And now he has been put in jail and his house has been locked up...

Chibisai Kong wrote:And do forgive me for asking ths but who's Clarence Clemons.
Tiptup Jr. wrote:Jesus, how old are you? I mean I'm not asking Jesus how old He is
KremKrawl wrote:Which, Ace Attorney or Ace Attorney Investigations?
Chibisai Kong wrote:KremKrawl wrote:Which, Ace Attorney or Ace Attorney Investigations?
The first.
SimianSegue wrote:Well, I haven't been on in a while because I was moving. But now here I am in my big beautiful house in Austin, TX, I just unloaded all of my game consoles, and they sure look beautiful! Anyway, it really is beautiful here with a big ol' Texas ruby red sunset rising in the the east. Chibisai, how go the fanfics?
HavocReaper48 wrote:Speaking of Friday, did you know it was removed from YouTube?!
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