Check it out and enjoy!
See the readme first for more info.
Thanks for looking!
https://www.mediafire.com/file/v0bzytai ... 1.zip/file
*Note this is no where near complete and probably buggy.*
Cyclone wrote:Thanks for testing it mr sprinkles
Cyclone wrote:I just tried to re-create your problem by dragging and dropping the folder into the console but I don't get the quotes you are referring to
Cyclone wrote:hmm. that's strange, I am using windows 10.
Cyclone wrote:What screen capture are you using?
Cyclone wrote:If you are up to it could you record it working?
Cyclone wrote:Thanks, rainbowsprinklez
Cyclone wrote:Thanks but you didn't show the folders / png being created or the images in the folders
Oops I see the folders being created.
But I wold like to see the files in the folders
rainbowsprinklez wrote:Ok. Got it to work.Spoiler!
Cyclone wrote:I know that LOL. I just wanted to see it in action not still image.
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