So the first thing I did is modify the sprite palettes, which are always the same throughout the entire game (if you care, these bytes are located in 0x1BE60 to 0x1BE9F in the ROM):

I left a lot of the palettes alone, but the most obvious change I made was change the dark purple to gray (the sixth row). This addresses many of the purple issues I mentioned above, and a lot of things (e.g. Ellie, Sneek, Bear Coins, Squitter's webs, etc.) are now gray. Of course, some of these things are better off different colors, so I changed a few things as well. I made Karbine's fireballs orange now (red looked too weird, but I may change my mind in a later patch). I made Lurchins green to arroximate what they looked like in DKC3 (though this isn't much better... I couldn't decide on a good color for it). And I made Minky orange as well. Also, it's weird that there are TWO purple palettes, so this change makes it so that there is only one purple palette, which is assigned to some enemies like Krimp and Kuchuka.
Also, you'll notice that I changed the bottom row from crimson to brown. Most sprites assigned to this palette were barrels, which make more sense when brown. Now they're wooden as opposed to metallic. Of course, this ended up changing a couple of enemies like Booty Bird and Bounty Bass to brown, so I assigned those to the OTHER red palette... on top. I also changed the top palette very slightly to a darker red (this isn't very noticable here, but if you compare the unpatched game with the patched one, it's more noticable).
One more thing: Has anybody ever wondered why Skiddas are green in this game? Well here's the answer: When Kobble and Skidda are defeated, they share the exact same sprite (not too surprising as they're essentially the same enemy). Since they share the same sprite, they share the same color as well. Therefore, when Kobble is defeated, his color becomes that of Skidda's. So if they made Skidda purple like in DKC3, then Kobble would turn from green to purple if he was defeated, which would look odd indeed. So Rare made Skidda green so that Kobble wouldn't change color when defeated. Why this only happens in DKL3 and not DKC3, however, is a mystery to me. (Therefore, I did not change Skidda's color when hacking.)
I also changed colors for a few other sprites as well: For example, Rekoil is now orange instead of yellow.
Now, I have also changed a couple of color palettes in levels. The most notable change is the river stages -- instead of the spring look that was there originally (looking like Riverside Race in DKC3), I hacked the palette to orange, so that it looks like autumn (like Bobbing Barrel Brawl). I think I did a good enough job on this that it looks like it was officially done. (If anybody cares, the location for the River color palette is at 0x8507B to 0x850BA in the ROM.) I also changed the waterfall levels slightly and made them even better -- the brown rocks are now red! Nice crimson look. I may change it back but that's just me. (For hackers, you can find the waterfall pallette in 0x851BB-0x851FA.)
One last change: In the file selection screen, I made each file have different text colors. The top is red (as before), the middle is green, and the bottom is blue. Makes it more colorful if you ask me.
Now for some screenshots! If you want to compare the original ROM with the hacked one, you can see them here (click for a larger view):

And finally, THE PATCH! You can download it in the attachment! To use the patch, there are two ways:
1. If your emulator has "soft patching" (VisualBoyAdvance has it), name the file so that it's the same as the ROM, except instead of ".gbc" or ".zip" at the end, change it to ".ips". Then, enable IPS patching (in VisualBoyAdvance, go to Options -> Emulator -> Automatic IPS Patching):

2. If you have a patching program (I use Lunar IPS), you can make a copy of the original ROM and patch it. It's different for every patcher, but generally you select the ROM to patch and you apply the IPS file on it.
Now, tell me what you think of it. Is it good so far? What should I do to improve? Did I make anything worse? I'd like to know!!! I spent hours trying to figure this all out! If you want to try to hack this yourself, I'll post hexadecimal locations for colors soon (even though I already posted a few) and I'll also post how to change colors with hex values soon (thankfully, every other game that I've tried color hacking is almost the same thing, so once you figure out how to color hack this game, you can color hack other games too!)
UPDATE 7/5/08: NEW PATCH! Click the bottom link to download it!