I made this thread so people will know another DKC3 hack is coming !
I fully edited the terrain, the difficulty is very easy... (but harder then the normal game) But don't worry, difficulty will raise later !
Before starting this project, i have to finish my DKC1 full game hack ... wich can be found on the rom hacks forum.
I love editing, i became a lot better because i spent so much time on DKCRE for my hacks...
For now there is :
- Letter K-O-N-G [Yes]
- Bonus Barrel [No]
- DK coin [No]
I'm not sure if i should put bonus or not... I really hate bonus

Well here's a video of the only dkc 3 level i edited... Please tell me what you think

(I'll upload a .ups if anyone request it.. but it's only one level so..)