A bit of an update, I'm making turning animations of all the Kongs on the Rambi, Ellie, and Enguarde. I have to still do Kiddy on them all, and DK on Enguarde and that's it. So I'm almost done with that.
*EDIT* Here we go! Lots of animations of turning on stuff!

- kiddy-turning-on-rambi.gif (11.76 KiB) Viewed 261153 times

- dixie-turning-on-rambi.gif (10.21 KiB) Viewed 261153 times

- diddy-turning-on-rambi.gif (10.46 KiB) Viewed 261153 times

- dk-turning-on-rambi.gif (11.8 KiB) Viewed 261136 times
I have everything done, but there is a limit to 5 attachments. I'm not sure if triple posting is a good idea, so I'll post tomorrow (or after somebody else posts... which probably means tomorrow

They are basically the same, but the sprites are somewhat different to make the Kongs fit nicely on each buddy. I'll add these to my sprite sheets. Remember to check back often, as I do have a bad habit of changing them often... but hey, things need updated!

*EDIT* I've animated DK turning on Rambi using the unused sprites. So, that one hasn't bee edited at all.