DKC Atlas Mapping Project

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Re: DKC Atlas Level Mapping Project

Postby Qyzbud » November 7th, 2014, 8:54 pm

Today we start our adventure through the final world of DKC... Chimp Caverns!

Our Tanked Up Trouble map is now animated!
Tanked Up Trouble map view.jpg
Tanked Up Trouble map view.jpg (22.21 KiB) Viewed 199866 times

It's great to have finally commenced the last leg of our journey, but to be honest, the main thing I'm happy to announce is that I've finally finished animating the path movements of each and every one of Poison Pond's 30 moving Mincers. Having this challenge fall right after the madness of Elevator Antics was just cruel, especially when I was running low on development time due to work commitments. :(

Anyhow, things are finally back on track; we're 87% through the game, with almost exactly a fortnight to go until the big 2-0!

Tomorrow I'll be adding Tanked Up Trouble's first and only Bonus Area, then we'll be up too... Oh boy. Manic Mincers. :facepalm:
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Re: DKC Atlas Level Mapping Project

Postby Stone » November 7th, 2014, 10:56 pm

Having seen the latest update news on Facebook, I couldn't resist having a look on the forum :D
Good news everyone: I finally got the time to visit our journey to 101% completion more often!

Just an idea for future updates for this kind of bonus room: It would be a cool feature if you had to click on the letters in the right order to reveal the price :dixiehappy:
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Re: DKC Atlas Level Mapping Project

Postby Qyzbud » November 7th, 2014, 11:41 pm

I like that idea, Stone! It might take a bit of extra time and effort, but it'd surely be a cool addition. :funky:

It's great to hear you might be around a bit more to celebrate with us! :D

Update: Tanked Up Trouble's one and only Bonus Area has been added!

We're now at 88% with 13 days left on the countdown!
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Re: DKC Atlas Level Mapping Project

Postby reversalmushroom » November 10th, 2014, 7:40 am

Will you jump right into DKC2 or take a break?
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Re: DKC Atlas Level Mapping Project

Postby Qyzbud » November 10th, 2014, 6:30 pm

I think at least a small break will be in order before the DKC2 map efforts resume, but I haven't decided for sure what the plan will be.

I seem to have forgotten the announcement, but...

Our Manic Mincers map is now animated!

There are lots of motion paths left to animate for Mincers and moving platforms, but I've got most of the more complex patterns sorted out (starting at the Continue Barrel), and will have the others working as they should before too long.

Today's update is running a touch behind, as I've only just got a chance to work on it. It'll be up as soon as possible!

Edit: Manic Mincers' first Bonus Area is now in place!

This update brings us to 90% completion, which means there are 11 days left until DKC's 20th anniversary. :)
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Re: DKC Atlas Level Mapping Project

Postby Tompa » November 11th, 2014, 9:57 am

You should probably have some kind of text explaining the unused rooms, like this in Mincers or Slip Slide Ride. Some people might be confused otherwise.
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Re: DKC Atlas Level Mapping Project

Postby Qyzbud » November 11th, 2014, 12:16 pm

Oh, yes... I definitely agree. Not sure how that didn't occur to me. :?

Thanks for the suggestion, Tompa. :)
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Re: DKC Atlas Level Mapping Project

Postby Qyzbud » November 11th, 2014, 6:36 pm

A handful of small updates to Manic Mincers:
  • The 'Mincer Room' has been added!
  • Bonus Area #2 has been added
  • Info about both the Mincer Room and this level's 'unseen scene' have been added
  • A checkerboard background has been added to the unseen scene

I still have a bunch of Mincers to set in motion (platforms are done!), so I'll get on with that now.

Update: All moving Mincers are now in motion! Our Manic Mincers map is complete!

We're now at 91% completion, with a mere 10 days left on our countdown!
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Re: DKC Atlas Level Mapping Project

Postby Monkeyshrapnel » November 12th, 2014, 4:12 am

Man, forgot how weird that Mincer room is, there's nothing else like it in the entire game!
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Re: DKC Atlas Level Mapping Project

Postby Gaz » November 12th, 2014, 4:14 am

Dang, I knew about the secret room, but I never knew that it was in Manic Mincers! Well done, Qyz. :D :banana:
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Re: DKC Atlas Level Mapping Project

Postby Blaziken257 » November 12th, 2014, 12:31 pm

I always thought that Mincer room was odd in the SNES version. It felt so out of place in that version. Though in the GBC and GBA versions, that room has the normal bonus stage music instead of the cave music. I am not sure if the room is required to get 101% in those versions, though.

Also, I faintly remember seeing that unused room from TCRF... but I forgot about it until now. :D
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Re: DKC Atlas Level Mapping Project

Postby CountryFan » November 12th, 2014, 2:56 pm

That unused room looks a LOT like Mad Mole Holes.
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Re: DKC Atlas Level Mapping Project

Postby Qyzbud » November 12th, 2014, 3:09 pm

Hmm, interesting observation, CountryFan...

Mad Mole Holes terrain:
Credit: Blaziken257

Note: Mad Mole Holes is the
world 3 boss of DKL
Manic Mincers' unused room embedded in level terrain:

There is certainly some resemblance there.

For those who'd seen it before, maybe you guys saw it here or here, Gaz/Blaz? It's labelled as being from Manic Mincers in both spots, and the full terrain for that level has been available as part of this mapping project for quite some years now. I had fully extracted the terrain itself as long ago as 2007, but I don't recall exactly when I put it online...

As for the Mincer room; Yes, it's a very strange thing... I never thought to check if it had been normalised for the non-SNES versions, but it sounds like that's largely the case. Good to know! :D
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Re: DKC Atlas Level Mapping Project

Postby Blaziken257 » November 12th, 2014, 3:48 pm

I first saw the unused Manic Mincers room when looking at this page; I hadn't noticed that you also made a post about it earlier (or included it in your map terrain). That page also has a bunch of other unused room layouts that aren't in your post, such as the mine or temple layouts. And no, I didn't find any of this out myself. :D

I didn't notice the resemblance between the unused Manic Mincers layout and Mad Mole Holes, either. That's interesting... maybe Rare just wanted to find a use for those holes.
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Re: DKC Atlas Level Mapping Project

Postby Phyreburnz » November 12th, 2014, 3:54 pm

The holes seem awfully close together... That's such a strange room. I think maybe it was more of a test room or something than some real bonus room or potential boss room (not sure if that's something that's being suggested or not).
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Re: DKC Atlas Level Mapping Project

Postby Qyzbud » November 12th, 2014, 4:04 pm

Yep, I agree with Phyreburnz; a test room seems most likely to me, too. I noted that on the map itself, as it makes sense to me. Not sure if there's any actual suggestion that it was to be a boss room (just that one from the next DK game looks a bit like it), but I personally hadn't given much thought to that.

Blaziken257; thanks for the link! Simion32 and Kingizor have both unearthed a swathe of unused rooms, too. We'll have to go through them all and see if any are as-yet undocumented... and at the very least, I should add them to our Unseen Scenes page — making sure to credit where appropriate, of course!

So much to do... just as well I turned down my yearly construction job. Tompa knows what I'm talking about. :P

The Atlas is my life, now... :ugeek:
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Re: DKC Atlas Level Mapping Project

Postby Qyzbud » November 14th, 2014, 7:35 pm

Our Misty Mine map is now animated and interactive!

Fans of interactive elements are in for a modest treat here; each hanging rope on this map will move when clicked on, mimicking the behaviour seen in-game when a Kong grabs them — quite like the vertical ropes of Temple Tempest.

Update #1: Misty Mine's first Bonus Area has been added! If you've been wondering where all of the level's KONG Letters have been hiding, today's update ought to clear things up! As well as containing all four KONG Letters, this Bonus Area also has the distinction of being the widest 'regular' Bonus Area in all of Donkey Kong Country!*

Update #2: Misty Mine's second and final Bonus Area has been added! As well as this small addition, I've made some subtle improvements to the world map screens — the most notable being music! Thanks for the reminder/nudge, Tompa. ;)

Check out the updated Chimp Caverns map, and listen to Simian Segue to help complete the experience. :D

We're now at 94%, with 7 days of updates left... Just one week until DKC turns 20!

*Most Animal Token Bonus Areas are wider
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Re: DKC Atlas Level Mapping Project

Postby spaceman2028 » November 15th, 2014, 4:37 am

Looks like we'll need to speedrun in order to fully complete this on time, as a new DK game could come out at any moment!

Don't forget that one room containing the Animal Buddy warps that can be found through cheats-that could be an interesting room to find!
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Re: DKC Atlas Level Mapping Project

Postby vege » November 15th, 2014, 5:32 am

The music gives a soul to the DKC universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination
and life to everything :rant: . Nice update!
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Re: DKC Atlas Level Mapping Project

Postby Gaz » November 15th, 2014, 9:13 am

I just noticed on the DK Island map that Gangplank Galleon gets closer DK Island every time you finish mapping a whole world, similar to in-game. Clever, Qyzbud. :) :banana:
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Re: DKC Atlas Level Mapping Project

Postby spaceman2028 » November 15th, 2014, 9:50 am

That's an interesting thing to notice Gaz-also, should clicking on Funky's Flights take you to the DK Island world map? I'm saying this since Cranky's Cabin, Candy's Save point and Funky's Flights all have their own maps.
If the thing with funky's flights is a go, make Cranky's Cabin give you info about the world, and have Candy's Save Point let you know the progress.
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Re: DKC Atlas Level Mapping Project

Postby Qyzbud » November 15th, 2014, 1:10 pm

Very nicely put, Vege. And thanks. :)

Some good suggestions, Spaceman2028. I do intend to add at least something to make the helper Kongs more interesting on the world maps; it could be as simple as having a little speech bubble pop up with a random quote when their icon is moused over/clicked, or I could indeed step things up a notch and replicate (or at least approximate) their in-game areas, animations, dialogue, music, etc. — all should be quite doable when I find the time. I do very much like your ideas. :banana: (And don't worry — I haven't forgotten the Animal Token Room)

Oh and Gaz, I'm glad you appreciated that subtle Gang-Plank Galleon detail. ;)

Thanks for the feedback, everyone; I really enjoy hearing what you think, and suggestions are always welcome. :thumbs:
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Re: DKC Atlas Level Mapping Project

Postby Qyzbud » November 18th, 2014, 1:12 am

I'm sure many of you noticed days ago, but...

Our Loopy Lights map is animated and interactive!

I'm still working on an experimental version with advanced lighting effects, but currently it seems to be a bit sluggish, and so far the effects only work in WebKit-based browsers. Hopefully I'll get a chance to improve the efficiency, browser support and timing accuracy of this version soon.

Both of Loopy Lights' Bonus Areas are up for you to see (and were added on time, even!), so although I was a bit slow on the notification side of things (due to various commitments IRL), we're still up to date with the mapping project.

We're now at 97%, with just under 4 days to go on the 20th anniversary countdown.

Tomorrow will see the launch of the final level of the game — Platform Perils!
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Re: DKC Atlas Level Mapping Project

Postby Qyzbud » November 18th, 2014, 6:54 pm

Our Platform Perils map is now animated!

We've reached the final level of Donkey Kong Country, and the countdown is almost complete... it's really just a few Bonus Areas and boss arenas to go, now, and we'll have a full collection of animated maps to look at in celebration of a milestone achievement in gaming history.

Update: Platform Perils' first Bonus Area has been added!

We're now at 99%, with just under 2 days left until DKC turns 20. :)
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Re: DKC Atlas Level Mapping Project

Postby Simion32 » November 19th, 2014, 6:17 am

You may want to give very early levels a look-over for missing animated elements. Winky's Walkway is missing an animation for the near-bonus-hovering Necky. Bouncy Bonanza has a few halted zingers in the wrong position (DK barrel pair, tire platform near end).

I take it you only started adding in CSS3 animation after a few levels were already completed....?

Also, how's about a darkness effect for Loopy Lights? Would feel a lot more valid considering what you've done with Stop & Go Station. ;)
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Re: DKC Atlas Level Mapping Project

Postby Qyzbud » November 19th, 2014, 10:45 am

Thanks for the feedback, Simion. I thought I'd already fixed those Bouncy Bonanza bungles... but I guess not. :? *Does so*

I certainly do intend to add CSS animations to our early maps as soon as time permits. As you postulated, I only started giving baddies, etc. movement paths at the start of the second world; that orbiting Zinger in Winky's Walkway was the first moving baddy I introduced, and was an exciting proof of concept. I had earlier animated the swaying ropes in Ropey Rampage, but I didn't realise at this point how far I'd be able to push the technique in replicating various object movements.

As well as the Neckies in Winky's Walkway (those two near Winky's crate need animating, too), there are plenty of Zingers in Ropey Rampage, Reptile Rumble and Barrel Cannon Canyon that need movements, and of course some Barrel Cannon animations/interactivity for BCC is high on my to-do list, too.

Simion32 wrote:Also, how's about a darkness effect for Loopy Lights?

You must've missed the links (on the map and in this topic) to the experimental version I've been working on, and this paragraph in my Loopy Lights update post above:

Qyzbud wrote:I'm still working on an experimental version with advanced lighting effects, but currently it seems to be a bit sluggish, and so far the effects only work in WebKit-based browsers. Hopefully I'll get a chance to improve the efficiency, browser support and timing accuracy of this version soon.

I do still hope to have an improved, cross-browser version available before long. :)
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Re: DKC Atlas Level Mapping Project

Postby spaceman2028 » November 20th, 2014, 4:57 am

Quick, get Necky's revenge and Gangplank Galleon done before tomorrow! It's only a single day left before Donkey Kong III get's his 20th birthday(and another game?)!
Don't forget adding info to Winky's room in Bouncy Bonanza and the animal buddy bonuses and the "buddy room" with their info, by the way.
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Re: DKC Atlas Level Mapping Project

Postby Phyreburnz » November 20th, 2014, 6:50 am

I know it's very late in the game to suggest this... but would there be a way to make the games playable? Like clicking the barrel to guess which one has the prize, or click the letters in order to spell out the word?

The one that I would do this with, specifically, would be the one bonus in Orang-Utang Gang where you go through and spell the names of each buddy.
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Re: DKC Atlas Level Mapping Project

Postby Qyzbud » November 20th, 2014, 12:56 pm

spaceman2028, I'm not sure where this talk of "another game" is coming from, (we've already had one this year!), but at least I ought to be able to deliver the final maps on time for the big day. :)

And Phyreburnz, your suggestion is a good one — so good that it has been made already!

Stone wrote:

Just an idea for future updates for this kind of bonus room: It would be a cool feature if you had to click on the letters in the right order to reveal the price :dixiehappy:

Tompa and I have discussed this (along with handfuls of other animation/interactivity ideas) once or twice in chat, too, so it's certainly a popular suggestion. For the record, I do intend to make this possible, but it would likely be a very time consuming task for an amateur coder like me. Sometime (hopefully soon!) after the DKC maps are otherwise complete, I'll give it a go. :geek:
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Re: DKC Atlas Level Mapping Project

Postby Qyzbud » November 20th, 2014, 7:14 pm

Our penultimate countdown update brings the following:

We now have animated maps available for every level, normal Bonus Area and standard boss in the game!

There's only 1% left unmapped, and we all know what scurrilous, scaly scalliwag needs to be conquered for the full 101... :krool:

Well guys, we've hit 100%! But no self-respecting DKC veteran would be content with that... So swing by tomorrow for our final update — Gang-Plank Galleon!

Plus no doubt a bunch of bonus maps... because quite frankly, 101% just isn't enough. B/
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Re: DKC Atlas Level Mapping Project

Postby Gaz » November 21st, 2014, 2:49 am

Darn, I thought you said that Necky Nutmare was animated. Oh, well. But excellent job, Qyzbud. :banana:

Oh and isn't your site slogan "because 101% just isn't enough..."?
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Re: DKC Atlas Level Mapping Project

Postby Super Luigi! » November 21st, 2014, 1:30 pm

In just five short hours, DKC will turn 20, the final percent will be attained, and Super Smash Bros. for Wii U will hit North America! Let's brace ourselves, guys and girls! To freedom, Qyzbud!
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Re: DKC Atlas Level Mapping Project

Postby Qyzbud » November 21st, 2014, 7:41 pm

Thanks for the kind, motivating words, guys. :)

Happy 20th Anniversary, Donkey Kong Country!

Today's update is a fittingly big one; cast your eyes over the following upgrades and additions...

Thanks again to all of you who have chipped in ideas and offered support.

Please feel free to share these maps with friends and random internet acquaintances!

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Re: DKC Atlas Level Mapping Project

Postby Stone » November 21st, 2014, 10:00 pm

Our journey is complete! Thanks for the ride! :swanky:
And happy birthday, DKC!
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Re: DKC Atlas Level Mapping Project

Postby CatLoverMolly » November 21st, 2014, 11:34 pm

Congrats, guys! You've worked really hard, Qyz, and while I haven't commented in this thread before (if I have it's been long enough I forgot), I've been keeping my eye on it the past week or so and you've really done something amazing. A big :thumbs: to you!
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Re: DKC Atlas Level Mapping Project

Postby sonosublime » November 21st, 2014, 11:35 pm

Well done Qyzbud.

Happy birthday DKC!

And Stone, you have 2 of my favourite games in your avatar. Respect.
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Re: DKC Atlas Level Mapping Project

Postby Jeeves » November 22nd, 2014, 2:25 am

A hearty Kongratulations to you, Qyzbud, for managing to finish this on time. I look forward to going through all of these later tonight, as I play through the game. It might be fun to try uncovering all the hidden banana bunches, with your maps providing a great checklist.

Happy twentieth birthday, DKC! I hope all of my fellow fans have a happy, nostalgia-laden day!
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Re: DKC Atlas Level Mapping Project

Postby Qyzbud » November 22nd, 2014, 2:32 am

Thanks, guys! It's a great feeling to have completed them all. Do let me know if you spot any inaccuracies, or think of any improvements while you play and explore. :D

Also, pretty amazingly, I just received this feedback on Facebook:

Paul Weaver wrote:Hey Karri Billing - great job! I was actually co-designer of DKC3 and had to put together every single map in that game, so I can personally vouch for how much time, effort and love goes into it! Looking forward to seeing more!

I must confess I'm a touch gobsmacked. :o
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Re: DKC Atlas Level Mapping Project

Postby sonosublime » November 22nd, 2014, 2:50 am

Holy crap, that's amazing!
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Re: DKC Atlas Level Mapping Project

Postby Qyzbud » November 22nd, 2014, 3:09 am

I know! Wow. Words fail me. O_o
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Re: DKC Atlas Level Mapping Project

Postby sonosublime » November 22nd, 2014, 3:23 am

You should maintain contact. Then next time you see your friends, you can be like, "Oh, I just hung out with the co-designer of DKC3. Yeah, we're good buddies." XD
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Re: DKC Atlas Level Mapping Project

Postby Drummin013 » November 22nd, 2014, 4:38 am

Hey first timer posting here... I've been following this project for the past few weeks and just want to say congratulations! These maps are amazing!!

Couple things I have come across lately... I use google chrome & IE browsers...

Kongo Jungle Area - No music/No visible player
Monkey Mines - I do hear music, but no visible player

For Blackout Basement and Manic Mincers, are the foregrounds (FG1) supposed to be unchecked as default?

I apologize if all of this has already been addressed.
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Re: DKC Atlas Level Mapping Project

Postby Simion32 » November 22nd, 2014, 4:45 am

I can't believe one of the fellow developers ended up giving such feedback, let alone finding out about it. Astounding! :funky:
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Re: DKC Atlas Level Mapping Project

Postby Gaz » November 22nd, 2014, 5:18 am

Paul Weaver wrote:Hey Karri Billing - great job! I was actually co-designer of DKC3 and had to put together every single map in that game, so I can personally vouch for how much time, effort and love goes into it! Looking forward to seeing more!

Awesome, Qyzbud. I can't believe a DKC3 mapper found your work, let alone expects more! :banana: :banana: :banana:
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Re: DKC Atlas Level Mapping Project

Postby Phyreburnz » November 22nd, 2014, 12:32 pm

Qyz, you've really outdone yourself. I'm so glad that you were even able to get feedback from one of the DKC3 guys! :banana: :thumbs: :banana:
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Re: DKC Atlas Level Mapping Project

Postby Qyzbud » November 22nd, 2014, 2:13 pm

Thanks for all the kind words, guys — I really appreciate the feedback. :)

's support of the project still has me in awe. He seems like a really kind, humble and talented guy, and has responded to my reply:

His previous comment in spoiler:
Paul previously wrote:Hey Karri Billing - great job! I was actually co-designer of DKC3 and had to put together every single map in that game, so I can personally vouch for how much time, effort and love goes into it! Looking forward to seeing more!

I wrote:Wow, it's an absolute honour to hear from you, Paul! I have so much love for the work you and your team did, and I really hope my efforts can do some justice to the fantastic DKC series level designs. :D

Paul wrote:The honour is all mine Karri Billing! It's great to see something we did all those years ago is still loved and appreciated today :) Looking at what you've done so far, you're totally on the right track to perfection!

Just amazing. That's a childhood dream come true. :dixiehappy:

Drummin013 wrote:Kongo Jungle Area - No music/No visible player
Monkey Mines - I do hear music, but no visible player

For Blackout Basement and Manic Mincers, are the foregrounds (FG1) supposed to be unchecked as default?

I can't believe I never noticed the missing music/players on those world maps; I'll fix that right away. FIXED!

There is a bit of inconsistency between maps with regards to foreground display, and although this was intentional (generally to avoid level layouts being obscured by obtrusive/distracting foreground graphics), I would certainly prefer to have things be more consistent. I would've had all foregrounds enabled by default, but concerns were voiced that they would get in the way (or cause seizures...), and I couldn't bear to disable them all, as they add a lot to the environmental atmosphere. It's a tough balance, but eventually I hope to allow each viewer to choose their own default map-viewing preferences. :)

Very helpful first post, Drummin013 — much abliged.
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Re: DKC Atlas Level Mapping Project

Postby Geno » November 22nd, 2014, 2:18 pm

Wow, I have not been really "here" much recently, but I have been watching this topic, and the updated maps are literally the coolest thing!

But, wow, having a actual level designer from DKC3 actually comment on AND SUPPORT your work? Just, wow! :dixiehappy: :nicework:

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Re: DKC Atlas Level Mapping Project

Postby Qyzbud » November 22nd, 2014, 4:12 pm

Thanks, Geno! Glad you like the results of all of this effort.

Here's some recent dialogue with Paul:
(Responding to compliments and a question regarding his involvement in the game's design)
Paul wrote:I've been out all day and just got back to this - thank you all so much for the love; much appreciated! :) Scope wise, I designed a quarter of the maps from scratch, but created/implemented all of them (including all the bonus levels) with a tile editor and a very talented art team and then scripted all the enemy placements, bananas etc. etc.... Oh, and the bears, the RPG elements and the crazy hidden endings and the secret codes and yes, I kind of lived at Rare that year :)

Rux Ton wrote:Thats so awesome to hear from somebody who did work on the game.
How does it feel to know that the work you put in changed gaming and.. did so much for people like myself?

Paul wrote:After this much time? It feels bloody great mate :)

I wrote:Great to hear more about your involvement in DKC3's construction, Paul; it's fascinating to hear even the smallest info about how it was all done! What you were able to do (and do so well) is truly remarkable.

Paul wrote:You're very welcome! I've been a part of this group for ages, so I'll be sure to comment a bit more in the future - feel free to ping me about anything (within reason) :)

I wrote:[...] Paul, that's wonderful to know; I will surely take you up on the offer. :)

Fantastic news for all of us who love to hear about the details of Rare's history!
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What Next?

Postby PegasusMan » November 25th, 2014, 11:42 am

Hello, all. I just checked out the maps for D :k: C! They're awesome! Thanks to all who helped! But then I wondered, what's next? Are we gonna finish D :k: C 2's maps now, or do D :k: C 3's?
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Re: DKC Atlas Level Mapping Project

Postby Qyzbud » November 25th, 2014, 11:51 am

Thanks! Glad you like them.

I think the sequential approach makes the most sense; DKC2 will get the focus before DKC3... but you can be sure that I'll do my best to get them both complete in time for their respective 20th anniversaries, if not sooner. :)
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