Change Banana Colors

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Change Banana Colors

Postby BlueTronic » April 12th, 2008, 12:51 pm

I saw this done in a Youtube video.

1. Throw the barrel near the Necky when you're under the 3 bananas to the right of the Expresso token and keep chasing it.
2. When you pass Rambi, stop when you are overlapping him and jump on him.
3. The Gnawty that gets killed by the barrel should be golden.

The bananas will now change to cool colors and a bunch of other color glitches will happen. EDIT: I got lucky and did it right on the first try, not knowing how hard it was to do, so I edited this post to contain the save state, 1 picture, and a couple of ZMVs.
Donkey Kong Country_00000.png
Donkey Kong Country_00000.png (33.07 KiB) Viewed 13508 times
Color Change Glitch
(219.6 KiB) Downloaded 929 times
Color Change
(112.37 KiB) Downloaded 935 times
Previously "Kong-Fu"
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Re: Change Banana Colors

Postby nackhe » April 12th, 2008, 10:00 pm

Why not post a link to the video?
Trainee Trekker
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Re: Change Banana Colors

Postby BlueTronic » April 13th, 2008, 1:42 am

I also edited the first post and added a save state and a couple of ZMVs
Previously "Kong-Fu"
Bananas received 109
Posts: 1394
Joined: 2008

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