What did you like best about DKC2?

Talk about Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest for SNES and VC.
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What did you like best about DKC2?

Postby Rodent » August 29th, 2008, 10:27 am

Same as the other threads. :)

The best parts of DKC2 for me were the music, which without an exception was an excellent and epic soundtrack, the Pirate Ship levels, the new animal buddies and Diddy. :D He's a joy to play with.
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Re: What did you like best about DKC2?

Postby Gnawzooka » August 29th, 2008, 1:51 pm

I really love this game. The bosses are a real challenge, the levels are really fun (but also challenging) and there are lots of little additions over DKC that I like, such as turning into animals and team-up. And the soundtrack is just excellent.
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Re: What did you like best about DKC2?

Postby Kiddy14 » August 29th, 2008, 2:32 pm

Yep, she is. She could float with the dixie-copter! And Team-up, yes that was another thing I loved. I remember when I got the game we got no manual; my dad tried switching and "OMG" the monkey was over the other one, then he tried to see what would happen in that "way" and we discovered a lot of cool stuff =) In DKC Diddy or Donkey followed you, but nothing else...
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Re: What did you like best about DKC2?

Postby Gnawzooka » August 29th, 2008, 3:41 pm

The Dixie-copter yells plagiarism to me. Ever played Rayman? :o It's still cool though. :D
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Re: What did you like best about DKC2?

Postby Swing King » August 30th, 2008, 12:00 pm

DKC2 is probably my least favorite DKC. Don't get me wrong, I love it, but it was so dark in some parts I had know idea where I was going. But the music was kool though! The thing that saved it for me though was the pirate theme.
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Re: What did you like best about DKC2?

Postby Diddy_Gal » September 15th, 2008, 12:31 am

Everything. I love the graphics, music, and the animations. And Diddy a bundle of fun to play with! :D
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Re: What did you like best about DKC2?

Postby Diddy Kong » December 26th, 2008, 9:15 am

The best thing about DKC2 is that I star in it.
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Re: What did you like best about DKC2?

Postby WolfzGaming » January 2nd, 2009, 3:04 am

Diddy Kong wrote:The best thing about DKC2 is that I star in it.


The best thing I liked about DKC 2 is finally beating K.Rool after a million tries, I could beat him easily on Lost world, But K.Rool Duel seemed harder...
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Re: What did you like best about DKC2?

Postby gamer_boy997 » January 2nd, 2009, 4:01 am

^ Wolfzgaming, you shouldn't quote posts right before yours, and sometimes entire posts isn't a good idea either.

Anyways, what I like is probably what happens when you hit the target at the end of a level from a heigth :D .
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Re: What did you like best about DKC2?

Postby CaptainEddie » January 11th, 2009, 12:50 pm

The levels, the music the animal buddies. But quite possibly the best part was throwing my partner to his/her death. Awesome.
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Re: What did you like best about DKC2?

Postby Qyzbud » January 12th, 2009, 10:31 am

As much as I loved the epic soundtrack, awesome character designs and ominously dark, moody graphics... I think the greatest thing about DKC2 for me was the fast and challenging gameplay. DKC was fast, but not all that challenging. DKC3 was challenging enough in a few places, but felt too slow for the most part... DKC2 just had the perfect mixture of pace and difficulty. It's by far the most replayable game of the trilogy, for me.

Oh and Clapper. He's just a champ.
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Re: What did you like best about DKC2?

Postby Tiptup Jr. » January 13th, 2009, 10:45 am

Come back to my cavern... :?:

I'd rather not ask. Clapper is awesome, though! I believe this game's mood alone is what put it above the others in the series. Rare pretty much had the DKC formula perfected in it, with smoother controls, prettier graphics, and generally better characters. But then it kinda went downhill with the third one. Which I still love. But not as much now cuz of teh Game Over screen.
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Re: What did you like best about DKC2?

Postby Kowbrainz » January 13th, 2009, 5:42 pm

Qyzbud wrote:epic image and title

My god, I love you... :lol:

I sort of feel like I'm repeating the stories I've told several times already now with these topics. I loved DKC3 the most for quite some time since I had grown up with it, but when I purchased another SNES along with the trilogy DKC2 won me over. And yeah; the fantastic music, locales and overall design were only the start of it; I just loved the level design and how things were hidden, and that although everything started out tough as nails, levels had that same appeal as the first game where you could go through them fast without anything stopping you as long as you had the skills to pay the bills.
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Re: What did you like best about DKC2?

Postby BigDonkey101 » April 23rd, 2009, 4:38 pm

;) There are a lot of things that I like about DKC2.
It is a really challenging game to master(way harder then the games Wii have today).
Plus the game seem to be a little darker with the pirate theme.
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Re: What did you like best about DKC2?

Postby diddykong » April 24th, 2009, 7:13 pm

Well I like its got diddykong...

The music is awesome.

The feeling of darkness is nice.

The new level archertypes(bad spelling) are nice.

The double team is nice.

The enemies are nice.

Animal morphing. They got new buddies, while still keeping the best one's other than expresso. Unlike dkc 3 :cry: .
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Re: What did you like best about DKC2?

Postby Slipknot Darkrai » January 10th, 2011, 6:26 am

Since DKC was a cool game, it is fun to see a continued game :D.
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Re: What did you like best about DKC2?

Postby Mayo » January 10th, 2011, 5:36 pm

The Pirate theme
The Soundtrack
Diddy goes gangsta
Dixie plays guitar
Unique and awesome level design (Hives, wind, brambles, rollercoasters, pirate ships... etc.)

And when DK goes all 'SHORYUKEN!' on Kaptain K. Rool.
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Re: What did you like best about DKC2?

Postby Piper » January 11th, 2011, 2:54 am

Best thing about the game? Obviously Donkey uppercutting K. Rool. Plus the challenge. I found it the hardest of all the DKC's.
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Re: What did you like best about DKC2?

Postby Ribbedebie » January 14th, 2011, 8:45 pm

What I did like best about DKC2? Gee, not hard to decide on that. I mean, it has Diddy and Dixie, who are both my favourite Kongs, it got pirate Kremlings and as everybody could tell you pirates are AWESOME, and the music traded in the already awesome atmospheric tunes from the original in for pure orchastrated epicness. So yeah. It's still my favourite game ever. Right next to Banjo-Kazooie.
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Re: What did you like best about DKC2?

Postby CliveKoopa » January 21st, 2011, 6:31 am

The music is the best thing about DKC2. In my opinion, the music is better than the game itself.
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Re: What did you like best about DKC2?

Postby Bille Dourado » February 4th, 2011, 11:21 am

The music is the best thing of DKC2.
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Re: What did you like best about DKC2?

Postby Phyreburnz » February 6th, 2011, 5:04 am

My favourite thing is the castle levels. I love Chain Link Chamber. I wish there were more castle levels.
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Re: What did you like best about DKC2?

Postby Soniccuz » March 22nd, 2011, 10:48 am

About time I posted in this forum, being this is without a doubt my favorite game in the franchise. Though pinning down one thing would be tough. This is one of the first games I've ever played and is the first game I owned for the SNES. So nostalgia probably counts for a lot.

What I liked best about the game, and actually the trilogy as a whole was the shear amount of character everything had. Of course the incredibly detailed sprites had something to do with that but, as I think about it, I think the writing is probably just as much to blame. It wasn't typical to see a lot of text and conversation in a platformer back in the 8 to 16 bit days and walking into any of the older Kongs shops you were treated to their dialogue. I know the writing might seem insignificant compared to the rest of the game to most. But I think that's all it took to make the world in the Country games seem more important to me then other platform games of the time.

To put it simply the characters in the Country games have a lot more personality then mushroom kings 1-7. xD

Admittedly this is more of a "what I like about the series in general" answer but, again, DKC2 was the first game I played in the series, and I've always liked it's atmosphere the most.
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Re: What did you like best about DKC2?

Postby Katzii » March 22nd, 2011, 3:50 pm

Pirates, two of the best Kong characters and the brilliant soundtrack and environments!
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Re: What did you like best about DKC2?

Postby Markster » June 14th, 2011, 4:38 am


I liked how there was a lost world, people that thought they fully completed DKC2 was wrong, there is one more chapter they can play.
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Re: What did you like best about DKC2?

Postby Gaz » December 29th, 2011, 9:49 am

The interesting easter eggs in Monkey Museum.
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Re: What did you like best about DKC2?

Postby FalsePower » December 31st, 2011, 8:21 am

I like how it's one of those rare games that is actually better than the original.
This game gave the Kremlings their signature noise when they die.
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Re: What did you like best about DKC2?

Postby The Banana Bird » January 2nd, 2012, 11:43 am

1. The best music in possibly VGM history and
2. Clapper, Sqwuaks and Glimmer!!!!!
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Re: What did you like best about DKC2?

Postby Super Luigi! » January 14th, 2012, 12:53 pm

Well, the overall feel of the game was great. I mean, the game had the sidekick and his girlfriend invade their sworn enemy's homeland to rescue their uncle/big buddy. THAT was awesome. The spooky/darkness of the game made it even more intimidating, and when you fought your way to the top like Rocky, it felt GOOD. YOU came into K. Rool's dark, spooky, and very dangerous fortress and smashed Kremlings N' Krates alike. To have Robin and his love save Batman from the Penguin was the greatest. The music only increased this powerful feeling. This quest that you and Dixie were on felt intense, and the mood of the music just really spoke to you. Trekking across all those action packed levels made you feel powerful and smart for knowing how to do it. Along the way, your grandpa would show how wimpy K. Rool' Kronies were by making it ALL THE WAY TO THE TOP! This wise sage also provided much needed intel of the situation, along with a history lesson of two.

Overall, the one thing that made this game amazing was it's feel. Not many other games these days envoke those kinds of feelings in you, and that is why this game stands out, not only to me, but to everyone who's ever played it.
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Re: What did you like best about DKC2?

Postby SexyRayman » February 2nd, 2012, 3:20 pm

The music was always my favorite in DKC2. Always.
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Re: What did you like best about DKC2?

Postby dixietrixie414 » June 26th, 2018, 8:39 pm

Rodent wrote:Same as the other threads. :)

The best parts of DKC2 for me were the music, which without an exception was an excellent and epic soundtrack, the Pirate Ship levels, the new animal buddies and Diddy. :D He's a joy to play with.

God, I loved so much about this game. It's hard to say it all, but I will list a couple of things. The music, first off was one of the best things. I always find myself listening to the music in that game than the music from the other games. The playable Kong characters were both fast and agile, which made the game a lot more enjoyable and speedy. I loved that it was the darkest game of the DKC series and of the Donkey Kong series as a whole. I loved the dark atmosphere in general. I loved the idea of two lovers fighting against all these monsters and experiencing a dark yet enduring journey together. This game is actually heavy inspiration for a game that I want created in the future, that means a lot to me. It has similar gameplay as DKC2 but is about two lovers who go through all these hellish stages and levels that are compiliations of their dark, abusive pasts and shoot people who are abusive and monstrous and who remind them of their abusive parents. So that's a big part of my love for DKC2. I love that the team up is so easy and a lot less frustrating than the Dixie-Kiddy team up. I loved exploring glitches the most in this game. I loved the bosses and the bad guys. I loved the levels and the great designs. I loved the super moves that the animal buddies make; I love the animal buddies most in this game and how you could morph into them. I loved the cute little "Ow, ow" noise Enguarde would make when he would get hurt; he reminds me of my cat who is the most favorite pet that I have ever had. There's so much more that I could list, but that's the jist of it :P
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