What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Talk about Donkey Kong Country Returns for Wii, developed by Retro Studios.

What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby aperson98 » January 16th, 2011, 6:38 am

I for one would like to see some more animal buddies then just Rambi if Retro made another DKC. It would be awesome if Squitter ,Expresso, and Winky could find their way into the sequel. I feel the water levels also need to make a comeback they
were just too big of a staple of the series to take out. Anything you guys want to see?
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby Monkeyshrapnel » January 16th, 2011, 8:55 am

I want to see a DKCR 2, AKA, I want the animal buddies of dkc 2, I want diddy and dixie to be in the game and as seperate things, not just like a power-up.
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby Tompa » January 16th, 2011, 10:17 am

I want to see better controls. NO. STUPID. SHAKING. TO. ROLL.
An option to play with Diddy 1 player, option to change the controls in general (ALL new games should have this feature) and that levels are better designed for 2p mode in general.

Only having Rambi among the animals was a letdown and I would love to see more of them return in the next game.
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby The Guy » January 16th, 2011, 10:56 am

Let's see here...

* More animal buddies, like everyone else said.
* An ice-themed world
* Water levels

Well, it's just a start for me.
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby Jomingo » January 16th, 2011, 2:12 pm

I'd like a snow world, underwater levels, and more animal buddies.

To make the water levels faster they could make them on rails Enguarde segments where you steer Enguarde as he speeds through the level. Like a rocket barrel, only you move in all directions. That would take care of the water levels and the animal buddy complaints.

As for other Animal buddies: I want Expresso and Winky. That would round out all of the DKC1 animals, and I think they all could be reworked to fit in really well with Retro's gameplay and aesthetic the way Rambi was.
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby Ribbedebie » January 17th, 2011, 2:40 am

Whenever confronted with the question about what I'd like to see in a sequel, I always say the same thing;

Diddy, Dixie, K. Rool, sunset brambles, and a remix of In a Snow-Bound Land. Make it like DKC2.
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby Gnawzooka » January 17th, 2011, 10:13 am

Tompa wrote: that levels are better designed for 2p mode in general.

I know what you mean, some levels were infuriating in co-op, especially for you if the other player is Diddy, running ahead with his superior agility and messing things up. But these levels were still good levels in single players.
What I think would be better than designing all the levels with 2p in mind is to create some entirely new levels for co-op. So they have one set of levels for single player, but then in co-op some of the unsuiting levels are replaced by more 2p-friendly levels. This would solve the aforementioned infuriation and also diversify the game a little and give some extra incentive to play co-op.
I'd also like it if there was some advantage to playing as Donkey Kong. Diddy is not only more nimble, but he also has a jet-pack, he can shoot distant enemies and he's a much smaller target - I've found many instances where this makes a difference, for example some obstacles which Donkey needs to duck under but Diddy doesn't have to bother. So it'd be nice if Donkey did more damage to enemies or something.
I don't see how water levels are such a staple of DKC. The original only had I think four water levels and other than croctopus chase they were all dreadfully boring in my opinion. Although I must admit I like Jomingo's Enguarde-on-rails idea. I also had a kinda silly idea for a rocket barrel level in which you are inside a little air bubble underwater. Rather than being able to move around the whole screen dodging things you can only stay within your bubble which may grow and shrink, move up and down, come into contact with other bubbles which you can then enter etc...
To be honest I never found myself missing Animal Buddies in DKCR. The Rambi levels were nice but they were far too easy. Rambi (and any other animals that they may or may not add into the next game) needs a serious nerf.
A snow world would be nice, and some more barrels would be much appreciated (TNT anyone?). Oh and the roll mechanics of course. That's all for now.
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby SSBMaster11 » January 23rd, 2011, 4:17 pm

Water levels/Enguarde, Kremlings/K. Rool, and Cranky to be more cranky. It didn't feel like he was as cranky in this game as in the old ones.
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby Tiptup Jr. » January 26th, 2011, 11:05 am

No, but he was cranky enough. I'd say the crankiest he's been since Rare had a hold of him. That's one thing this game got right... and if you guys haven't noticed I haven't come back and said "oh sorry I like this game again," I have continued to avoid this piece of crap like the plague and quite frankly I'm ashamed that Donkey Kong's own fanbase enjoys it! Sure, they might have Kremlings and more characters in a sequel, if it happens (don't gimme that IT'S PRACTICALLY GUARANTEED nonsense, because no it's not) but what about NOW?! Why do we have to keep waiting to get what we want? Retro had a chance to do something right and they failed. Miserably. So, grrr.
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby SSBMaster11 » January 26th, 2011, 1:17 pm

I think they did a pretty good job overall with this game, but I would like to say one thing-They made it not nostalgic enough, and too much at the same time. The people who want it to be something completely different aren't satisfied, since there's too much stuff from the old games. The people who want it to be like the old games aren't satisfied, either, since they left some important stuff out. In that area, no one's happy.

Overall, I still love this game, even if there's not as much from the old games as I would have liked (i.e. Kremlings/K. Rool, water levels/Enguarde)
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby Tiptup Jr. » January 26th, 2011, 3:34 pm

Tell me how "there's too much stuff from the old games", please.
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby Jomingo » January 28th, 2011, 7:18 am

A sequel is practically guaranteed. In one month it's sold more than any of the Metroid Primes (by far), and Retro is known for keeping with the resources they've made and making sequels. They are going to make a sequel, it's just a question of when it comes out and which system it's for.

Besides, now that DK is as popular as this game has proven it to be, Nintendo will demand a sequel. That's how it goes, and it will happen. Seriously, I was right when I predicted that they'd make a new DKC; I'll probably be right about this too.

Also, I loved this game. A lot. It certainly isn't the fan game that people have been crafting over and over again in their heads and on forums for the past decade, but anyone who thought it would be close to those games in terms of fan service was doomed to hate it from the start. I knew what to expect within a month of the reveal trailer. No Kremlings, no water levels, Cranky and Rambi probably being the only returning characters, etc. It was never a surprise, I knew that was what we were getting and then I loved what we got regardless. From a standalone game perspective, it's a thousand times better than the dodgy New Super Mario Bros. game that you seem to like so much. NSMBW might have had Koopalings (which was very cool I'll admit), but that doesn't make it bearable to play. You just let your impossible expectations of what a new DKC would be stifle your ability to enjoy the game... and that is why you fail.
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby Tiptup Jr. » January 28th, 2011, 8:55 am

No. That is why YOU fail, sir. New Super Mario Bros. Wii is a good effing game and it's got returning characters and enemies out the wazoo, as far as I'm concerned this game can suck it. God damn Jungle Beat was better!
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby Jomingo » January 28th, 2011, 10:06 am


Star Wars quotes aside, NSMBW's gameplay was atrocious. How in the world was Jungle Beat better than this game? Your only complaint is the lack of characters and Jungle Beat is way worse in that department, not to mention that DKCR trumps it a thousand times in gameplay too. If you say Jungle Beat is better than you're clearly just trying to hate this game to the point that you're irrational and letting your anger get the best of you. No stretch of the imagination could say Jungle Beat was better than this, you're just being ridiculous.
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby Simion32 » January 28th, 2011, 10:08 am

Tiptup Jr., chill the (censored) out.
You're just looking for something to complain about now because DKCR wasn't 100% perfect.

Everyone has their own opinion, and everyone is right about it, because one gets exactly what one wills to be true.

This is just another immature argument over THE NEED TO BE RIGHT ABOUT EVERYTHING UNDER THE SUN "BECAUSE I'M BETTER THAN EVERYONE ELSE AND U R TEH SUX". This is turning into an egotism flame war. :roll:

Please don't make me take measures to stop this. You won't like it. :ugeek:
*sees Jomingo's post above*
I agree with Jomingo. There's no way DKJB was better than DKCR. That's just your anger talking to fill the gap in your faulty reasoning. NSMBWii? Pbbbthhh..... played it once, and it's shelved. That game was around par of SMW SNES, which doesn't even pass the original DKC in quality.

EDITs: Please continue discussion. These are not the droids you are looking for. ;)
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby Scraps69 » January 29th, 2011, 4:13 pm

removing the shake roll gimic and I'll give the sequel a perfect 10 bar any other issues the sequel might have.

Or if there has to be a shake roll gimic then - up shake = blow. down shake = pound. Shake and forward shake = roll.
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby aperson98 » January 29th, 2011, 5:56 pm

@ Tiptup Jr Geez Tiptup why so much hate for a game that did so much right? I mean sure the mythos to the older games could have been tighter, but still this is a very fun game and the comeback that DK needed now.
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby Mayo » February 6th, 2011, 10:10 pm

There's a lot of 'could of's and 'would of's for DKCR in terms of what should return from the previous games, but what they did was good and there's still plenty of room for a much better sequel.
Remember those old school virtual boy level references we saw in the concept art section? I'd love to see some of that in the next game, maybe it even foreshadows on what could be potential levels for the next sequel! Maybe I'm just getting too hopeful though, nothin' wrong being optimistic no? 8D

More Kongs, please, and have a choice for player 1 to choose DK, Diddy, Dixie, maybe even another heavy Kong character like Chunky or Kiddie, each with their own abilities. Also having sections of gameplay where secrets cannot be revealed without the help of a player 2 would also be a nice addition.

If they did make a DKCR2, I really hope they bring in some more interesting barrel mechanics which were introduced in DKC2 and 3 (because the barrels in DKCR were quite bland and underused), maybe even a revamped Gangplank Galleon and Stickerbrush Symphony while they're at it.
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby HavocReaper48 » February 7th, 2011, 4:38 am

Mayo wrote:[...] and Stickerbrush Symphony while they're at it.

Silhouette Bramble Blast levels FTW. Easy overshadow.

Aside from that, now, prepare to see a wall of fan suggestions coming from a person who has played Donkey Kong Country since childhood:

(note: sections with one sentence below are dumbly obvious things)

NO ROLL SHAKE! It was a horrid idea. It is not nearly as reliable as it was back in the day. I don't want to ground pound, dammit, I want to ROLL. In the old games you could roll if you were absolutely still. I love the roll jump execution but getting that roll is a haggle.

Other than that, Ground Pounding was beautifully added, it's great to see an underused aspect of back-in-the-day come back to be used to a much greater purpose. Blowing, well, after a while it gets old when you know exactly what to blow and you know if it's hard to reach there must a be a puzzle piece or something.

Character representation
WHERE THE HECK IS FUNKY KONG?! He was in every single DKC title up until this. Why not?! This annoys me greatly and I know exactly why they did this. CASUAL GAMING. Two hearts I did not mind, but auto saving eliminates Candy and the single press of a button to go back to the map gets Funky off. This is completely ridiculous. Who cares if you have to reach the end of the first world to save? You wanna save, you gotta play. Funky Kong, they really could of done something with you. How about the rocket barrel levels being endorsed by Funky? You know, like in Mario games where a guy appears before an item and says "Oh I made it and you can use it whenever". I miss the jumbo barrel. Really. I blame the developers too scared to heighten the difficulty! Back in my day, we didn't care if you were a seven year old stuck on Very Gnawty! We did not care if Necky's Nuts was perverted in name and super difficult in completion!

...or at least a difficulty setting:
-Cranky Kong/Hero Mode

Speaking of Cranky Kong... I'm turning into him now, it looks like :shock: .

For the Kremlings, I would of loved to see them return, but the tikis were not bad. They were much needed, finally time for something new. Though I highly question no Zingers. Why? They were not Kremlings. Instead, "Tiki Zing". =| .
No successor to Necky's Nuts?

Animal Buddies
Rambi, I hate how to make him charge, but other than that he was good. Squawks, well, I suppose he's alright. Where's Enguarde? Like the guys said above, a rail-style water level. Winky and Expresso I'm sad to not even see. Rattly must appear in DKC2R!

Level types
I like how Retro actually had levels consistent with the world design. Like, why did we have snow levels in LAKE Orangatanga...? But now it's time to take cues from DKC2. Bramble Silhouette levels with the classic theme (no remix) = Level Orgasm. I would be interested to see the dungeon levels back. The lava levels must return. Beehive levels, swamps, and carnival levels as well.

One last thing I was extremely disappointed about not seeing....

CAVE LEVELS! I LOVED the cave theme! You didn't want to die just so you could hear the whole song. Above and beyond epic. I...WANT...CAVE DWELLER CONCERT BACK!

Dixie = Must. Dixie is just awesome. First female playable in the series. Also in DKCR, character selection was very one sided; everyone wants to be Diddy because he's way better. Guns & Jets = Win. Donkey Kong has nothing unique. But with Dixie there you go - hair helicopter.

In addition, I like that idea of levels made specifically for multiplayer. Rocket barrel and mine cart levels, which are pretty hard, can be a serious life drainer. Many levels like those practically scream "Get player 2 outta here!". For example, forking paths, say one goes up and on goes down, and there are different items on each side. Practically every single level in the single player mode was perfect for only one player. The only instance otherwise is if you needed to sacrifice a player to reach a puzzle piece or kill the boss or something.

Bonus levels
Where's Bash the Baddies?

What happened to the TNT Barrel? Or the Tin Keg? Two classic items removed, why? I mean, the barrel variety didn't totally bug me, but I sure missed them. I wanted a successor to Stop & Go Station too. Invincibility barrels, animal barrels, and ghost barrels are other ones I would like to see. Also, DK Barrels and regular barrels need to be more common - not rationed just to get an item.

Don't think that I hated the game. I loved DKCR. But I wanted more nostalgia. It didn't outperform the previous games; it merely is up to par with them. Please, Retro, see this.
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby Mayo » February 7th, 2011, 8:15 pm

HavocReaper48 wrote:Character representation
WHERE THE HECK IS FUNKY KONG?! He was in every single DKC title up until this. Why not?! ... auto saving eliminates Candy and the single press of a button to go back to the map gets Funky off. This is completely ridiculous. Who cares if you have to reach the end of the first world to save? You wanna save, you gotta play. Funky Kong, they really could of done something with you. How about the rocket barrel levels being endorsed by Funky?

They really should bring back more of the Kong family, even if there's a time-saving alternative, putting them in there gives the game more... I guess you could say 'depth', not to mention more difficulty because saving is less readily available. But for a game like DKCR, it's unlikely to become stuck on a level, so it wouldn't be any harm in adding Candy or not.
Come to think of it, removing these crucial Kongs who aid you on your journey were one of the many details that make up DKC.

HavocReaper48 wrote:Humor
No successor to Necky's Nuts?

XD The Wii seems too much of a kids/casual console to mention any kind of innuendo, of that sort. Rare was known to incorperate plenty of this in their games. As amusing it would be, there's probably going to be a bunch of parents who'd complain on the slightest political incorrectness.

HavocReaper48 wrote:Bonus levels
Where's Bash the Baddies?

There was one in the Beach levels, but more variety of bonus challenges are really needed. Where's 'Find the Jigsaw?' rather than collect a bunch of bananas and lives? Collecting 15 green bananas, spelling out golden letters spinning in circles, and an item barrel-roullette seen in DKC would be a nice addition.

HavocReaper48 wrote:Barrels
What happened to the TNT Barrel? Or the Tin Keg? Two classic items removed, why? I mean, the barrel variety didn't totally bug me, but I sure missed them. I wanted a successor to Stop & Go Station too. Invincibility barrels, animal barrels, and ghost barrels are other ones I would like to see. Also, DK Barrels and regular barrels need to be more common - not rationed just to get an item.

Couldn't agree more, DCKR needed more barrels in every aspect.
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby shadowjosh » February 8th, 2011, 2:30 am

The game could have benefited from more Barrel Cannon gimmicks as well. Those segments probably felt as close to the trilogy as any, but I wouldn't have minded seeing some of the fun barrels you got in DKC2 and 3. I guess that DKCR was mostly a representation of the original, though, and the original had mostly normal Barrel Cannons.

Did anyone else find 7-K to be a huge shout out to the level in DKC where you had to use the Oil Barrels to keep the platform moving? Trick Track Trek, right? It was almost a mix of that and Stop and Go Station, because you had to jump up and hit those "switches".

Actually, the switch gimmick reminded me of the DKC's switch barrels.

My list of ideas for DKC2 Returns:
-Bigger variety in Barrels and Barrel Cannons
-Objective based Bonus Levels -I realize DKCR required objectives to be completed to get the Puzzle Piece, but I want the DKC2 style. Bash the Baddies, Complete the Level, Collect Stars etc
-More Animal Buddies - Actually, the DKC2 style would fit here. If they don't want to put Animal Buddies in regular levels, use the approach of levels dedicated to that buddy. And if they break the pace of the game? Make them optional. But we want our Goodies!
-Include selected classic enemies- Especially iconic enemies like Zingers, Gnawties, Kritters, etc.
- Remix Donkey Kong Land's music- Come on, who wouldn't want a Symphonic remix of Kremlantis?
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby HavocReaper48 » February 8th, 2011, 1:33 pm

Mayo wrote:
HavocReaper48 wrote:Bonus levels
Where's Bash the Baddies?

There was one in the Beach levels, but more variety of bonus challenges are really needed. Where's 'Find the Jigsaw?' rather than collect a bunch of bananas and lives? Collecting 15 green bananas, spelling out golden letters spinning in circles, and an item barrel-roullette seen in DKC would be a nice addition.

Oh, yeah that's right. I forgot about that ONE location. I mean really, especially given the whole "three consecutive jumps for coins" thing they added, BtB could of really benefited from being in more locations. Speaking of the roulette, I miss the balloon variety as well - I remember some roulettes had green and even BLUE balloons.

I will forever have this extremely faint memory of an orange balloon on Trick Trak Trek...

About the parent thing - I know, it sickens me that us fans can't have obscure level names. Necky's Nuts is about a boss named after the Necky enemies whom spit nuts - it makes perfect sense! (lol). Also I bet showing the new generation the spell it out minigame would be great. I mean, who wouldn't want to spell "Rare" or "Nintendo"?
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby Phyreburnz » February 8th, 2011, 2:52 pm

Okay, so just so you guys know: I have not played DKCR, but I just got a super-awesome idea for a new level.

I thought up a new animal buddy. They should have a bat, either one that carries you like Squawks, or transforms you into a bat.

The bat should appear in one of two different type levels.

1. A pitch-black cave with stalactites and stalagmites to avoid, along with some type of flying baddies. But you can't see anything, at all. The bat uses sonar to briefly give you a look at the cave, but not through light. You should be able to see sound waves go and break up where there is something to avoid.

2. A very dark forest with the same concept as above.

Do you guys agree or disagree?
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby 8BitKong » February 9th, 2011, 3:07 am

Jomingo wrote: You just let your impossible expectations of what a new DKC would be stifle your ability to enjoy the game... and that is why you fail.

Impossible expectations? Are you serious? Donkey Kong Country Returns wreaked havoc on the DK universe: K. Rool and he Kremlings have vanished, along with most of DK's animal buddies, and his entire Kong family....aside from Cranky, whose history as the original DK Nintendo seems reluctant to show in this game; they basically changed him from being a sarcastic, bitter old video game villain to just a sarcastic old ape--still funny, but almost a different character. Not to mention that the island itself was given a needless, continuity-wrecking makeover; how did it go from looking like DK's head to having a volcano in the middle of it? How can you call yourself a hardcore DKC fan and not be more than a little upset about these things? "Oh, but it's still a great game" Well to hell with it being a "great game"! Did Retro Studios go chucking out large chunks of continuity when they made Metroid Prime? No, they were extremely respectful of Metroid's mythos! They can do better than this. I don't care if it has great level design, it takes more than great gameplay to appease a fan who waited 11 years for another platformer set in the DK universe that Rare built! And I am sick to death of so-called fans who throw around terms like "impossible expectations" just because we, unlike they, actually HAD expectations.

How would Zelda fans respond if Retro Studios made a direct sequel to Ocarina of Time but eliminated most of the game's memorable cast of characters? I wish all fandoms had the demanding expectation levels of Zelda fans, or even better: Sonic fans. Sonic fans, contrary to popular opinion, don't b...*bleep*...ch about everything. They KNOW what they want: all they want is for SEGA to make a new Sonic game that is reasonably comparable to yesteryear's. For fans like me and Tiptup Jr., this new DKC doesn't even come close.

Tiptup Jr. wrote:No. That is why YOU fail, sir. New Super Mario Bros. Wii is a good F---ING game and it's got returning characters and enemies out the wazoo, as far as I'm concerned this game can suck it. God damn Jungle Beat was better!

New Super Mario Bros. Wii could have been a lot better, too. Speaking in terms of gameplay, when making NSMB Wii Nintendo could have reached for the greatness of SMB3 or SMW. But at least the creators of NSMB Wii actually seemed to give a damn about player's expectations beyond just recycling old gameplay styles and level themes. In the gameplay and level design department, sure, DKCR is ace. Maybe Retro Studios and Nintendo should switch jobs for one game, just to see how Retro would make a Mario game and how Nintendo would make a DKC game.

But as far as the total package goes--graphics, sound, gameplay, continuity/fan-service--I must agree with you, NSMB Wii is superior to DKCR.
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby Ribbedebie » February 11th, 2011, 7:18 pm

People - if you prefer the original, you PLAY the original instead of whaling on about Returns. Not meant to be offensive, but... Makes sense, right? :lol:

I'm the one who is going to be laughing at the whole DKC fandom if in DKC Forever, out of the blue, K. Rool appears laughing like mad, being the one who was apparently behind this whole Tiki madness. And believe me, I will.

Laughing, I say! Laughing! Muahaha!

Oh, on a more positive note, I had this crazy idea of how the final boss's backgrounds of where they're fought are foreshadowing to the sequel.
DKC: K. Rool is fought on a pirate ship.
DKC2: Game has a pirate theme. K. Rool is fought on a modern airship.
DKC3: Game takes place in the more modern Northern Kremisphere. K. Rool is fought in a castle, a call back to his king role.

Final boss is fought inside the Tiki tower, with a psychedelic African-like tribal background.
If my predictions are true, DKCR2/Forever will take place in an African island. Perhaps the Kremling's new homeland?

I like the whole zombie pirate Kremlings idea better though, but I made that a fan fic. Whoops.
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby Goe » February 13th, 2011, 7:33 am

Long time no see you mates:

in the sequel i'd like to see more animal buddies, not noly Rambi, i'd specially like to see:

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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby HavocReaper48 » February 16th, 2011, 8:58 am

Also, come to think of it, some level names in DKC were pretty obscure in meaning aside from Necky's Nuts. For example, Blackout Basement :roll: really have to think for that one.
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby 7S7ui3 » February 18th, 2011, 11:22 pm

sequel.... :shock:


This game wasnt classic at all. Its a great Donkey Kong game but not a country one. Why did nintendo hired retro to make this game? Why couldnt they make it themselves (like super mario galaxy).

This is how the DKC games should be (in my opinion)

-Water levels
-lots of animal buddies
-Epic music
-No pigs WTF
-No coconut guns (belongs to 64)
-kermlings (not retros fault)
-good bosses

well this is just my opinoin, dont hate its just how i feel :)
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby Tiptup Jr. » February 19th, 2011, 2:29 am

THANK YOU. In fact, God bless you. Nice to see a true fan around here. *fist bumps*

Out of principle, even if DKCR2 had every single thing in a DKC game I ever wanted, I probably wouldn't even buy or play it. Yeah, say whatever the hell you want, they messed up too bad the first time. I'll just stick to the classics.
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby Kiddy14 » February 19th, 2011, 6:56 am

Personally, I don't think I can predict how the sequel (if there ever is any) will be.
Based on the way Nintendo wanted the characters to be handled, it's not like they'll bring Dixie with Diddy and have DK get lost again. I don't even think they're going to bring any Kongs back.
Besides, the Tiki's story is pretty much finished now (from what I can gather, I haven't finished the game, too busy), isn't it?

In any case, I liked what they did, with the exception of Kremlings (they could have at least made it like DKC3, where K. Rool only appeared at the end).
They can take DK Island's explosion out of continuity by "reconstructing" it or something.

I can't really hate the game because it did so many things right, bashing it just for its bad things is pointless. It's like hating DKC3 only because it is DKC3 and not DKC2.
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby Tiptup Jr. » February 19th, 2011, 9:14 am

I disagree that bashing it is pointless, as the bad things actually did detract from the good, despite what you all deliriously seem to believe.

They can take DK Island's explosion out of continuity by "reconstructing" it or something.

DK Island never exploded...?
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby Kiddy14 » February 19th, 2011, 10:43 am

The volcano, an eruption… whatever.
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby Ribbedebie » February 20th, 2011, 5:56 am

I still don't get all the hate, Tiptup. Just because there's so few returning characters? :? I think Returns is a worthy follow-up to the original trilogy.

Oh well, haters gonna hate I suppose. No hard feelings.
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby 7S7ui3 » February 20th, 2011, 6:27 am

everybody has their own opinion, thats why the forums where invented (I guess :) )
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby DKCplayer » March 14th, 2011, 6:29 pm

GameInformer recently had a talk with the president/CEO of Retro Studios. Turns out that they haven't thought about doing a sequel.
http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/arch ... turns.aspx
I wasn’t even thinking about doing a sequel for Metroid Prime until Retro showed me the last scene in the game, which was near the end of development. I wouldn’t say we won’t do a sequel, but we don’t have anything planned at this time.

:( Oh well. Donkey Kong Country Returns was great, and I don't see any reason to rush making the game, except for those who want more DK.
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby Tiptup Jr. » March 15th, 2011, 5:35 pm

Yeah, as some have stated elsewhere, DKCR is turning out to be an "evergreen" title: it can sustain itself in sales for (most likely) years to come, so logically a sequel isn't really necessary. Also see NSMBW, etc. But keep in mind not all games are made for just money... if they had a really good idea or something, I'm sure they'd go with it. But I think it's best to just let Retro cool down for a bit. I see it as a good thing that a sequel isn't on the horizon. (And besides, I'm not exactly DKCR's biggest fan to begin with.)

Long story short sales don't always guarantee sequels, as much as everyone seems to think around here.
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby Jomingo » March 17th, 2011, 8:20 am

There is a guaranteed sequel, however, like I've been saying all along it will not be coming out on this system. It will probably be longer than I expected, but it will be on the next Wii and I will be very surprised if Retro doesn't make it. That's still a very real possibility, but either way somebody will make a sequel. After it sold that well Nintendo is not going to stop making DK games (even if it's just one main game per console).

I guess I'm fine with one game per system, that's how it aught to be anyway (though Mario can't follow that rule apparently).

Quick question for TiptupJr: just an honest question here, would you rather Retro make a sequel to DKCR or not get any DK games at all on the next Nintendo system? Again, I'm just innocently wondering what your thoughts are I don't want to start an argument here.
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby Tiptup Jr. » March 17th, 2011, 5:42 pm

Yeah, I see what you're saying. We have not yet seen the end of Donkey Kong. Retro will doubtlessly dabble in Donkey Kong at least once more, I don't argue with that... but that game will probably not come out for awhile, as you said. And (I know everyone disagrees with this) I firmly believe that a Donkey Kong 64 port is coming to the 3DS. It's just been bubbling up for years and a lot of people actually want it, so I think that's happening. Whether or not Retro will be involved is another story. Alternatively Retro could just make Donkey Kong Land Returns, or Nintendo could give the handheld reigns back to Paon and have them make Jungle Climber 2 or what have you. Either way Donkey Kong will have a pretty large presence in the next few years.

As to what I would "rather" have: ideally, the DK64 port (by any company that's not Retro) and a new Donkey Kong Land (by Retro) for 3DS. For Wii 2, a DKCR sequel from Retro when they've collected themselves and understand the flaws that DKCR had and improve on them. I'm willing to give Retro another chance. If this all transpires smoothly it will have happened by 2014.

EDIT: Maybe Retro could handle the DK64 port? We've already seen them work with massive 3D worlds. Just throwing that out there.
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby Ribbedebie » March 18th, 2011, 3:02 am

Dang, seeing DK64 get a remake on the 3DS would be ace, but I dunno about th' copyrighted Rare stuff...
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby Tiptup Jr. » March 18th, 2011, 3:57 am

I'm sorry, but I am so sick of people saying that. The ONLY "copyrighted Rare stuff" is Jetpac, which could be replaced with Donkey Kong Jr. in a heartbeat. Plus there's that whole rule about Rare's material still being able to appear on handhelds since Microsoft has no portable device, although that wouldn't even come into play here. It's a Donkey Kong game. Rare owns certain characters in Diddy Kong Racing, but that's a whole different ball field.
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby Phyreburnz » March 20th, 2011, 1:15 am

Yeah, but I don't think they'll remake a DK game that Rare originally made. Take the DKC series, for example. They remade them on Game Boy Advanced, but Rareware was the one that did it, and it was right before they moved to Microsoft. I sincerely doubt that Nintendo will ever re-make a Rareware game for another system, unless of course, you are talking about downloads for the wii.
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby Jomingo » March 20th, 2011, 2:19 am

Look, Tiptup is right about the copyrighted material. There is a slight legal issue when it comes to direct ports, such as the virtual console, however. Donkey Kong 64 will never ever come out on Virtual Console because of that reason alone. Nintendo doesn't edit material that goes on Virtual Console, and therefore DK64 won't ever make the service. They would have to get Microsoft's permission, and after Nintendo pulled a massive dick move to Microsoft when they wanted to release Goldeneye, I highly doubt Microsoft would want to do any favors for Nintendo when they faced a similar legal issue.

However, like Tiptup said, that is not going to prevent a remake, because a remake will be edited, and actually has the ability to remove the copyrighted material. That's not an option on the Virtual Console but it is on the 3DS. They can remove Jetpac and replace it with whatever they want.

A couple other things: Firstly, Rare owns ALL the characters and locations from Diddy Kong Racing sans Diddy and Krunch. Secondly, Rare made the GBA ports after they moved to Microsoft, not before. Just saying.
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby Phyreburnz » March 20th, 2011, 3:34 am

Yes, Jomingo, they did make gba ports. However, it was Rareware that did it. I think that was just like a farewell thing... or something in a contract, since they made the first DKC for GBA, maybe Nintendo wanted all of the DKC's. But I'm pretty sure that they'd need Rare's permission or something. It just doesn't seem very likely that Nintendo will say "Hey, let's make DK64 for 3DS."
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby Tiptup Jr. » March 20th, 2011, 4:40 am

Jomingo wrote:Nintendo doesn't edit material that goes on Virtual Console...

Okay- for the record- Nintendo has edited Virtual Console titles in the past. Wave Race 64 has DS and Wii banners all over the place because they didn't bother to get the rights from the original companies that were there. Also, they removed the majority of the cheats system from Kid Icarus. That's all I can think of at the moment, but it has happened. You're probably right about DK64 not coming out for VC though... Even if VC was still supported like it used to be, it wouldn't be doing the game justice in my opinion. I would much rather have a 3DS version.

And my original intention was that someone else could remake DK64, not Rare themselves. I'm not that crazy (although it could happen.) Also, when Rare made the GBA ports they were already owned by Microsoft, but since Microsoft has no portable system Rare can still make handheld games. Although it's been over three years since their last one.

Oh... and was I the only one thinking that, a few years ago when music games were popular, Nintendo was gonna resurrect the Donkey Konga series, with DLC and everything? I just randomly had to say that.
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby Ribbedebie » March 20th, 2011, 10:28 pm

I'm sowwy! D: But I though that Rareware coin and stuff, but yeah, that can easily be replaced with something else.
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby Phyreburnz » March 21st, 2011, 11:45 am

You know guys... I went into a gamestop the other day (which is really out of the ordinary for me... but anyways...). The guy there told me that Starfox 64 was going to come out for the 3DS, so I've changed my mind; there is a possibility for DK64 to come out for it. And actually, now that I think about it, I think that Nintendo could keep everything in it, after all, it's just re-publishing it. But maybe I'm wrong... I don't know.
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby Tiptup Jr. » March 21st, 2011, 12:21 pm

Yeah, plus, y'know, Super Mario 64, Diddy Kong Racing, and now Ocarina of Time have ported. On the GBA Nintendo had this fetish for porting SNES games, and now on the DS it's N64 games. Makes me wonder when they'll start porting GameCube games, if ever. As long as DK64 3DS has teenage Tiny I'm fine.
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby Soniccuz » March 21st, 2011, 12:35 pm

I thought them releasing Star Fox 64 was common knowledge. People were definitely speculating about it when the 3DS was first announced.

Anyway that game was directly developed by Nintendo.
So I don't see the connection between Nintendo remaking it and a DK64 remake.

This is going to sound stupid but, because I can see the topic going this route. What if instead of a remake they tried something like a DK64... Returns? :P
I just have to but the idea out there.


As long as DK64 3DS has teenage Tiny I'm fine.

I will shoot the game where it stands! If that made any sense.
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby Phyreburnz » March 21st, 2011, 12:37 pm

Soniccuz wrote:I thought them releasing Star Fox 64 was common knowledge.

Not for me, dude. I (usually) only buy my systems/handhelds after two more systems are released.
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