So lately I've been getting calls on my cell phone from a girl who claims to go by the name of "Jessica Smith". She says she used to sit behind me in History when I lived in Michigan, and she had a crush on me before I moved to Alabama but never got to act on it before I left. She usually calls from a restricted number at odd hours of the night (like, really late- for some reason I'm always still up though, I think she's watching me) and I think she's probably not who she says she is. She really sounds like a Southern girl trying to put on a Northern accent, but it just doesn't work for her- she has also referred to various aspects of my personality that didn't develop until after I moved, and she instinctively calls me "Tim" instead of "Timmy" (if she really knew me from the north, she'd say Timmy.) Just now she asked me if I knew her sister, to which I replied no, and then she hung up to take care of her "dog". She called back a few minutes later offering to perform various inappropriate acts upon my genitals (which I wasn't entirely opposed to), but then hung up. I have just now realized that she must live nearby if she is truly within driving distance of a self-imposed booty call. I'm serious and this isn't a joke- I am truly at an internal and mental conflict here. What do I do, DKC Atlas? Does anyone have anything to say about this? Please???