Introduce yourself!

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Re: Introduce yourself!

Postby PotoGamer » July 10th, 2009, 8:49 am

Welcome, DOOM1KILLER123.

I'd rather not byte. :P
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Re: Introduce yourself!

Postby Matt534Dog » July 19th, 2009, 4:53 am

Qyzbud wrote:That's good to hear, Matt! Welcome to the community.

Another fellow called mattdog1000000 joined some time ago, but hasn't been heard from since... do you know him? :P

No I do not know him. But it seems that he's well known around here.
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Re: Introduce yourself!

Postby scigamerfan07 » July 27th, 2009, 2:42 pm

Hello guys! I'm scigamerfan07 and one of my favorite video games of all time is the Donkey Kong Country trilogy, so I'm glad I joined the forums.

It all started in Christmas of 1998 when my brother and I got our first functional video game console (the Super Nintendo), we had an NES in '94 or so, but it was broken.... The very first video game I played was Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island, but we could'nt control Yoshi and it was in the second castle (stage 2-8) which made it worse for us (our SNES and games were all used, by the way). Then my brother changed the cartridge to Donkey Kong Country and we were impressed by the graphics and music; we enjoyed the game so much we beat it 101%. Back then, we had no internet, but a little something called Donkey Kong Country Player's Guide, helped us master the game. We also have the Yoshi's Island Player's Guide (I'm NOT selling the guides, so don't ask!!).

Then in 1999, I learned about Donkey Kong Country 3, so I wondered what DKC2 was like/about. We got the N64 and the very first game we played was Donkey Kong 64 (borrowed). So we bought it shortly after it came out.

Over the years I became a Nintendo/Mario/Yoshi/Donkey Kong/Pokemon/Castlevania/anime fan boy.

Like two or three years later in Peru (I'm Peruvian), I went to my cousin's house and they had borrowed Donkey Kong Country 2 and I liked it instantly. Then, when we finally had internet, I researched over the internet and through ROMs I played all three. I have a pirate DKC3 which is the same as the original but doesn't save and the case is fake, too.

Around the time DKC for GBC came out, I was angry that it was remade because it made me think that people would like the GBC version better than the original SNES version which was far superior. Then, all three were coming out for GBA which made me even angrier for the same reason as before. Since I was never able to finish completely DKC3 (the saved data in my computer was deleted and the rom had to start again from the beginning), I bought it for the GBA. In EB Games, my brother and I bought DKC2 for SNES (like 4 years ago).

Last winter (December 2008), I bought the Donkey Kong Land Trilogy and Donkey Kong Country for GBC from eBay, played all four of them, and beat them during the winter break.

I recently bought a Wii and I'm planning to buy the DKC trilogy from the Virtual Console Wii Shop Channel this Fall/Winter.

I also have Diddy Kong Racing and the DS version (which I like better, except for the music, the fact that some characters are missing, and the one who mysterously gained some unusual height).

As you can see, I have followed the Donkey Kong series since I started playing video games. I'm really looking forward to the projects and casual discussion of the DKC games in this forum. (I apologize for rambling, I just had a lot to say!)
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Re: Introduce yourself!

Postby KremKrawl » July 29th, 2009, 9:27 am

Welcome *Ahem* scigamerfan07. Phew... Big name is big. Anyways, enjoy your time here!
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Re: Introduce yourself!

Postby Qyzbud » July 30th, 2009, 3:18 am

Welcome, and thanks for the introduction... I feel like I know you after reading that! :)

Yes indeed, there are many projects currently being worked on here at DKC Atlas, and still more being planned for the future; I'm sure you'll find lots to keep you interested.
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Re: Introduce yourself!

Postby CaptainEddie » August 8th, 2009, 6:54 am

Welcome, scigamerfan07!

I know what you mean, I hate it when games are remade because then the next generation think that it's a new release, and then they think they know everything about it...BUT THEY DON"T KNOW.

But anyways, welcome to the forums, and sorry for the late response.

Also, sorry to anyone else I may have missed, (I've been very busy lately) and welcome.
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Re: Introduce yourself!

Postby Yure16 » August 13th, 2009, 6:49 am

I am Yure, from Brazil. I am a fan of Diddy Kong and I play since my childhood. It is my favourite game... before SSBB. I still trying to buy a Wii.
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Re: Introduce yourself!

Postby CaptainEddie » August 13th, 2009, 7:36 am

Welcome, Yure. Hope you have a nice time.
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Re: Introduce yourself!

Postby Jeeves » August 22nd, 2009, 7:02 am

Hello, forum-goers! I am Jeeves, but you may call me DJ if you like. I have been playing the DKC trilogy since the first game came out when I was only six. I was mighty impressed at the time, and as my presence here suggests, I still love the games. I came across this wonderful site a few months ago during a random DKC related internet search, and I've been lurking ever since. I look forward to discussing the awesomeness that is the DKC trilogy with all of you. On a side note, I've read your rules and will do my best to adhere to them.
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Re: Introduce yourself!

Postby Jomingo » August 22nd, 2009, 7:17 am

Welcome Jeeves, I'm sure you'll fit in here just fine.
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Re: Introduce yourself!

Postby shadowjosh85 » September 11th, 2009, 6:47 pm

Hey Everybody!

So, I'm glad to be here. You guys have a promising site. I had been looking for a DKC related site for awhile, especcially one that focused on trivial junk. lol I love that stuff. As a Sonic fan, I go to Sonic Retro a lot....which got me into beta elements and glitches. Nice to see a DK community interested in that! Too bad we don't have the actual beta cartridges and roms. Oh well, maybe one day.

I've been playing the DKC titles since I was younger, but to be honest I was terrible at them. Come on, I was ...11? I never really beat the Trilogy until I got older, actually just last year to be exact. It's not my FAVORITE series, my favorites are Sonic and Megaman. Hopefully, that's alright with you guys. heh. My favorite in the trilogy is DKC2 (big surprise, huh?), and I really don't like DK64 at all. At ALL. I can't stand playing it, I want to throw my controller at the screen. I really wish I didn't, I want to play the game but I don't enjoy it. It's like getting your teeth pulled to me. Maybe I'll try it again soon...

Anyways, I'm looking forward to more work getting done on the front page and start posting on the forum. Are you going to be updating your media section with things like commercials, magazine scans, strategy guides and the like? I can help with that.
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Re: Introduce yourself!

Postby Qyzbud » September 14th, 2009, 4:22 am

Thanks for signing up, it's great to have you on board. ;)

We will indeed be working to add all kinds of media over the next few months (commercials, gameplay/walkthroughs, soundtracks, official/fan remixes, promotional graphics, magazine scans, fan artwork, etc, etc...) so thanks for your offer to help; there will be LOTS to do, and member contributions are very much appreciated!

And yeah, I can't stand DK64 either... :?
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Re: Introduce yourself!

Postby KremKrawl » September 14th, 2009, 7:17 am

Welcome Shadowjosh85! Hope you have a safe, no-being-banned time here! (Something I've managed to do on every site I'm on, surprisingly :P) Also...
shadowjosh85 wrote:Hey Everybody!

So, I'm glad to be here. You guys have a promising site. I had been looking for a DKC related site for awhile, especcially one that focused on trivial junk. lol I love that stuff. As a Sonic fan, I go to Sonic Retro a lot...

Nice to see I'm not the only one there. :P
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Re: Introduce yourself!

Postby clntgn » September 15th, 2009, 3:35 pm

Hi everyone!

I decided to join because I've had a couple questions about the series and the level builder (those will be saved for separate forums) and because I've been a fan of the DKC series for a long time. The Super Nintendo was my childhood. I grew up on it for first couple years of my life (I'm 19 now), until it sadly died when the family bird chewed on the power cord. For some reason, the rest of the system died along with it, leaving me system-less until the release of the PS2 (I had near every iteration of the Game Boy between then though.)

I remember playing Donkey Kong Country a lot when I was younger, and it still amazes me to this day how I got anywhere in the series. One of my childhood memories is opening up the packaging on Christmas for Donkey Kong Country 3. Unfortunately, I can't find my cartridge or anything from that game anymore, but I know it exists somewhere in my house.

I've currently had a renewed interest in the series since purchasing a Super Nintendo off Ebay. I started to play again, and remembered how much I loved it. I'd heard about the level editor (the japanese one) and did a search on it, and came up finding this website. I was pleased with the news of the level builder and eagerly await its release. I've always been more interested in creating things rather than just playing them, so anything with a level builder captures my interest.

My other interests include music (I'm currently working on my Associates degree)... and I guess that's really it. I play several instruments and write music. Video games (including this one) are the reason I started writing music and although I don't write as much VG-related music as I used to, I'd be happy to help with anyone's game projects if they need music.
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Re: Introduce yourself!

Postby LuigiBlood » October 3rd, 2009, 8:01 am

Hi !

I'm LuigiBlood but you know that ^^
I'm 15 years old, i'm French.
I have been a fan of Mario games and Megaman/Rockman games, but i had some fun in Donkey Kong Country game (the first one on a PAL SNES), which it have been my second game, i even saw my mother playing it very much ^^

I have hacked some SNES games before (Super Mario World, and now i hack Super Mario Advance 4, i did create the first Home Level Card, and did make Europe SMA4 makes access to e-Reader things (It only needs a save, even my original cart of SMA4 can access to it !)).

Things i like ? Glitch a game very much (Tricks that glitch a game, also codes, so you have one, GIMME !!) (EDIT : Castle Crush Glitch is like my biggest dream ever for me ^^)
Consoles i have ? SNES, N64, NGC, Wii (2 of them), GBA, GBA SP, NDS, NDS Lite, PS1, PS2, PSTwo (2 of them), PS3, 360, Master System II, DreamCast, CDi 450, GP2X F200, Atari 2600.
If i have a website ? I have one in the works. (HTML and PHP inside ^^)

PS : Don't be surprised if i do "^^" all the time.
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Re: Introduce yourself!

Postby Qwerty 9999 » October 4th, 2009, 1:16 am

Hi everyone!
I'm an italian guy 16 years old. I like very much the dkc saga, since the first one. I've dkc and dkc2 for snes, and dkc2 for gba. I've just played dkc3, but I didn't really liked it.
I'd like to do a very very very simple dkc or dkc2 hack, but I'm a complete novice, so I gave up.
Sorry for the very simple and probably bad english, I'm not very good. If you want I can speak in italian, it isn't a matter right? :mrgreen:
I prefer read the discussions, not write their (surely this sentence isn't correct :roll: ); however I like very much your forum, this is a great Donkey Kong Country community that is very hard to find!
See you!
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Re: Introduce yourself!

Postby Kiddy14 » October 5th, 2009, 1:19 pm

Welcome LuigiBlood and Qwerty 999 =P
Qwerty 9999 wrote:Sorry for the very simple and probably bad english, I'm not very good. If you want I can speak in italian, it isn't a matter right? :mrgreen:

Don't worry that much about it, I used to do the same mistakes as you did; just read some of my earlier posts XD
LuigiBlood wrote:Things i like ? Glitch a game very much (Tricks that glitch a game, also codes, so you have one, GIMME !!) (EDIT : Castle Crush Glitch is like my biggest dream ever for me ^^)

You so have to read all the Glitches sub-forums =P
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Re: Introduce yourself!

Postby cranky_martinez » October 9th, 2009, 8:32 am

Hi there, how are you?

I'm a DKC Spanish fan who has been looking for a forum to talk about one of my favourite videogames saga EVER for a long, long time. Finally, I found it, and I'm very happy for it. Yes, I am. :D

Nothing else (i'll be brief xD ). I hope to enjoy reading and writing about DK in this forum. Of course, I also hope to make friends with all of you (not too difficult, well, i'm a very friendly dude, hehehe...).

See ya.

P.S. Sorry for my English. I promise I'll improve it sooner... or later. :lol:
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Re: Introduce yourself!

Postby DK4Ever » October 9th, 2009, 2:05 pm

Heya Cranky, welcome to DKCA!

And yeah, you'll definitely get to talk as much as you want about DK here... we do enjoy that sort of thing. :lol:

And don't worry about your English, it seems just fine to me.
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Re: Introduce yourself!

Postby Sora444 » November 22nd, 2009, 4:02 am

Hi. I'm Me

I'm just a stupid kid
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Re: Introduce yourself!

Postby Tiptup Jr. » November 24th, 2009, 5:24 pm

Yeah you prolly right.

Welcome. :)
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Re: Introduce yourself!

Postby diddykong15 » November 25th, 2009, 8:31 am

hello im diddykong15 , im a huge fan of diddy kong, hes awsome :mrgreen:
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Re: Introduce yourself!

Postby Qyzbud » November 25th, 2009, 8:38 am

Welcome, diddykong15. We're glad to have you here - please read our forum rules before posting again, though. We're pretty easy going, but we like it if our members post with good English, as it's much nicer to read. Thanks.

Enjoy your time at DKC Atlas. :)
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Re: Introduce yourself!

Postby diddykong15 » November 25th, 2009, 8:41 am

understood the rules
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Re: Introduce yourself!

Postby Qyzbud » November 25th, 2009, 8:49 am

My point was about the lack of capitals and punctuation in your post... I don't think you've used a single capital letter or full stop (period) since you got here, five posts ago. :|

Also, please make sure that if you are posting, you are adding something to the conversation - especially if it's an old topic which hasn't been discussed for a while.
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Re: Introduce yourself!

Postby HellFire » December 5th, 2009, 7:30 am

Hi, im new here, and i fell like i'm not registering here to just to make a few posts...
First, about the rules, i've read it and i'll try to write the best i can, but english isnt my native language (i'm brazillian) so if i type something that cant be understandable then please tell me.
Well, now some info about me and why i joined this forum.
1 week ago i was browsing the net for some stuff like sprite rips of DKC (i dont have any good use for them, i just like that kind of stuff) then i found that DKU forum, but i found it very ugly and i didnt had the motivation to create an account on it, not in the first place. Then i found an link to this site (not the forum) and i was amazed with what i found... that mapping project you guys are doing is just so cool, i practically dreamed about DK that night thinking about these maps and stuff. Also the site is so well done that is so cool to browse it, even to read about things i already knew before...
Then i noticed some interesting topics in this forum, that resource editor thing, i downloaded it and the 1.0 rom from the net (i usually download the last version of everything..) and i got amazed by what i saw!! I just extracted all the stuff from the DKC1 in some minutes, while i needed like 20 minutes to just rip all the frames of the DK coin (via screnshots). (actually that DKCRE thing doesnt rip the brown gnawty sprites i think, atleast i didnt found then in the folder, maybe i didnt searched right).
Now im starting to read that DELTA engine topic, its a recreation of the DK engine right? It will support usermaps and all that stuff if i read right. Well this is just the best thing that could happen in the DK community. Im a mapper of some old games ( doom and dukenukem3d, you may have heard about them) theyre my fav games for the pc, and DKC is my fav game of SNES, i will surelly do something with it when its ready ( i didnt checked it yet..)
I got so excited about all that stuff that i created my avatar for this forum inspirate in thedeault ones you guys did ( i read that you cant use one thats already been used)...
So thats it, i'm a big fan of DK, and i plan to come here in this forum like everyday. I really liked this community so im joining it. :mrgreen:
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Re: Introduce yourself!

Postby Simion32 » December 5th, 2009, 10:41 am

Welcome to DKC Atlas, HellFire, I'm sure you'll enjoy your time here. :)
I'm glad you like DKCRE! Feel free to continue the discussion in those topics.
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Re: Introduce yourself!

Postby Kara Kong » December 18th, 2009, 6:02 am

Hi, stumbled upon this site by accident and decided I might join.

I'm Kara Kong, a mod from the little Rare fansite Rare-Extreme. Nice to meet you all :D
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Re: Introduce yourself!

Postby Simion32 » December 18th, 2009, 6:13 am

Hello Kara Kong, hope you enjoy your time here. :)
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Re: Introduce yourself!

Postby Qyzbud » December 18th, 2009, 3:33 pm

G'day Kara Kong (and HellFire)... Welcome to DKCA. :)
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Re: Introduce yourself!

Postby DKC4 » January 15th, 2010, 7:37 pm

Goodmoring boys and girls,

I'm new to this forum.
I'm really glad that I found a site/forum all about DKC because I love these games.
This post is going to stop here because I don't like typing long stories haha :P

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Re: Introduce yourself!

Postby Tiptup Jr. » January 16th, 2010, 3:01 am

Well hello thar, new guy... where exactly in the world is Veldhoven, might I ask? :P
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Re: Introduce yourself!

Postby Stone » January 16th, 2010, 7:57 am

Veldhoven is definately in Google! ;)

My first guess was somewhere in the Netherlands and Wikipedia confirmed this idea. :mrgreen:
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Re: Introduce yourself!

Postby ashtonfarell » February 6th, 2010, 10:32 pm

Hello everyone
Myself Ashton from US and i have found this site from Google search. I found here some problem and its solution so i think that here my problem will be solved. I have completed my graduation in Computer science. Anyway if you have any query regarding to my subject, feel free to ask me.
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Re: Introduce yourself!

Postby SpikeEnigmaSlash » February 15th, 2010, 5:18 pm

Hi, I'm Spike Enigma Slash or just Spike, and I'm from Aiken South Carolina US.

I still have my orginal Snes Donkey Kong Country cartidges and I've been playing it for years
(I'm going to be 25 soon although I'm so much a kid at heart.)

I only wish that the codes for DKC 2 and 3 would work on it without it saying the error of copying the thing it self... darn that luck.
I love this fourm i've tried the codes on my Snes 9X and Zsnes. it's fun to see all the wacky things it can do, as well as all the intresting people on this forum, even when I was browsing as just a guest.
anyway I hope to see you all on the forums toughest part for me was having to choose an animal buddy.

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Re: Introduce yourself!

Postby Simion32 » February 16th, 2010, 1:21 am

Welcome to DKC Atlas, Spike.

Hope you have a great time here!
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Re: Introduce yourself!

Postby SpikeEnigmaSlash » February 16th, 2010, 10:04 am

Quote of previous post removed by Qyzbud

Thank you, I already enjoy it I was browsing things this morning and laughed before I went to sleep, I'm very nocturnal like that.
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Re: Introduce yourself!

Postby zaneebaslave » February 28th, 2010, 4:03 am

Hello, ladies and gentlemen. I am Zaneebaslave.

This may sound silly, but I thought I was the only person in the world whose favorite games are the Donkey Kong Country games :lol: Thank heavens I was wrong.

Anyways, I am a cartoon artist, ideas-man (I couldnt think of a good word to state that I have a good imagination), and a 3D modeller... usually specializing in "3D spriting" ;) . (in case you didnt get that hint, that means that I might make a Donkey Kong Country game in the near future.)

Right now I'm working on a Zelda game, though. So until I'm done with that, no Donkey Kong game... Oh well.
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Re: Introduce yourself!

Postby gamester » March 2nd, 2010, 7:58 am

Hey guys, I'm gamester, and holy crap this is an awesome forum. I found out about from Simion32, who commented on my project over at the Game Maker Community, a project I now wish to share with you guys. I hope to eventually make my project open source but you guys can try out the latest build by clicking HERE

And I don't think I need to say how great the DKC franchise is because that's a given!
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Re: Introduce yourself!

Postby aperson98 » March 2nd, 2010, 8:03 am

Hello I'm aperson98. I'm to help DKC fans by giving them new sprite edits of Donkey Kong and many other characters and things from the DKC trilogy I hope to be of great service to this forum.
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Re: Introduce yourself!

Postby Simion32 » March 2nd, 2010, 8:35 am

Welcome gamester! I'm pretty much certain you'll have a great time at DKC Atlas. ;)
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Re: Introduce yourself!

Postby DKCplayer » March 2nd, 2010, 7:56 pm

Enjoy your stay aperson98, gamester and whole list of others that I missed. :oops:
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Re: Introduce yourself!

Postby FrankMorris » April 25th, 2010, 8:07 am

Hey I just discovered this gorgeous sitey (and the rest you know already!)

It's great to be here.. :D
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Re: Introduce yourself!

Postby Simion32 » April 25th, 2010, 4:39 pm

Welcome to DKC Atlas, FrankMorris. :)
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Re: Introduce yourself!

Postby The Guy » April 26th, 2010, 3:52 am

Welcome to the DKC Atlas Forum, FrankMorris.
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Re: Introduce yourself!

Postby Scraps69 » April 27th, 2010, 3:29 pm

Hey, I've got some time to kill (and my education website is still down WTF??!?!?!) so why not?

If you havn't noticed me around in the past week or two, I'm doing the DKC Reloaded project (hack ROM) along with Kong-Fu and Simion32. Check it out at viewtopic.php?f=33&t=957 .


I'm scraps. Im in my 20s. and I love donkey kong! Donkey Kong Country was one of those games that got me permanently hooked to video games. I was a kid and we were looking for games with my bro, and my bro suggested 'donkey kong country'. I looked at it and I told him it looked kind of gay. So, we went off to buy road runner instead - boy was that a rubbish game. ANyways, I was at primary school and I had a mate who played video games and me and him would hang out for big gaming sessions... though we never touched on DKC because we were busy playing other games (like mickey mouse and battletoads and other ones). Then one day he lent me Donkey Kong Country and I fell in love with it. So, then I got into the DKC series and I got into Rareware as well. Heh, Conker's bad fur day was truly a masterpiece and I was really sad when Rare left for microsoft because they had a Donkey Kong racing game in the works. Though *shrugs* it doesn't matter much as Rare is now a different company anyway. So anyways, my latest donkey kong game was Jungle Beat for the wii. It's pretty good! But different. And then I was thinking... wouldn't it be cool to have a new Donkey Kong Country game? I was always a big fan of the original, I think DKC2 was the weakest entry and DKC3 was pretty good too. What always annoyed me was that the game was called 'Donkey Kong Country' and there was no blerrie Donkey Kong in the next two iteractions of DKC. so if there was a DKC4, it had to include DK. But I 'knew' at the time (probably 2008) it wasn't possible to make a DKC game so I let it slip out of my mind.

Though last year, I was also playing hacked mario roms and I realised that maybe DKC was probably hackable. So, I scrolled youtube and watched the speed runs as well as saw Kong Fu's Industrial Alley level. I searched the internet for the roms and came by DKC Atlas last september or something. I tried downloading and playing the hacked roms (in other words, the '.ips') and because it didn't load into my zsnes player (because i didn't know how to apply .IPS files), I thought "wtf this isn't a ROM. what a rubbish website". I really had no idea what IPS was so I left the website. But then I struck lucky in November/December and found a DKEditor in english (through a youtube link) and started making levels for fun. The name reloaded has been with me from the start and is named after the Conker's Bad Fur Day's re-release on the XBOX 'Conkers Live and Reloaded'.

Anyways, got bored after creating Winkey's walkway and because no one wanted to play the rom. so, I abandoned it in late december. Last week or two weeks ago, I decided I'll just spread what I've done and if people liked it then I might make more levels. I remembered this site (it was a unique look (and i particularly remembered the DKC Atlas clouds) but I could not remember the name) because I remembered the sub-forum with ROM hacks (though at the time I still thought the IPS thing was still rubbish though now i think it's awesome!) and decided to post a real ROM for you guys (though I got in trouble later by simion32 hehe). So I searched high and low in google and actually found DKC Atlas again via google images. And the rest is a recent history heh. :mrgreen:

So, that's my donkey kong and DKC Atlas story. Both started off with rejection at first sight, but then I fell in love with both of them :)

Heh, the only thing that kind of gets me wondering is 'Qyzbud'. Does he still check this website?

In a belated response, Qyzbud writes:
Yes, indeed I do. :lol:
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Re: Introduce yourself!

Postby Simion32 » April 27th, 2010, 3:54 pm

Qyzbud seems to have been really busy (with what I guess are life-related things) for a while now and he hasn't had any time to update the site, though he does check in here every few days.
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Re: Introduce yourself!

Postby Jomingo » April 28th, 2010, 9:24 am

Qyzbud is very busy and has seemingly failed his new year's resolution miserably(which was to update the site daily. :lol: )
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Re: Introduce yourself!

Postby tatanga » May 27th, 2010, 1:58 am


I was introduced to Donkey Kong when I played Donkey Kong Country in 1996. Ever since then I designed levels on graphing paper. I learned about hacking when I found Acmlm’s Board in 2005, but it shut down soon after. I've hacked Super Mario Bros. and Super Mario World, but it has always been a dream of mine to create my own Donkey Kong Country game. I usually check this site at least once a day, but haven't really seen a need to post anything. I figured I ought to at least introduce myself. One thing that really stands out to me about this site is how well run it is compared to other forums I've visited. Keep up the good work!
Posts: 11
Joined: 2010

Re: Introduce yourself!

Postby The Guy » May 27th, 2010, 2:49 am

Hello, tatanga. There are ways to hack DKC and even DKC2, but the things used to do so are in Japanese, although there's a translated version of the DKC one...
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