The Random Thoughts Topic

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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Phyreburnz » February 11th, 2012, 1:32 pm

I have a good feeling about everything with my brother. He is currently on house arrest and he is eventually going to rehab. I felt so good when I saw him for the first time. He looks much better and seems much happier. I think jail helped clear his head. He actually wrote poems for everybody, which is NOT like him at all. For the first time in a long time, I had a normal conversation with him. We played some n64 together and had fun. That's is a huge change. We were like gasoline and matches before. I couldn't stand him and he couldn't stand me. I think everything will work out. I hope so. And thanks, Cody, for your concern. I hope everything goes well for your brother. You'll have to keep me updated :)
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Markster » February 11th, 2012, 1:39 pm

Thanks Cody, anyways, I am enjoying my Friday night now, a troll almost ruined it.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Phyreburnz » February 12th, 2012, 4:37 am

My boyfriend and I went into the city yesterday. We had a really awesome time. We passed a Vietnamese restaurant and saw the giant bowls of soup people were eating; it looked delicious, so we went in. I got this soup that had spinach, ground pork sausage, I think tofu (wasn't too crazy about that), rice noodles, and a tomato and chicken broth (I think it was chicken). Holy hell, was it yummy! My boyfriend got a spicy soup, which I did NOT try... I'm such a weenie when it comes to spicy food! Medium salsa is pushing it for me! But if you guys ever get the chance to try Vietnamese food, I totally recommend it! I was craving it for the rest of the day! I can't wait to go back! 8-)
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Cody » February 12th, 2012, 5:24 am

Haha, I love spicy food. I actually tried out a Bhut Jolokia chili pepper (considered the spiciest pepper in the world) about 4 years ago -- it was delicious! ...of course that doesn't mean that my mouth didn't feel like it was on fire, which is an EXTREME understatement :P
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby The Banana Bird » February 12th, 2012, 7:40 am

I love those peppers they are realllly good! My friends don't like spicy stuff too. We were in my backyard and had these spicy chip things. One of my friends tryed one, she had to drink a whole bottle of water to get the taste out. One of my other friends put ice in his mouth for like, 5 minutes!
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Cody » February 12th, 2012, 8:31 am

Pretty sure you're thinking of another pepper -- these ones were imported from India and are REALLY REALLY hot. As in, it feels like there's a flame in your throat, literally. I don't think a full bottle of water OR ice for 5 minutes would do a damn thing :)
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Phyreburnz » February 12th, 2012, 8:39 am

I know the hottest pepper is the ghost chili. The heat lasts for hours. My mum and I watched YouTube videos of people eating them. It's pretty crazy.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Cody » February 12th, 2012, 8:42 am

The Bhut Jolokia chili pepper (Assamese: ভূত জলকীয়া bhut jôlôkia; Bangla: নাগা মরিচ naga morich; Manipuri: উমোরোক umorok), as it is commonly known—also known variously by other names in its native region, sometimes Naga Jolokia—is a chili pepper previously recognized by Guinness World Records as the hottest pepper in the world. The pepper is typically called the ghost chili or ghost pepper by U.S. media

Yeah, that's the one I had. And yeah, it did last for hours. I had to pretty much go to sleep in order for the normality effect to replenish. It was Hell, but it was pretty enjoyable nonetheless.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Phyreburnz » February 12th, 2012, 8:44 am

You are CRAZY for trying that! :lol:
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby The Banana Bird » February 12th, 2012, 8:45 am

Cody wrote:Pretty sure you're thinking of another pepper -- these ones were imported from India and are REALLY REALLY hot. As in, it feels like there's a flame in your throat, literally. I don't think a full bottle of water OR ice for 5 minutes would do a damn thing :)

I just said I ate those peppers, my friends didn't. They just hate spicy stuff in general. The spicy chips were jalapeno peppers. No where NEAR as hot as the one you ate as well as I had eaten before. I love spicy stuff! Anyone who eats them is crazy Phyre :)
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Cody » February 12th, 2012, 9:10 am

OH, my bad. I totally misread what you wrote, my apologies :lol:
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Cody » February 12th, 2012, 3:40 pm

Actually, I now realize why I said the whole "another pepper" thing: your "I love those peppers they are realllly good!" line. Chances are you've never tried them since, to my knowledge, they aren't readily accessible by everyone...that and you would definitely remember it for the rest of your life :D
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Super Luigi! » February 12th, 2012, 4:37 pm

The spiciest pepper I've ever eaten is a Habenero, but I bet that's like comparing a Kaboom to Kleever and his Hand!
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby The Banana Bird » February 13th, 2012, 2:51 am

Cody wrote:Actually, I now realize why I said the whole "another pepper" thing: your "I love those peppers they are realllly good!" line. Chances are you've never tried them since, to my knowledge, they aren't readily accessible by everyone...that and you would definitely remember it for the rest of your life :D

I am pretty sure it was the pepper. It was actually hotsauce made of it on hot wings. Hot wings are really good too. That pepper had me drinking alot of water (I am dumb :D ) That really had no affect as you said before. If it wasn't the ghost pepper, it was probably something similair, just 90% sure it was a ghost pepper.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby HavocReaper48 » February 13th, 2012, 4:29 am

I can barely handle mint gum, let alone actual spicy food :cry:
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Super Luigi! » February 13th, 2012, 1:28 pm

But you shoot fireballs out of your hands! Well, I'm sure something else like ice is no problem for you, right?
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby The Banana Bird » February 13th, 2012, 1:41 pm

I just read something in this forum about that guy who used to be here, Smudge. I feel like the late guy, what happened exactly?
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Super Luigi! » February 13th, 2012, 1:51 pm

I couldn't tell you. What are you talking about now?
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Kimi Kong » February 16th, 2012, 1:02 am

Who likes pocky?
Raise your hand! XD
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Super Luigi! » February 16th, 2012, 3:19 pm

Pocky? Is that some kind of BBQ sauce? Or did you mean Pokey? Porky, as in Porky Pig?
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Simion32 » February 16th, 2012, 3:34 pm

It's a Japanese candy of some sort.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Phyreburnz » February 17th, 2012, 1:48 pm

My god I missed my bed! It sucks having divorced parents and having two houses... especially when you much prefer one house over the other. It also sucks when it's snowy because my car is not friends with snow, so I can't make it up my dad's driveway sometimes.

I feel bad liking one house more... my mum's is stupid close to the train tracks... and I have a phobia of trains. I can't sleep in my room because of the noise; if I do try to sleep in my bed, I end up waking up around 3 or 4 in the morning because of a train. So I generally sleep on the couch in the basement... not fun.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Super Luigi! » February 17th, 2012, 2:56 pm

Let me assure you that I am not making fun of you when I ask, did your phobia of trains keep you from playing the minecart levels in the DKC series?
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Phyreburnz » February 17th, 2012, 3:25 pm

Are minecarts trains? No... I like Sunset Riders, which has a train in the second level. But it doesn't look or sound like a real train.
I do hate watching movies with trains in them. The noise makes me shiver and I grind my teeth. I know this will sound really stupid, but I think I was hit by a train in a past life.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Super Luigi! » February 18th, 2012, 5:04 pm

Hit by a train, hmm? Maybe it's like you said and the loud noise is what gets you?

Idea: Donkey Kong Country Sunset Riders. Steve: DK, Billy: Diddy, Bob: Dixie, Cormano: Kiddy.
Dixie has long blonde hair like Bob, Billy and Diddy have similar names and both emit some sort of show-off vibe, DK and Steve are both the heads of their groups, and Kiddy and Cormano are both different than the rest.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Phyreburnz » February 18th, 2012, 5:25 pm

No! Dixie has to be Cormano! They're both pink! Besides, he's always the one I play as and I don't want him to be like Kiddy! :P

It's not just the loud noises with the trains. I don't like to look at them either. The headlights FREAK ME OUT. There is nothing about a train that I like. I HATE everything about then.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Super Luigi! » February 19th, 2012, 3:38 pm

Only real trains though, right? Fake trains like in Sunset Riders are nothing to you.

Well, OK, but who would Bob be then? I always play as either Steve or Bob and I think playing as DK or Dixie would be great. I mean, I suppose Kiddy or Funky could be Bob, I was just going by order of introduction and the (few) character traits of the Sunset Riders and Kongs.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Phyreburnz » February 19th, 2012, 3:57 pm

Fake trains don't bother me. It's like asking somebody who is afraid of spiders if they're afraid of Arich in DKC3. It's not realistic enough. Trains in movies bother me, though. I'm sure that anybody with a legitimate phobia wouldn't want to see whatever they fear in a movie, or in a more realistic game.

I always forget which character is the dodgy one in sunset riders. He's the one that before you get a badge, he only shoots one bullet at a time. That's the one that should be Kiddy, since I don't like either character :P I have to look at the characters again, because I'm always Cormano. I like Cormano the best because 1) he has a poncho and 2) he looks funny when you hold the up button and jump. Bob (I think it's Bob; he's the one with long blond hair, right?) looks like he's head banging when you hold down and jump; you should try it sometime.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Super Luigi! » February 20th, 2012, 5:18 pm

Yep, that's Bob, and yes, I think he does headbang. The two characters that shoot one bullet at a time are Steve and Billy, the two I picked for DK and Diddy. I suppose Kiddy could be Billy, since he's blue. DK as Steve is still in my mind, and I could see Dixie as Cormano. Well, that leaves my two favorite characters (Steve and Bob) as DK and Diddy. I could get used to that!

Boss List!
Simon Greedwell: Klump
Hawkeye Hank Hatfield: Blue Kritter
Dark Horse: Ganondorf
The Smith Bros.: The Mario Bros.
El Greco: Dixie's Evil Father or Kass
Chief Wigwam: Queen B. or King Zing
Paco Loco: Krusha
Sir Richard Rose: K. Rool

This was just from the top of my head. What do you think of it?
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Chibisai Kong » February 21st, 2012, 6:28 am

Right, so I stayed home today because I'm sick and I was playing Barrel Blast and I was doing the Platinum cup and when it shows everyone in the ceremony tight before you learn you unlock expert difficulty (that's what I was doing) I saw this placement:

4th(ground floor): Funky
3rd: Diddy
2nd: DK
1st: Cranky

Someone tell me that's just a coincidence...
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Super Luigi! » February 21st, 2012, 2:23 pm

It's just a coincidence. Has anyone here eaten pudding in the past 2 years?
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Cody » February 22nd, 2012, 8:37 am

My iPod of several years broke today -- it no longer holds a charge. I don't really use the iPod all too much nowadays, but it's depressing knowing one of my fondest, most notalgic devices no longer works.

Thankfully my phone (the Droid) plays music, though it's going to be challenging to figure out what to leave out (it only accepts up to 8GB... I have 40+).
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Super Luigi! » February 22nd, 2012, 3:56 pm

"There goes my hero. Watch him as he goes!"
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby CaptainEddie » February 22nd, 2012, 4:56 pm

Hello, Atlas! It's been a while.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Super Luigi! » February 23rd, 2012, 1:56 pm

Woah, it's the Cap'n! You're a real legend around here, you know!
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Cody » February 24th, 2012, 11:18 am

Had a HUGE biology exam: 100 questions altogether (multiple choice, several "fill-in-the-blank" sections, an essay section and a "draw the stages of *insert biology-related occurrence here*").

I wouldn't be surprised if I got the lowest grade out of all the 90-whatever students in my class. I only knew maybe 15 of the multiple choice questions, if that. I knew absolutely NONE of the fill-in-the-blank ones... and for the essay, I literally wrote an apology note to the professor for wasting her time with grading such an abomination.

For the drawing portion, I drew 3 scenes for kicks: a dinosaur with palm trees, a bear with a jetpack in outer space, and a whale in the ocean. Hopefully my professor finds them at least somewhat amusing.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Chibisai Kong » February 24th, 2012, 3:35 pm

My sister's boyfriend said that one time he ran into a hard question on a calculus test once and just for kicks he put down "Mrs. Smith" (THE TEACHER'S NAME) as his answer and was so funny he still got it right!

This is how stupid my bio teacher was: on our biology exam, on the question where the answer was clearly bubbles I marked Lady Gaga as that was one of the answer choices (hold on---I KNEW it was bubbles!) just to see how he would react. He just shook his head, looked at Jeremy, and said, "I'm terribly sorry but I'm afraid Miss (insert my last name here) is now Most Likely To Fail."

Another examples of stupid teachers: my Spanish I teacher. On our 4th weeks exam one of the questions was Señor Lozano ___ bien (translated to: Mr. Lozano ___ cool).

Guess who got the question wrong?
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Phyreburnz » February 25th, 2012, 5:08 am

Too close to home... A teacher from the middle school I went to was found dead, strangled. Her husband has a nasty history of abuse, harassment, and many other things... I'm almost positive her husband did it. What a dirty, rotten bastard. I didn't have her as a teacher, but my boyfriend did. This is so sad and scary.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Cody » February 25th, 2012, 6:52 am

That sucks, I can only imagine the pain her friends, family, students & fellow staff members are going through. I feel really bad for her students in particular; not only have they (presumably) had little experience with deaths of people they know, but they've had this woman as a teacher for months). They're going to remember this for the rest of their lives (that and they're probably going to be lost in whichever subject she taught for the remainder of the semester).

Had my 3rd exam in less than 48 hours (this time it was for Psychology). In stark contrast to my bio exam, I'm almost 100% sure I got one of, if not THE highest grade. Yay! :)
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby The Banana Bird » February 26th, 2012, 9:44 am

Hey guys, been off for a week or so.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Super Luigi! » February 26th, 2012, 2:14 pm

Yeah, I was wondering where you could be. You seem to have jumped right back into your usual activity.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby The Banana Bird » February 27th, 2012, 2:37 am

Pretty much, busy week off. I was away for a while at Great Wolf Lodge. Niceeee place :D
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby HavocReaper48 » February 27th, 2012, 6:26 am

Have any of you guys seen the movie "Spirited Away"? My favorite movie of all time in the history of forever like ever.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby The Banana Bird » February 27th, 2012, 7:59 am

No, never heard about it. I really want to see 21 Jump Street coming out. It looks really funny and......I don't know what else. I just feel like seeing it one day. I used to be into Godzilla. I saw every movie and collected the figures.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Super Luigi! » February 28th, 2012, 1:41 pm

Did you have that collection of the 8 or so small figures and then have that giant Godzilla one? I saw a pack like that a few years ago.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby The Banana Bird » March 1st, 2012, 7:46 am

Got alot of them, I have that pack also.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Markster » March 1st, 2012, 10:38 am

In the name of Markster, Markster lives in death, In the name of Markster, Markster lives in death, IN THE NAME OF MARKSTER! Markster lives in death, MARKSTER... LIVES!!!
Get the reference anyone.
I am all sorry about that troll freakout episode, I learned my lesson, anyways, I am back, and I am going to do more DKC related activities from now on, and there is about to be a bad thunderstorm, so don't be surprised if I am not online for a little while.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby The Banana Bird » March 1st, 2012, 12:51 pm

Glad to here your back Mark. How about we all forget about that whole incident before. Welcome back Mark.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Markster » March 1st, 2012, 1:04 pm

Yes, lets forget about it...
Good news, the stormed stopped! :D
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