Jomingo wrote:I have 5 Game Boy colors!
Qyzbud wrote:Jomingo wrote:I have 5 Game Boy colors!
What the blazes?!Why so many?
...and what colours are they?
Jomingo wrote:Selling a GBA? I don't think you'll be able to get more than $5 bucks for it, at the most.
Qyzbud wrote:Jomingo wrote:Selling a GBA? I don't think you'll be able to get more than $5 bucks for it, at the most.
Yeah, and I bet most people wouldn't be willing to part with a whole week's income to buy something so out-dated. That said, despite me having two working Super Nintendos already, I'd lay down $50 for an as-new SNES, no questions asked. You can never have too many of such a good thing.
...someone should let gamer_boy997 and RawkHawk know that. No SNES in your collection, eh Rawky? Were you a Sega fan in the 16-bit era, perchance?
gamer_boy997 wrote:Ouch Jomingo, 480$? You each needed to spend 160$ for it. The Wii is about 250$, and games are about 50$, so she starts out with 4-5 games? Which ones were they? (If you say any Mario games, I'm going to be mad, because you say the games were bad and I'm partly Mario fan!)
Also, about how much are SNES' these days? Just curious. My dad said he can't remember what he did with it. He said he either gave it away, or it's in the garage somewhere. Oh well, at least I have DKC1 on Wii and DKC2 and 3 on my DS. Here's something I'm wondering, is DKC2-3 better on SNES? If so, I might as well sell my DKC2 and DKC3 and buy them off the Wii's VC. On my SNES, I had DKC1 and 3, and I borrowed DKC2 from my friend. I was tring to use a cheat code system, and the files ended up being erased from a bug when I was on Toxic Tower! I had to go through almost the whole game again, and I beat it. I told my friend what happened with the files being erased. I don't know if he already collected all the DK coins and beat the Lost World, but if he did, he probably did it all over again.
Qyzbud wrote:I have strongly considered adding a 360 to my rather slim console collection for entirely the same reason as you did, Kowz.![]()
It may happen yet.
The Angry Sun wrote:I missed out on the SNES era.
SLY JO wrote:The Angry Sun wrote:I missed out on the SNES era.
That's like missing out on 70's rock.
I missed out on N64 era.
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