Okay, so this is just a test. I got some modeling clay and I tested making a character swim. I'm going to re take pictures and redo the animation, I just wanted to show you guys what I'm attempting.
Here is Snorkl swimming. Again, this is just a test.

- snorkl-swim-test.gif (3.41 KiB) Viewed 322571 times
The little guy is just a bit too short, so in the next bit of pictures that I take, I'm going to make the sprites a little bit taller.
Here is my process. I've made a model, which doesn't need to be too detailed, since it'll be drastically scaled down, with a few different colours, and I took a few pictures of it to make it look like it is swimming. I took these pictures, got rid of the background, put them in order, and scaled them down. For me, this is WAY easier than attempting sculptris. I like tangible things when it comes to modeling!