Tiptup Jr. wrote:Who the hell am I kidding, I can't stay away from here.
Simion was on the right track to a really great point there... I mean, I'm old-fashioned. Modern gamers argue that making you wait for a reward or playing several repetitive levels to get to a really good one is fundamentally bad game design. I disagree. Part of the charm of the DKCs, and ALL of Rare's old games, was that they were classically difficult. They didn't baby you along. They put you somewhere and said "alright, beat the game." You had to work before you could save. You had to work before you could get to another world. That's just the way it was. You don't have to always play a game for fun, I guess is what I'm saying. They're works of art and sometimes the makers of a game (or the artists) might want to make you appreciate their art more. If that makes sense to anyone.
I guess that's why I'm pissed about the helper Kongs being gone: gaming is just so different now. Everyone's all "oh I hate Candy because she served no gameplay purpose" or "well Funky was getting useless anyway", but no. They're only useless once you make them useless. If Retro really wanted to, they could easily fit all five helper Kongs in perfectly. Gamers today just don't feel like working anymore, all they wanna do is shoot this or jump on that. Haha, listen to me, I sound like Cranky! I think the era has finally come where WE, the DKC fans and 90's gamers, are the old, out-dated group. We're the old people of gaming. The arrogant kids of gaming, mainly fps-players, World of Warcraft buffs and the baby boomer Wii Fit players, are the group being catered to and leaving us in the dust. Notice how most recent retro revivals (Sonic 4, NSMBW, and now this game) are making fans of their series pissed off. That's because they're not being made for the fans, they're being made to attract new players.
Plus at least New Super Mario Bros. Wii respected Mario's legacy of enemies and characters, and at least had halfway-decent gameplay. DKCR has phenomenal gameplay while leaving the mythos in the dust, and does not "touch all the bases" as you guys have been saying. Touching all the bases would be at least having two (preferably three) helper Kongs and more than one animal buddy... To sum this post up, there's more to a good game than good gameplay.
Tiptup Jr. wrote:Hey guess what DK4Ever! I'VE PROBABLY SEEN ABOUT A HUNDRED SCREENSHOTS AND VIDEOS, PLUS WE HAVE EXPLICIT CONFIRMATION THAT CRANKY IS THE ONLY HELPER KONG AND THE KREMLINGS AND WATER LEVELS ARE OUT. No we haven't played the game, but we are completely justified in bitching about it. Like... are you kidding me? We know tons more than we did at E3. Give me a break. Regardless, I've been trying to be optimistic about it lately, so I'd rather not be pushed over the edge until late November.
(And no Jomingo, the modern gamer thing was not directed at you... Carry on.)
HavocReaper48 wrote:http://www.dkvine.com/newnews/images/DKCR_NP_6.jpg No, that's the official artwork. Seen in Nintendo Power.
HavocReaper48 wrote:DKCR is not the first time Diddy would be riding on DK's back...
Tiptup Jr. wrote:It's gonna be fricking epic, dude. I am pretty excited, despite all the stuff I've said previously... I'm completely alright with the Tiki Tak Tribe (tee hee) and while the lack of a few more Kongs is a bummer, I'd be a fool if I wasn't drooling out the mouth for this. I'm actually gonna try to stay away from looking at anymore videos or screenshots though- I want some of it to be a surprise! I don't want this game to be another Barrel Blast situation, where I practically knew everything about the game before it came out and then when I got it, playing it seemed pretty pointless. Still fun, but not much surprise.
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