An incomplete Red Wharf map for DKL3

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An incomplete Red Wharf map for DKL3

Postby Blaziken257 » May 13th, 2008, 2:35 pm

A really long time ago, I made this map (which took me many, many hours) of the first level in DKL3. I never finished it (I don't have the bonus stages included, and I am missing chunks of the map, which is REALLY hard to map out because I don't know a code that lets you go through floors or anything like that), but here is what I have so far (click the image below):


EDIT: I might as well upload my even more incomplete map for Seabed Shanty (the second level):

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Re: An incomplete Red Wharf map for DKL3

Postby Kiddy14 » May 13th, 2008, 2:46 pm

Really good job, sure seems it took you a lot of time. I've seen some of the DKL's graphics are way bigger than DKCs. And I have to say, underwater graphics look better in the GBC version than in DKC3 O_o

Anyway, I would have said to move this to the DKC Mapping Proyect, but this isn't DKC, should the mods or Qyzbud change this thread to anything like DKL mapping proyect? I mean... It's not DKC, but it is a Mapping Proyect and all that... just to generalize everything to all DKLs maps =)
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Re: An incomplete Red Wharf map for DKL3

Postby Raccoon Sam » May 25th, 2008, 12:15 pm

I have some notes of the DKL3 level format but from what I've learned, it's very very messed up.
Either way, great job..! Be sure to send your maps to if you want to :)
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Re: An incomplete Red Wharf map for DKL3

Postby Simion32 » May 25th, 2008, 2:29 pm

Raccoon Sam wrote:I have some notes of the DKL3 level format but from what I've learned, it's very very messed up.
I wouldn't know how screwy its levels are since I've never hacked any of the DKL's, but DKC's level format isn't too bad. Would you care to elaborate as to why it's format is messed up? Does it do something weird like using tilesets as tilemaps?
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Re: An incomplete Red Wharf map for DKL3

Postby Raccoon Sam » May 25th, 2008, 4:17 pm

Simion32 wrote:
Raccoon Sam wrote:I have some notes of the DKL3 level format but from what I've learned, it's very very messed up.
I wouldn't know how screwy its levels are since I've never hacked any of the DKL's, but DKC's level format isn't too bad. Would you care to elaborate as to why it's format is messed up? Does it do something weird like using tilesets as tilemaps?

Well, the document in all its glory is only seven rows long. It's back from around 2006, so I suppose I could re-look into it again;

0x0C000 - Red Dwarf sprite data start
0x5C001 - Red Drawf Header; 97 0C BF 67 6A 00 16 76 A0 1B
97 - Level width
0C - Level Y coordinate
BF - Sprite pointer..? (Insane results with even slight modification)
67 - Block structure begin..?

Here's some obligatory screenshots;
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Re: An incomplete Red Wharf map for DKL3

Postby Blaziken257 » June 18th, 2008, 4:17 am

Well, I managed to get the entire map (though I still haven't covered the bonus stages yet). Here it is with the water on the bottom:


As for the level storage, I've never tinkered with that, but it looks as though the game stores things in 64x64-pixel chunks. Maybe I'll try to dig into that a little more.
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Re: An incomplete Red Wharf map for DKL3

Postby Raccoon Sam » June 18th, 2008, 12:03 pm

Blaziken257 wrote:As for the level storage, I've never tinkered with that, but it looks as though the game stores things in 64x64-pixel chunks. Maybe I'll try to dig into that a little more.

Naw, looks like 32x32 to me.
Either way, great map!
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Re: An incomplete Red Wharf map for DKL3

Postby TheUltimateKoopa » July 7th, 2008, 10:56 am

Me thinks you should send that to of the Video Game Atlas
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Re: An incomplete Red Wharf map for DKL3

Postby Blaziken257 » July 7th, 2008, 11:35 am

I'll submit it when I add the bonus stages in my map. That will take me at least an hour, no doubt.

By the way, thanks for reminding me about that site (I forgot about it until now) -- there are some other maps that I ripped from two other games that I like that I've been meaning to submit.
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Re: An incomplete Red Wharf map for DKL3

Postby Blaziken257 » January 19th, 2009, 6:53 pm

I got the layout of the Seabed Shanty map done. I haven't gotten any of the sprites in, though. I'll do that later.


To view it, click on it once to load the page with the image, then click on the image on the new page a second time to see it full scale. It's HUGE! Well, at least it is when you're ripping it...

I'm going to do the same thing as this site and make the sprites a different layer. I've already done that before with other maps I've done (for some other game), so it shouldn't be a problem. And I'll label the bonus barrels as well...
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Re: An incomplete Red Wharf map for DKL3

Postby Raccoon Sam » January 19th, 2009, 10:00 pm

That is huge. What's with the unreachable area on the top right? Bonus level?
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Re: An incomplete Red Wharf map for DKL3

Postby Blaziken257 » January 20th, 2009, 4:34 am

LOL, it's not really unreachable, it just looks that way because I haven't added in the sprites yet. You can get there with an invisible blast barrel in the top-right corner in the regular area. This "unreachable" area has lots of bananas, Bear Coins, and I think an invisible balloon.

And if I remember correctly, Deep Reef Grief was much larger...

EDIT: Here is what I have so far with the sprites:

Like the DKC1/2/3 maps on this site, you can choose to either turn the sprites on or off (they're on by default). I haven't finished mapping it all out, though. I got as far as those invisible blast barrels on the top-right.

Oh and be warned -- it's HUGE!
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Re: An incomplete Red Wharf map for DKL3

Postby TheUltimateKoopa » February 2nd, 2009, 11:12 am

Heh... this level looks like one of those courses form the original Micro Machines game XD
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Re: An incomplete Red Wharf map for DKL3

Postby scigamerfan07 » July 27th, 2009, 3:47 pm

Nice Job Blaziken! I don't know if you have these, but in this website you can get some complete maps for DKL 2: ... yKongLand2

I really wish that one day we all get to see and play all the DKL stages in DKC graphics and music; also the Necky Nutmare exclusive stage for the GBC version of DKC.
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Re: An incomplete Red Wharf map for DKL3

Postby TheUltimateKoopa » May 1st, 2010, 1:37 am

I demand to see Reef Rampage, Nautilus Chase, or Sky High Caper from DKL... and maybe Deep Reef Grief and Coral Quarrel from DKL3. I think there's only 3 in that game. Heck, isn't there like only 3 of nearly every type of stage in DKL3? 3 Jungle stages, 3 Factory stages, or maybe 4?
The most number of any type of stage in the DKL and DKC series, is tied between the Cliff stages in the GBA version of DKC3:
Krevice Kreepers
Kong-Fused Cliffs
Ropey Rumpus
Cliffside Blast
Criss Kross Cliffs
Rocket Rush
Yes, 6 cliff stages.

The 2nd highest number of different stages of the same type are the tree stages and tube stages in the same game (GBA version only) of which there are 5 of each:
Barrel Shield Bust-Up
Springin' Spiders
Ripsaw Rage
Sunken Spruce
Swoopy Salvo

Demolition Drain-Pipe
Low-G Labyrinth
Dingy Drainpipe
Surf's Up
Poisonous Pipeline

But enough of that... Nautilus Chase map FTW! I've actually wondered about this stage... when you play the stage it seems quite mazy, or labyrinthine (if that's the correct word)... what I was wondering is, is it actually like a maze where you can go through a huge chunk of the stage, and then some how end up nearer the beginning, or is it relatively straightforward, as in, like a straigh pathway, but with paths splitting up and maybe re-joining at a later point, or is it actually like the great maze of DK Isle?
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