nightmares

Postby Super Luigi! » February 3rd, 2012, 3:22 pm

I had a dream that I was driving at night in my hometown, and there was this old lady and a bigger lady, and they were complaining about my driving. I then purposely crashed the car into a ditch by some railroad tracks and then drove out to show them how bad I COULD be driving.
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Re: Dreams and Nightmares

Postby Markster » February 5th, 2012, 12:41 am

I dreamed that I got banned off DKC-Atlas for having a picture of Cream as my avatar last night.
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Re: Dreams and Nightmares

Postby Phyreburnz » February 5th, 2012, 2:01 am

The night before last I had two strange dreams...

The first dream:
I was at church (which is weird for me, because I'm agnostic) with my dad and younger brother, Stephen (the one that got himself in trouble). At the end of each pew was a judge, or somebody that looked like a judge. My brother and I sat in the same row and my dad sat a few rows in front of us. Stephen hit me and for some reason... I bit him. He looked over at the judge and said something about me biting him, and the judge looked at him and then looked away, to signify that he saw Stephen hit me first. Stephen hit me again, so I punched him back. Because of that, I got kicked out of the church and my dad was pissed off at me.

The second dream:
My mum, sister, and I were at Kennywood (an amusement park that's relatively local). We had just gotten there and were riding roller coasters. While we were riding them, half of a tooth came loose in my mouth... not the whole tooth, it was cracked in half and I was wiggling the back half with my tongue. The loose part came out and I started to cry. I wasn't crying just because half of my tooth fell out, I was crying because we had just gotten there and if we left Kennywood, we couldn't get back in. If we could get back in, it was too far for us to leave, go to my dentist, get my tooth fixed, and come back.

I hate dreams with loose teeth... they freak me out and I start to check if my teeth are okay in the morning... and mine are not normally just a loose tooth, it's usually cracked in half.
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Re: Dreams and Nightmares

Postby Cody » February 5th, 2012, 5:18 am

I dreamed I was playing the DKC Kremling's Revenge hack (it's in a thread on this forum), and when I was in the middle of fighting K. Rool I saw a DK Coin floating above. I got the DK Coin and beat K. Rool... then it shifted to a scene in Cranky Kong's hut. Cranky said something along the lines of "Congrats, now that you've beaten all the levels, you may collect DK Coins throughout the game. There are exactly as many DK Coins in this game as the amount of bushes in the jungle stages in Kongo Jungle."

Next thing I remember, I was able to ride Rambi on the world map and I crashed into a cabin on the map that you normally can't access. This led me to a DKC3-ish Crystal Chasm mini-game which I played to get the DK Coin! Epic!
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Re: Dreams and Nightmares

Postby The Banana Bird » February 5th, 2012, 5:50 am

Cody wrote:I dreamed I was playing the DKC Kremling's Revenge hack (it's in a thread on this forum), and when I was in the middle of fighting K. Rool I saw a DK Coin floating above. I got the DK Coin and beat K. Rool... then it shifted to a scene in Cranky Kong's hut. Cranky said something along the lines of "Congrats, now that you've beaten all the levels, you may collect DK Coins throughout the game. There are exactly as many DK Coins in this game as the amount of bushes in the jungle stages in Kongo Jungle."

Next thing I remember, I was able to ride Rambi on the world map and I crashed into a cabin on the map that you normally can't access. This led me to a DKC3-ish Crystal Chasm mini-game which I played to get the DK Coin! Epic!

Thats pretty incredible, but isin't there a topic for DKC related dreams only? I think it would still be aloud in this topic anyways. That is really cool with the cabin on the map you talked about.
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Re: Dreams and Nightmares

Postby Ninni973 » February 5th, 2012, 12:42 pm

I had a dream one time about Wind Waker. I was in Beetle's shop, and he showed me a video that said "The Legend of Zelda: The Waker." Seems weird, right?
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Re: Dreams and Nightmares

Postby Phyreburnz » February 6th, 2012, 6:31 am

Had another strange one last night. Go figure, eh?

My mum, dad, me, and my grandparents from my mum's side all went to Disney in Florida (this is weird to begin with, because my mum and dad are divorced and would not go on vacation together... especially with my grandparents, they don't like my dad). In the dream, Disney would rent houses to people going on vacation, in real life, they have hotels in the actual amusement part. We were searching for the house they rented and asked the same guy like two or three times where our house was. We finally found it, and there were people walking past the houses, admiring them. We felt like rich or something because we got to rent the house and we felt like big-shots going up to the door to unlock it. When we walked in, it was a complete shithole!!! There were two or three bird cages off to the left. I went over to look, because I love birds (I really do love birds, and I have a parakeet named Moe). I looked at them, and the birds in the first cage were really fat parakeets. I'm talking, like eight or nine times the size of a normal parakeet. The size of one of their wings was the entire size of my parakeet. They were so fat, they couldn't move much, and they were stuck in these little metal bed things. The birds in the cage on the other side were normal sized. I was looking at them, when my grandmother hollered over and told me to look out for ants. I lifted my feet... which for some reason, I was in footed pajamas... and there were mini marshmallows beneath my right foot and there were red ants everywhere!

I started to freak out and went away from the cages. At that point, the vacation became more of a family reunion. I remember seeing a few of my cousins. My grandfather had mosquitoes in his hand. My dog, Curley (who is actually the dog that lives at my dad's house), was there. My grandfather put the mosquitoes on my dog and I started to yell at him. I said, "He already has a skin condition and he's itchy all the time! You're going to make it worse!" He said he'd be fine, and I saw my dog roll on his back to start scratching.

I have pretty vivid dreams. There's always a lot of detail.
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Re: Dreams and Nightmares

Postby Super Luigi! » February 7th, 2012, 2:35 pm

I had a dream last night that about half of my titles in MW3 were gone, and the rest were all brown. I thought that Infinity Ward accused me of hacking, which of course I didn't.
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Re: Dreams and Nightmares

Postby Cody » February 11th, 2012, 5:29 am

I had a dream that I was chosen to participate in a study based on great ape cognition. It was pretty neat. I don't remember much, except for the fact that I was working with an orangutan and a baby bonobo :)
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Re: Dreams and Nightmares

Postby Phyreburnz » February 11th, 2012, 1:25 pm

I had another dream about my dad's house getting taken... I don't know why that house has been on my brain so much. In the dream, some lady offered me money to take the house. I said something to the effect of, "there is no amount of money that would make me want to give up this house." Later in the dream, my dad told me he took the money and I called him, tears streaming down my face saying, "how could you possibly give up the house? After everything you put into it? After building it and building the garage and everything?" It was a really upsetting dream. After I told my dad, he said, "if this house ever gets taken, they're getting ashes. Because I'll burn it down before anybody tries to take it." Even though it might sound terrible, it made me smile. I feel just as strongly about that house.
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Re: Dreams and Nightmares

Postby Super Luigi! » February 11th, 2012, 3:45 pm

Here's another dream: My History teacher tried to kill me when I turned his room's lights off. That was basically it. I don't know what it means, and my teacher would never do something like that.
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Re: Dreams and Nightmares

Postby HavocReaper48 » February 13th, 2012, 4:27 am

I had a dream where I met the Queen of England. And we bumped fists. :? Someone help me explain....
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Re: Dreams and Nightmares

Postby Phyreburnz » February 13th, 2012, 4:48 am

Well, I'd be more worried if you dreamed you were the Queen! :lol: I dunno. Have you been looking at pictures of President Obama fist bumping his wife? That's the only thing I could think of as a possible connection...
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Re: Dreams and Nightmares

Postby Super Luigi! » February 13th, 2012, 1:27 pm

Maybe you're tight with family members in England, or would really like to meet the Queen?
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Re: Dreams and Nightmares

Postby HavocReaper48 » February 14th, 2012, 1:12 pm

I live in New York. I suppose regular York in England could be some connection? I don't know, and I believe it was X-Mas when I visited. :|
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Re: Dreams and Nightmares

Postby Cody » February 14th, 2012, 1:51 pm

Had a really odd one last night.

Basically, in real life I have two cats: Toby and Molly. In my dream I was walking in some sort of shopping plaza and saw both of them sleeping against a wall. I went up to Toby, started petting him and all of a sudden this angel-esque figure came to me and said "Cute cats. What are their names?" I told him, and he was like "Did you name your cat after your future wife?" I asked him what he meant, and he said "Molly is the name of your future wife -- you just haven't figured it out yet!"

Woke up shortly after, and I'm puzzled 'cause I have NO clue what this means. I don't even know anyone named Molly :P
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Re: Dreams and Nightmares

Postby Phyreburnz » February 14th, 2012, 1:56 pm

Cody wrote:I don't even know anyone named Molly :P

Yes you do... Molly is my name! :shock:
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Re: Dreams and Nightmares

Postby Cody » February 14th, 2012, 2:03 pm

That's... I don't even know :P that's just a really funny coincidence, haha.

Also, I loved your dream about the parakeets and red ants. I couldn't help but laugh out loud :lol:
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Re: Dreams and Nightmares

Postby Super Luigi! » February 14th, 2012, 2:41 pm

OK, so you two get married here, and Simion32 is the priest? What could I possibly be, the drunk uncle who rips off his shirt?
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Re: Dreams and Nightmares

Postby Phyreburnz » February 15th, 2012, 8:46 am

Sorry, Super Luigi, but I wouldn't get my hopes up if I were you! :P
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Re: Dreams and Nightmares

Postby Cody » February 15th, 2012, 9:01 am

Yeah, keep dreamin' 8-)
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Re: Dreams and Nightmares

Postby Super Luigi! » February 15th, 2012, 3:15 pm

No, I'm glad! Can you imagine a wedding HERE? Goodness gracious!
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Re: Dreams and Nightmares

Postby Cody » February 18th, 2012, 11:05 pm

Just woke up after a 10 hour rest.

I had a dream that me, my mom & my brother Zach were at the mall walking around. I was checking out some type of candy store (there were gingerbread houses, chocolate, gumballs, etc.), and then Zach told me to go to where he was. I went to the booth he was nearby and noticed an orange GameCube. My mom went to press the reset button for the hell of it and noticed it was jammed. Instead of leaving, she felt sad, so she told the guy at the front of the booth. Maaaan, he was pissed!

Dream-shift! I was at my mom's car in front of the mall and the next thing I know, Zach walked back with about 9 GameCube controllers of all types: platinum, black and so on. I asked him why he had all of them, and he told me there apparently there was a little plastic thing that was broken in half that was in the GameCube and it would take $75 to replace! **** that! So the guy just handed him $75 worth of controllers in the meantime. I have no idea either. I then found out that we'd have to order the plastic thing online and bring it back to the store "within a week". So Zach did what anyone would do: he found a really cheap GameCube, took it apart and got the plastic thing out. I remember driving back to the mall in the pouring rain (probably a week later in that dream).

I then had another (probably unrelated) dream that a random high school principal was arguing with an assistant principal about the pronunciation of a name. Can't recall the name off-hand, but I remember talking to the principal after and he called the ass. a "blubbering idiot".

Then I had this dream before I woke up: I dreamed my brother Brandon (the one in rehab) called me and we started having a genuine conversation. I apologized to him for saying he terrorized the family, and he apologized for all the things he did. He was doing really well. I started to explain the GameCube dream to him (yes -- in my dream, I was aware that the first one was a dream after the fact!) and he thought it was interesting. He asked me when I was free. I said "anytime before 6 on Wednesdays".

I wonder what that last dream means. Does it mean I secretly want everything to be peaceful between us instead of cutting off all contact like I consciously wanted?

Edit: Had another dream that Brandon came home early this time. Weird.
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Re: Dreams and Nightmares

Postby Phyreburnz » February 20th, 2012, 4:41 pm

Cody, I wonder if your dream about your brother had anything to do with me saying about my brother?

Anyway, I had another weird dream last night. Do any of you have dreams about your teeth rotting and falling out? I get those frequently, and I'm a freak about brushing my teeth.

It was almost like when my adult teeth were coming in, and my baby teeth were loose, but not really. It was more like my tooth was cracked in half horizontally. I could feel a tooth coming loose; it was on the right bottom jaw. I kept touching it with my tongue. It was hanging by a thread and I could feel the root underneath. It kept popping out and I kept putting it back with my tongue. It finally fell out, but the root under was like all rotted and coming apart. I kept pulling chunck of tooth out with my tongue and spitting them in my hand. It happened to a few teeth.

Those kinds of dreams freak me out, because I can feel it in the dream. Then when I wake up, or think about it later, I HAVE to touch my teeth with my tongue to make sure they're okay.
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Re: Dreams and Nightmares

Postby Super Luigi! » February 20th, 2012, 5:06 pm

I hardly have those kinds of dreams, but when I do, my gums in real life always feel empty for some reason.
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Re: Dreams and Nightmares

Postby Cody » February 20th, 2012, 5:51 pm

The other night I had a dream there there was an abnormally large amount of food residue on one of my upper right teeth. Wouldn't come off no matter how much I brushed it.

Thankfully it was just a dream :D
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Re: Dreams and Nightmares

Postby Super Luigi! » February 21st, 2012, 2:22 pm

Does anyone ever have those dreaming where it feels like your mind is digesting something? And everytime you wake up, you immediately go back to sleep?
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Re: Dreams and Nightmares

Postby Simion32 » February 21st, 2012, 3:46 pm

If I get really into thoughts about something I'll usually have a dream heavily influenced by it.

One time a few years ago I was really into Metroid Prime 2 and its dark world...


Eventually I got a dream where I walked around a "dark earth" version of my yard. It had those light beacons and everything.
There was even a portal to the light world there! :geek:

You should really learn what it's like to think using your imagination (super easy during dreams). You can like, "compose" music in your mind and hear the results playing back just by thinking about what instruments would play and what it sounds like (I've done this in my dreams numerous times, it's FUN).

I often wish I could just link myself into that state of mind without sleeping. The subconscious is where all the real thinking is going on (and a connection to the subconscious often results in a "higher" IQ). The physical brain is just a "dummy terminal" thought antenna (with basic life functions, of course - you don't have to think about that stuff!).
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Re: Dreams and Nightmares

Postby Phyreburnz » February 24th, 2012, 9:13 am

I had a nightmare three nights ago, but I haven't been able to post it.

I had a dream that both my dad and my mum died. They came back, not as ghosts, but not permanent, either. All of my family was home (my older brother and sister, who in real life are on their own, were home in the dream). My parents took us out to eat at a fancy restaurant. They were explaining how the restaurant worked because they had worked at a fancy restaurant before (this is true in real life, too). Then my mum took me "shopping" (by this, I mean, she had gone shopping before she died, and she was showing me the things she ordered). She said this is how it was when her parents died (both of her parents are still alive; and this meant that her parents came back for a limited amount of time before they were gone forever). Then... I don't know if I asked this, or if my mum told me, but I asked how she died. This was really frightening... She looked at me, pointed to her head and said, "it was a tumor that was causing the cluster headaches." The reason this is so scary, is because she gets the cluster headaches (you should look them up, they are really bad headaches that come in clusters. She'll get them for like a month straight, and she's in sheer agony. She'll not be able to sleep, and she'll push her head against the wall to try to make the pain go away). She had also gotten an MRI or CAT scan or something the last time she got these headaches, and they found nothing.

You know how sometimes in dreams, you can see somebody, but they don't look or sound exactly like the person? Well, this was just the opposite. It was my mum. It looked just like her and it sounded just like her. My dreams can be incredibly vivid at points; this was one of those times.
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Re: Dreams and Nightmares

Postby Chibisai Kong » February 24th, 2012, 4:08 pm

I don't mean to scare you or anything Phyre but maybe you had a premonition!

The other night I had a nightmare but here was the strange part: it was actually pretty wonderful. I think the thin that made it scary was that my parents were still together and were very happy with their relationship whereas in real life they've been divorced since I was six and I don't remember anything good from it at all! Can someone help me interpret?
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Re: Dreams and Nightmares

Postby Gaz » March 2nd, 2012, 2:21 pm

I once had the weirdest dream (from 2008/2009). I dreamt that it was 2:00 in the night. I woke up with mysterious horrifying music playing while I went downstairs. I went to the kitchen, under the blanket and then I saw a GameCube. When I touched it, I warped inside of Luigi's Mansion outside of it. I found a secret room where there was a back porch to sit on where E. Gadd was. IDK anything else.

I don't think any of you know Jimmy Neutron, so go to http://jimmyneutron.wikia.com to understand). In this dream, I dreamt that in my school, there was a mysterious spooky room with vampires flying around in it (This part is based off Nightmare in Retroville.) While I was walking around, I saw Jimmy in spy gear sending out Carl and Sheen (both as vampires) to try to turn me into a vampire by biting me.

Later in the dream, I dreamt that Cindy and Libby were Language Arts teachers living in the school :shock:. Man, it was weird...
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Re: Dreams and Nightmares

Postby Super Luigi! » March 3rd, 2012, 2:17 pm

I don't remember much of my dream, but it involved me in a class of people I've never met (but still seem so familiar) trying to defeat Woody from The Suite Life on Deck. He was a vampire, and I had my musical instrument from elementary school and was playing songs on it really well. Then, a teacher at my current school said she was tired of the Woody vampire and launched herself, like how E. Honda flies through the air.
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Re: Dreams and Nightmares

Postby Chibisai Kong » March 9th, 2012, 9:30 am

Super Luigi! wrote:OK, so you two get married here, and Simion32 is the priest? What could I possibly be, the drunk uncle who rips off his shirt?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA THAT'S HOW I WANT MY WEDDING!!!!!! The only difference is in a church and I want my dad to be the drunk one(hey man I'm country and we're doing that PROPERLY down here). I even asked my dad and he said, "Only if it's a shotgun wedding."
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Re: Dreams and Nightmares

Postby Super Luigi! » March 10th, 2012, 1:40 am

I like your Dad already! Also, it's nice to know Country people come to a Country Atlas!
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Re: Dreams and Nightmares

Postby Chibisai Kong » March 11th, 2012, 5:36 am

Thanks Super Luigi! Lol. I told my mom and she was actually more worried about it being my older sister instead. X3

And that, honey, is how we do it Texas-styled! 8-)
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Re: Dreams and Nightmares

Postby Cody » March 11th, 2012, 6:14 am

I had really complex dream, and many parts of it are a blur.

The final part of my dream though was that "Super Mario 64-2" was released for the N64 as "POP CORN". It was really neat. My friend came over and I told him; his response was "dude, didn't you say it'd be called POP CORN before it came out? I remember." I was thinking I didn't, but then he said that we were eating popcorn one time and I did.

There was also a remake of Super Smash Bros. Brawl that was also released for the N64. I remember Lucas was playable, and there were flying Bloopers. Waluigi and Diddy Kong were also playable, and so was Kirby come to think of it. I recall seeing Captain Falcon too. I remember the physics in particular were a lot more crisp than SSB64.
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Re: Dreams and Nightmares

Postby Super Luigi! » March 11th, 2012, 9:05 am

Your dream sounds really detailed, and makes me think of mirrors on pianos. I like those kinds of dreams, because they show you really strange and interesting things.
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Re: Dreams and Nightmares

Postby Phyreburnz » March 18th, 2012, 6:37 am

I have a strange one that I had the other day. I didn't get the chance to tell anybody yet.

In real life, my dad's buddy, Carlo, owns an Italian restaurant. In the dream, I was helping Carlo out. I was opening up cans of spaghetti sauce or something, and there were like 4 giant bugs in the cans (I think each one was about 4 inches long!). There were two different kinds of worms, one like an earth worm, and the other was like a centipede. I forget what the two others were like, but I had to catch them for some reason. Carlo's parents were watching me open these cans, and they were like, "I can't believe you caught the bugs!" I'm not sure why I caught them or what I did with them once I did catch them... but we ended up using the sauce!

By the way, his restaurant is clean, so there's no reason I should have a dream like that! If there were bugs in something, he'd never ever serve it! :lol:
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