Solid bump! I'm surprised the topic didn't fall over.
I was thinking about the Dumb Drum/Belcha thing... I only didn't mention it because of Kleever in DKC2. In a lot of ways, Belcha's really the odd one out, here. 
Good point about Manky/Minky; I suppose there wasn't a strong enough mutiny for any conspiring Kongs to make the dangerous trek to enemy territory for DKC2. This mention of Minky Kong has me musing...
Were there any undefeatable enemy types in DKC2? I guess you could count the Kackle krew, but they're pretty different from the set-in-place baddies like DKC's Croctopi, Krashes and Rockkrocs*, and DKC3's Minkys, Kuchukas, etc... DKC3 also has Karbines, the "Baby Buzz" swarm in Riverside Race and the kamikaze Klasps, but I'm not sure if you'd count those.
I'm probably missing some obvious faultless DKC2 foes, but it feels like the emphasis is solidly on DKC and DKC3 here.
Also, I don't recall there being
electric storms (thunder/lightning) anywhere in DKC2... rain and wind, sure, but nothing particularly stormy.
The fact that I'm unsure about these things is a solid indicator that I need to play through DKC2 (heck, the whole trilogy) again.