leo_core wrote:Hello!! I'm not dead (yet ahahahah) [...]Spoiler!
CatLoverMolly wrote:Our excellent artist friend Christopher Araujo has sketched up King K. Rool in a futuristic style for the Krem-Eye [Kremterprise?]
https://images.wikia.com/pictures/image ... s_Suit.PNG
Christopher's got a few more drawings.
Kremlings 1:
http://images.wikia.com/pictures/images ... ings_1.png
Kremlings 2:
http://images.wikia.com/pictures/images ... ings_2.png
Sassy's Drill:
http://images.wikia.com/pictures/images ... _Drill.PNG
I'll be spriting at the very least, the drill. It's for Mine Menace, the second transitional level.
Christopher has now sketched up the Krem-Eye
https://images.wikia.com/pictures/image ... ye_map.PNG
Based on the Goldeneye from James Bond
And I'VE got a coupla new songs.
Eye of the Storm [Says drifting on Kongerest, is going to be used for the Krem-Eye]: http://www.mediafire.com/?al4c79p8el8nj7g
Sassy Kong's Sonata [Says ice levels, is going to be used for Sassy's Transitions]: http://www.mediafire.com/?34vcy4yeeuabfen
Oh, and the drill I said I was gonna sprite?
It's done.
Super Luigi! wrote:That's quite alright, hiperkalango. We all know how much HARDR life can be. In fact, it's probably the TUFST thing anyone of us has ever done. To ASAVE you some time, instead of some COLOR-like explanation of how everyone here has faced the MUSIC of your news, I'll WATER it down by simply stating that the entire Atlas understands that, in time, this game will be finished, and it will be exuberant! So in conclusion, may your work run smoothly, and may you have a MERRY time creating DKC4: The Kongs Return!
!!!!! wrote:[...]I've decided to try my hand at composing music for DKC4[...]
Crystal Stage • Galleon Stage • Industrial Stage • Atmospheric Stage
Simion32 wrote:The industrial one sounds more like a techno-computerized-industrial theme than a purely industrial one. Could use some work and/or fleshing out, but great so far.
Someone totally needs to do up a steampunk styled power plant level with tons of active machinery in the background and the level itself (think greasy brass gears/elements/etc. inside a basement). That would be totally awesome.
Qyzbud wrote:Nice tunes, !!!!!; all of them appeal to me, and most feel like they could fit nicely into the DKC world.
- Crystal Stage feels like it could also fit in nicely as a jungle track, or potentially somewhere of high altitude — like DKC3's cliff stages, for instance. This piece has a mellow, low-tempo pace; perhaps it's most suitable for early/easy levels?
- Galleon Stage reminds me a lot of Northern Hemispheres — the snow/mountain theme from DKC. Has a darker and intriguing sound... I think overall I get a "dark ice cave" vibe from it — Slip Slide Ride meets Torchlight Trouble, perhaps?
- Industrial Stage probably matches its name best of the four tracks, in my opinion — it seems somewhat inspired by DKC's factory theme, but brings other industrial (and non-industrial) elements into play as well.
- Atmospheric Stage gives me a "village by the forest/sea" vibe — really cheery and contemplative. It actually reminds me of something out of JRPGs like Chrono Trigger or Secret of Mana — not a bad thing, but not necessarily a DKC feel.
Very enjoyable set of WIPs; you're making me want to get back into composing/remixing!
CatLoverMolly wrote:I feel the need to post this after your excellent posts, !!!!!.Spoiler!
Poor Diddy. No victory theme for him :c
Seriously though, them be some nice tracks right there. Lemme finish tweaking my own latest works and then I'll upload some of my own.
Phyreburnz wrote:The Kiddy and DK goals seem switched around to me, since Kiddy is now on drums and DK is on bass. The Kiddy one you have I can hear the bass more, and the DK one you have I can hear the drums more.
I also pretty much totally agree with Qyz on how the music seems. The first definitely feels more jungly to me.
Phyreburnz wrote:I'm very impressed with your tunesI'm very curious to know how you made them, what program you used to mix and what you used to get the sounds. The music sounds very close to the original SNES music, probably the closest I've heard.
I would love to be able to make my own custom music for the DKC series, but I'm so non-musical... Maybe I'll have to teach myself... I've always wanted to make the DKL music sound like it would if it were on the SNES.
Qyzbud wrote:Again, !!!!!, I love the sounds you've come up with; they all sound great, but I have to give special mention to Donkey Goal, which — no iota of exaggeration — sounds like it was produced by one of Nintendo/Rare/Retro's top sound studios. To my ears, it sounds perfect.
Qyzbud wrote:As for the other "version 2" tracks, I really wish I'd saved a copy of the original versions you shared, so I could give better feedback regarding the changes you've made. You don't happen to have the originals on hand, that you could send/link my way, do you? I've downloaded the current versions (yeah — learned my lesson!), and they're very nice; if I'm not mistaken, you've incorporated more medly/cameo tunage in these versions (especially Galleon Stage — with essence of DKC's Treetop Rock, DKC2's mine theme, etc.). It's nice to hear those familiar tunes (and you've used them well), but it does start to make your compositions a little less original.
Still, either way, they sound wonderful.
Qyzbud wrote:Also, regarding the DK/Kiddy/bass/drums confusion, I think I can help clear this up...
Discussion (quoted):Spoiler!
Phyre's pointing out that in this game (The Kongs Return), DK plays a bass guitar when he completes a level, while Kiddy plays a drum kit:![]()
Note: Animations are hyperlinked to the post they belong to.
So, although they both sound great (and perfectly suit the original games), the instrumentation of those two tracks doesn't match this game's visual/conceptual design for the characters.
Phyreburnz wrote:Also, DK is the one playing bass and Kiddy is the one playing drums. I don't know if you just mixed that up when you typed it before, or if I confused you!
!!!!! wrote:I've been using FL Studio and the Korg M1 synthesizer (i'm using a digital VST not an actual synthesizer) which is what I've learned Dave Wise and the music crew sampled from for the original trilogy.
!!!!! wrote:[...]being compared to Retro makes me think I've dropped the ball pretty hard[...]
!!!!! wrote:With the stage tracks, the only cameos that I recall is the Aquatic Ambience bit right at the end Galleon Stage and something similar to Mining Melancholy's breakdown at the end of Crystal Stage which I'll change. Any other cameos are unintentional like Treetop Bop (not sure where that one is) or anything else.
!!!!! wrote:Sand/Ruin Stage (old): https://app.box.com/s/dwahccg2jg6w5vr425fx
Sand/Ruin Stage: https://app.box.com/s/wmolgfcox2xnptbdllep
Game Over (very basic): https://app.box.com/s/ozcd1fup78etrc2ruvbr
Cave Stage (will probably be redone completely): https://app.box.com/s/dt0nz2tc54bs7d2jdvt1
doomero wrote:Is very impressive how Donkey moves around the horizontal rope.
Qyzbud wrote:Well, I'm sure you know that wasn't the impression I intended to give; I really enjoy what Retro have done with the DKC series. Personally, I love the music of 'Returns — especially the tributes to the original compositions of David wise and Eveline Novakovic (née Fischer). I'm not sure why you dislike the 'Returns soundtrack — if that's even what you're implying — but yes, that is indeed a discussion for a different topic. I'm interested to hear your thoughts, and those of others, so I may even start a topic for that, if need be.
Qyzbud wrote:The bit starting at 0:53 in your Crystal Stage composition is where I noticed what I thought was a Treetop Bop Rock* reference; it's not the full melody — just a handful of key notes.Spoiler!
Skip to 0:27 for the bit I mean.
hiperkalango wrote:Hello guys ... Sorry for the Delay.
This is a sample of the engine to release the Partner of the barrels DKs
based on the engine and Necrotoad Leocore basically we worked on it 3. It has 2 modes, normal mode and the mode with Cheat Partner (I will not divulge the códio for now hehehe)
And finally the engine collision Krems in loss of life
Hope you enjoy ....
once again sorry for the delay ...
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