Non-DKC related artwork - post your masterpieces!

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Re: Non-DKC related artwork - post your masterpieces!

Postby Phyreburnz » August 20th, 2011, 6:27 am

Here are is a picture of the cake toppers I made for my sister's wedding. They're made out of the clay that you bake in the oven. They are based on a picture my sister drew of her and her husband. The cartoon is underneath the sculpture I made.

^ those took forever to make. I stayed up until four in the morning one day making the hair for Mini-Kelly (Kelly is my sister). I had my sister's dress beside me to make it as exact as possible.

Here's Kelly and Mike holding them. You can see how much the mini ones look like them.

Here's something I just did in photoshop... I couldn't help myself!
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Re: Non-DKC related artwork - post your masterpieces!

Postby Chibisai Kong » September 7th, 2011, 11:40 am

Wow, those look good! :) I love them! Your sister's drawing is good too. :P

Anyway, it's been awhile since I put a drawing up here, so here's a few: ... -257150175 ... s#/d40jvey ... s#/d468yau

About pics four and five, I'm not sure if I alreayd posted them so if not, enjoy! :D Number five is also a pic of three of my characters for my series The Gambler.
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Re: Non-DKC related artwork - post your masterpieces!

Postby Phyreburnz » January 5th, 2012, 8:51 am

I haven't posted in a while, which sucks. I haven't actually made any art other than sprite editing, recently. I'm going to post a few pictures. I'm using the spoiler tab so it takes up less room. Look closely at the first photoshopped picture and see if you can spot what I've done!
These are some of my favorite comedians! In case you don't recognize somebody, it's the Three Stooges, Charlie Chaplin, and The Marx Brothers.
I drew Kurt Cobain on a unicorn. The reason I did this is because my sister has a Kurt action figure guy, and I put him on a unicorn thing I had. The reason I have unicorn stuff is a long story.
This one is a ring I made for my sister. Unfortunately, she lost it :cry: Image
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Re: Non-DKC related artwork - post your masterpieces!

Postby Super Luigi! » February 5th, 2012, 2:40 pm

These pictures make me think they're telling a story.
Picture 1: Cream sets off on her adventure.
Picture 2: Cream gets hit and falls off the screen, like in SMB.
Picture 3: Cream and Blurpi are reunited and frolic in the flower fields.
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Re: Non-DKC related artwork - post your masterpieces!

Postby Markster » February 6th, 2012, 2:31 am

Here is a extremely high quality picture of all my art that I put on my Wall Of Art. (Link removed, it is broken.)
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Re: Non-DKC related artwork - post your masterpieces!

Postby Super Luigi! » February 6th, 2012, 3:33 pm

I see that the conflict has been "Resolved"! Very good picture Markster. You sure can draw!
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Re: Non-DKC related artwork - post your masterpieces!

Postby Phyreburnz » February 6th, 2012, 4:15 pm

Awesome, Markster!

Here's a photo that I couldn't help but make! So, I work at a library, and there is a lady that just reads Amish books. Almost every time I see one, I have to do a double-take because the bonnet strings look like headphone wires.

So, here is a modern-day Amish book cover!

I photoshopped in the headphones on the woman in the back and the sunglasses, nail polish, and lipstick on the woman in the front.

I actually posted this on facebook and somebody thought it was a real book cover! :lol:
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Re: Non-DKC related artwork - post your masterpieces!

Postby Super Luigi! » February 7th, 2012, 2:34 pm

You know, I could have sworn that I've seen that some place before... oh well! As for me, I'd have to grab some of my Photoshop pictures. Nothing at all like Phyreburnz, oh goodness no, but still pretty neat.
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Re: Non-DKC related artwork - post your masterpieces!

Postby Phyreburnz » April 26th, 2012, 7:56 am

I finished my final project for figure drawing yesterday! We had to use three famous pieces of artwork with at least two figures.

It's about 5 feet long and 3 feet high. I used charcoal and chalk on brown paper.

In case anyone was wondering about the 3rd famous piece of artwork, that would be the balloon dog that Napoleon is riding. The sculptor is Jeff Koons. (The other two are pretty obvious :P)


I used my fingers to blend everything. On Thursday, I blended so much that I almost didn't have a fingerprint on my index finger, no joke. My fingers were all red and sore for a few days (still a little bit red).
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Re: Non-DKC related artwork - post your masterpieces!

Postby Chibisai Kong » April 26th, 2012, 11:25 am

I like! Hope your fingers get better.

So I posted the teaser for my Julius Caesar comic. ... -297146425
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Re: Non-DKC related artwork - post your masterpieces!

Postby Super Luigi! » April 26th, 2012, 1:06 pm

Phyreburnz, my eyes literally swelled with tears at the very sight of your magnificent BBQ-flavored masterpiece. (You know it takes like BBQ when you use charcoal!) And Chibisai Kong, that's a great cover!
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Re: Non-DKC related artwork - post your masterpieces!

Postby Chibisai Kong » April 27th, 2012, 11:25 am

Thanks Super Luigi!

I also added a gag in the scene between Brutus and Cassius. The latter is looking through the script, mainly because I got too bored to put in the actual dialogue. (The conversation is when in the original play, Cassius tells of what happened between him and Caesar at the Tiber River. This version involves corndogs, Cassius reading ahead(the part where its revealed he's a soulless demon), and reasons why the Caesar in the comic is a "spaztic idiot". X3)
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Re: Non-DKC related artwork - post your masterpieces!

Postby Phyreburnz » April 29th, 2012, 1:22 am

Thanks, guys!

You know, I've never made it a point to smell my charcoal artwork... :shock:
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Re: Non-DKC related artwork - post your masterpieces!

Postby Super Luigi! » April 30th, 2012, 1:57 pm

We all have our moments where we don't smell our art?
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Re: Non-DKC related artwork - post your masterpieces!

Postby Phyreburnz » May 1st, 2012, 3:51 am

Super Luigi, I suggest you get some help :lol:

You really are a card, aren't ya? :D

So, this is a self-portrait I did about the middle/end of my drawing class. It has a likeness of me, but it doesn't look like me 100%. It's a good drawing, though... even though it pissed me off while I was doing it.

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Re: Non-DKC related artwork - post your masterpieces!

Postby Super Luigi! » May 3rd, 2012, 1:25 pm

My eyes instanly started leaking when I gazed upon such beauty, and now whenever I see you or the name Phyreburnz, that image will be fresh in my mind, perhaps even scarred.
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Re: Non-DKC related artwork - post your masterpieces!

Postby Phyreburnz » May 3rd, 2012, 1:31 pm

So, I ugly or pretty? :P

Usually "scarring" is caused by bad things! :lol:
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Re: Non-DKC related artwork - post your masterpieces!

Postby Super Luigi! » May 6th, 2012, 2:44 pm

Put it this way, I'll remember your (more-or-less-accurate) face for a very long time.
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Re: Non-DKC related artwork - post your masterpieces!

Postby Chibisai Kong » May 8th, 2012, 11:23 am

Love it Phyfe!

*groan*FINALLY got done with act one/volume one of my comic. My English teacher said to bring the whole thing in when I got done so she has, including the cover page, about sixty-four pages. :P Many many more pages than I showed her earlier...
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Re: Non-DKC related artwork - post your masterpieces!

Postby Super Luigi! » May 9th, 2012, 12:28 pm

64 pages for Act 1, eh? You must be very detailed!
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Re: Non-DKC related artwork - post your masterpieces!

Postby Chibisai Kong » May 9th, 2012, 2:57 pm

Not really. Just have big handwriting.

What made it hilarious is that Cassius' bit in scene 3/chapter four about slavery I deleted and replaced it with something having to do with Charlie Sheen and Mike Tyson. Kind of confusing really. It's like Brutus says near the end of scene two/chapter three...

"This comic would make a LOT more sense if she stuck to the original play."

Going to start act two/volume two tomorrow after school, maybe during BIM if I'm lucky enough to get on the site on the comp.

Oh, and it's been updated to 66 pages. Page 65 is just a thank-you-for-finishing-thing note and page 66 is a citation/for-more-go-to note listing where I got the modern text and the websites to find the comic and other misc. Julius Caesar crap.

In other news relating to non-DKC artwork, I drew a picture of Crassus, Pompey, and Caesar as little kids in history today...

EDIT: Scratch that, I decided to add a bonus chapter so it may actually be around 80 pages. Though I now regret not having the picture part end with Cassius having a rape face, I felt it was still too short so it's basically just what happened at Julí's house during chapter four. Let's just say it involves Octavius chasing Julí around the house, Julí racking himself (again) on a post on the staircase, and video games...
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Re: Non-DKC related artwork - post your masterpieces!

Postby Super Luigi! » May 10th, 2012, 1:36 pm

You know, Brutus might just be on to something. But I'm sure this comic makes sense when you read it, right?
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Re: Non-DKC related artwork - post your masterpieces!

Postby Chibisai Kong » May 11th, 2012, 3:50 pm

Kinda sorta. But not really. Hooray for breaking he fourth wall! That's done like twice!

AND in the same chapter! :D

Although Cassius' bit was much funnier...

One kid in my BIM class saw me looking over it and he, me, and the freshman I was sitting next to had an extensive conversation about Julius Caesar. Me and him were naming off the conspirators and Randi, the freshman, was like, "What the hell...?"
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Re: Non-DKC related artwork - post your masterpieces!

Postby Super Luigi! » May 12th, 2012, 1:25 pm

Randi clearly does not understand the true value of your literature, and therefore must be disregarded. The other one, however, is a very wise sage indeed, for he can appreciate such enrichment.
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Re: Non-DKC related artwork - post your masterpieces!

Postby Chibisai Kong » May 12th, 2012, 5:22 pm

No she's probably just like me. I really didn't know or care that much about Caesar until we started the segment in English. Up until the first few weeks of this school year, where we learned more about Rome, he was always famous to me for wearing that laurel thing and having July named after him.

And Randi actually did seem a tad bit interested in the conversation, especially since I said you learn more about it in English than in history(which is true---they don't give you the details of any of the triumvirs' deaths other than Mark Antony's so I really didn't know Caesar was murdered much less BY HIS BEST FRIEND AND SOME OF THE OTHER SENATORS).
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Re: Non-DKC related artwork - post your masterpieces!

Postby Super Luigi! » May 13th, 2012, 12:57 pm

Alright then. Say, why hasn't anyone else commented on your status updates? It's just been you and me talking back and forth. AREN'T ANY OF YOU INTERESTED IN SUCH A MASTERPIECE?!?
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Re: Non-DKC related artwork - post your masterpieces!

Postby Chibisai Kong » May 14th, 2012, 9:45 am

Aw, you really like the idea? I've started uploading it but at the moment it's only got the introduction-of-characters part, the actual story doesn't start until chp 2...

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Re: Non-DKC related artwork - post your masterpieces!

Postby Super Luigi! » May 14th, 2012, 11:29 am

Naturally, the fruits of spoils take time to ripen.
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Re: Non-DKC related artwork - post your masterpieces!

Postby Chibisai Kong » May 14th, 2012, 11:07 pm

Would you like to read what I have posted so far?
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Re: Non-DKC related artwork - post your masterpieces!

Postby Super Luigi! » May 15th, 2012, 1:09 pm

If it is not too much trouble, m'lady, then I would be delighted!
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Re: Non-DKC related artwork - post your masterpieces!

Postby Chibisai Kong » May 15th, 2012, 2:00 pm

Oh it's no problem at all good sir!

http://TragdyOfJuliusCaesar.deviantart. ... 81852&qo=4

This is the link to the cover of volume one. The link to page one is in the artist's comments.

I'm sorry if there's not many pages uploaded. I go sidetracked Friday night, was stuck at my house ALONE with my brother and his friends without the pages on my flashdrive, AND I wanted to go down to my grandparents' after school to post some more since they won't be back until tomorrow but my mom had to be somewhere tonight. I'll try to update as soon as possible, I promise. As a matter of fact, you see two specific people in the page afterthe chapter cover...

Also, I know this is DKC-related, but I made a pictorial trailer for a fanfic that's basically a civil war. This basically was the result of too much exposure to things related to Julius Caesar and/or Ancient Rome...
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Re: Non-DKC related artwork - post your masterpieces!

Postby Super Luigi! » May 16th, 2012, 1:35 pm

So far so good, Chibisai Kong. Your drawings and storyline conveyance certainly are top-notch in their own way!
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Re: Non-DKC related artwork - post your masterpieces!

Postby Chibisai Kong » May 16th, 2012, 2:05 pm

Thank you so much SuperLuigi!

I promise I will have at least half of the comic uploaded by the time I leave for camp in July(HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA). Then I will try posting more when I get home.

I've gotten a few pages done on volume two already. Apparently I'm so stressed with everythig else I just drew anfloser on one page and left it there for convience's sake. But it's a cute flower a least.

If I don't get the entire series finished by camp, I've asked my mom to print out the remainder of the play so I can work on it there during some free time.
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Re: Non-DKC related artwork - post your masterpieces!

Postby Super Luigi! » May 17th, 2012, 1:02 pm

You're welcome Chibisai Kong, and you sound like you're prepared for your camp. If you need more critique, you know where to find me!
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Re: Non-DKC related artwork - post your masterpieces!

Postby Chibisai Kong » May 17th, 2012, 1:40 pm

Of course, thanks Super Luigi!

Um, I'm not exactly ready. The rules state I have to have been to the doctor in the last six months. Why my mom didn't set up an appointment when she told me she had the forms TWO OR THREE MONTHS AGO in the first place.

In other drawing news, I was watching the Jeff Dunham Christmas special today and...


We've finally figured out what happens when you cross me with that, HBO, Roman history, missing school, paper, and pencil.

Pullo:"*COMPLETELY sloshed*On the first day of Christmas, Vorenus caught on fire and Antony was a-pissin' on his head! XD"
Octavian: "*facepalm*-.-"
Cleopatra: "*holds lit match, grins*"
Vorenus: "*dressed as Santa, lit on fire, screaming his lungs out/head off*"
Antony: "*wearing his Egyptian outfit(including guy-liner)*QUIT ROLLING AROUND SO I CAN PUT YOU OUT!!!!!!!!!"

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Re: Non-DKC related artwork - post your masterpieces!

Postby Super Luigi! » May 18th, 2012, 1:27 pm

You're just a bubbling brew of all types of ideas, aren't you Chibisai Kong? You never fail when it comes to blending things together!
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Re: Non-DKC related artwork - post your masterpieces!

Postby Chibisai Kong » May 18th, 2012, 2:04 pm

Oh, honey, I've had weirder ideas. Like one that involves bikinis and a certain set of three men...

Anyway, we found out today from Kristen, the director of the Epilepsy Foundation Dallas/Fort Worth/Houston, that there is still some space so my mom is printing out the forms tomorrow! :D Xan is a happy b...*bleep* now...

But back to drawing news, I found a funny conversation in Kalends Of February that has me writing the comic version.
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Re: Non-DKC related artwork - post your masterpieces!

Postby Super Luigi! » May 19th, 2012, 1:10 pm

[quote="Chibisai Kong"]Like one that involves bikinis and a certain set of three men...quote]

Well, that sure is interesting. Hopefully, your comic version goes as planned.
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Re: Non-DKC related artwork - post your masterpieces!

Postby Chibisai Kong » May 19th, 2012, 1:46 pm

Thank you but the men in the bikinis, while in one way related to the topic of Julius Caesar, is not a portion of the comic...

Anyway, why don't you post sown drawings too, Super Luigi? I'm sure they're better than mine.
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Re: Non-DKC related artwork - post your masterpieces!

Postby Super Luigi! » May 21st, 2012, 2:47 pm

Well, the thing is my drawings are hand-drawn and not on the computer. I suppose I could upload some of my basic Photoshop experiments though.
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Re: Non-DKC related artwork - post your masterpieces!

Postby Chibisai Kong » May 21st, 2012, 2:59 pm

Please do! I bet they're excellent!
IN COMIC NEWS: I have given Brutus a cat. It's name is Lucreda Quamquam, Latin for playful fuzzy.

Yeah, there's a. Lot if that's what she said moments in it.

Hey, Super Luigi, I was thinking today that maybe if you send me a picture of you I would put you in as a guest appearance in a bonus or upcoming chapter!
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Re: Non-DKC related artwork - post your masterpieces!

Postby Chibisai Kong » May 21st, 2012, 3:17 pm

You know the irony in that? I don't draw Luigi that much. Well, now's as good a time as any I suppose! XD

And you knew what I meant! Are you just one of those people who don't like their picture taken unless absolutely nesscesary? Because if so I'd understand. My bro's the same way.
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Re: Non-DKC related artwork - post your masterpieces!

Postby Super Luigi! » May 22nd, 2012, 2:32 pm

Hey, you said me and that's who I am. Or at least what my avatar is.
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Re: Non-DKC related artwork - post your masterpieces!

Postby Super Luigi! » May 22nd, 2012, 2:47 pm

That IS the real me. Go read my book in Paper Mario 2: The Thousand Year Door. Its title is Super Luigi!
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